datestampFriday, February 26, 2010

Waiting. Patiently.

As my life’s path has crossed with other women, I have noticed a common theme among so many of us.

We are often women in waiting.

Some of us are waiting for promised children or the return of a prodigal.
Some of us are waiting for healing, whether physical or spiritual.
Others are waiting for forgiveness, either to receive it or grant it.
There are women waiting for a spouse to come to church with them (while others of us wait for a spouse to show up at all).

It doesn’t seem to matter the age or the stage of life. While our circumstances are all so very different, our life journey is so often the same. That is not to say the experiences are the same, but in the actual process of learning and growing…and waiting, we are very much in this together.

In the scriptures, waiting is often right next to patience:
“I waited patiently for the Lord…” (Psalms 40:1)
“the patient waiting…” (2 Thes. 3:5)
“waiting patiently” (D&C 98:2)

The need for these two words to act together is likely very obvious. It doesn’t matter if you’re waiting for a delayed flight or a delayed blessing; the quality of patience helps you find meaning and fulfillment in the midst of the waiting. Ironically however, it is the waiting that often most tests our patience, particularly when we are waiting for something that is important to our hearts or eternally significant to our progress.

I have come to know for myself that God has had, does have and will always have a plan for me. He is a God of God of promises.

And while some of that plan and many of those promises have not come in the ways I would have expected or initially hoped for, I have learned to trust the path and the timing of God’s promised plan for me. And in the waiting on that plan, some of life’s sweetest lessons have become mine.

And for the next little while, I think I want to share a few.

(But I need some sleep you'll have to wait a bit...couldn't resist.)


DeAnn said...

I loved these thoughts. I really do. The waiting is hard sometimes but I think my own "waiting" has made me more compassionate to my other sisters who are waiting in a different way. Maybe its in all of our "waiting" that makes us one.

Thank you for sharing. No wonder I like you so much.

Erica said...

i. like. you.
maybe i can learn some patience from you.

Anonymous said...

Another masterpiece Laurel. I love the theme - "women in waiting" I love you!

Aunt Linda

Erin said...

Can't wait for more...oh wait, I guess I have to. It is my lot in life.

Jaime said...

I needed to hear that today. Waiting patiently isn't easy for me.