Showing posts with label wagon-berds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wagon-berds. Show all posts

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Dilly feed wagon-berds an Robin be fwend

Dilly been feedin wagon-berds in garden.
Dilly think fayvrit be Robin.
Dilly feed ickol bits suet.
Put ickol bits suet in garden-
wen go bak to taybol get mor,
Robin be pinchin!!!!

Robin be so cheeky!!!!

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Valentine's Day for wagons!!!

Dilly be bit sad laytely.
Chuck start pak,
go home nex week.
Mayke Dilly sad.
Dilly goin miss Chuck.

Yestday, hav happy day!
Be Valentine's Day!

Chuck say,
"Hav pwesent fow Dilly!"

Be pink choklit harts!!!!Wayte!
Dilly pwesent for Chuck, too!
Be GWEEN choklit harts!!!!
Gwayte wagons think alike!!!!!
Gwayte fwends!!!!
Mummy come bak from shop.
Say, look Dilly!
Look, Chuck!
Look wat be in payper!!!
Chuck play!
Say, "Hewoooo, wittow wagon!"
Dilly find proof-
berds be laytid wagons!!!
Chuck try be feerce,
say "Gwwwrrrrooowww!"
Then Mummy say,
look wat else hav for wagon fwends!
Hav ickol Valentine's cayke!
Be speshol for Dilly an Chuck!!!
Chuck dive in!
Chuck like choklit cayke!!!!
Dilly like!

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Look wat Dilly find!

Dilly be looking out window at tree.
Dilly say WOW!
Look wat be!
Look wat be!
Can see?
Go closer.....
now see???
Be Collared Dove on nest!
Dilly hav nest in tree!
Dilly hav nest in tree!

Ahhhhh...... be inkerbaytin!
Goin hav bayby wagon-berds!

Dilly been watchin tday,
tday be cold-
not MENT be cold!
MENT be summer!
Be rain, lot lot lot rain, hard fall down in wun go rain!
Be lots wind- gales, blow over things.
Mayke tree shayke an bend!

Dilly worry bowt nest!

Hold on, Mummy berd!
Hold on!
Be better weather soon!
Hold on!

Dilly want go up tree with umbrella but Mummy not let.

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Dilly in garden

Dilly hav luvly woze in garden!
Dilly find wild flower.
Be calld,
Scarlet Pimpernel.
Be tiny!
Dilly put wun on nose!!!
Dilly think be like
scarlet pimpel!
Dilly see uther pwitty flower.
Mummy say be calld, SNAP-WAGON!
Dilly say,
WY be calld Snap-wagon?

Mummy show-
flower be closed,
look bit like face,
but wen skweeze at base,
open like mowth!

Dilly see luvly wagon-berd!
Be Blackberd.
Be boy.
If Blackberd be black, be boy.
If Blackberd be brown, be gerl.

Blackberd say, "HEWO, DILLY!"
Dilly like!

Hav garden?
Wat be in?

Friday, 18 April 2008

Dilly see lots wagon-berds!!!

Dilly say bowt wagonny things uther day,
see at "Reptile and Raptor Centre".
Lots wagon-berds be at sayme playse!
Today Dilly show pikchers wagon-berds.

Dilly see lots wols.
Sum wols be sleepy:Sum wols look like hav big ears:Sum wols be very ickol,
look frytend.
Next wol be calld "Ickol Wol".
Dilly think ickol wol say
"Be ownly ickol! Go way pleez! Not eet ickol wol! Not eet!":Sum wols look stripey:Sum wols hav wol meetings:Sum wols look fat:Sum wols look like pengwins:Sum wols hav own shed:Sum wols be snowy:Sum wols like sunbaythe:OK. Nuff wols.
Dilly ALSO see.....

big wagonny vultcher!!
Dilly see.....
wat be?
Big baldy eegol!(Baldy eegol be calld Liberty. Ownly sit on log littol wile. Layter go in display, fly bowt. Then go bak to proper eegol howse. Not be hert or upset. Hav lots room an string be long so can bownce an run. Not worry!)

Dilly see ickol kestrals.
Dilly think kestrals be luvly.
Kestrals be heer as be reskewd.
Wer hert.
Peepol mayke better.
Bayby kestral be cewt an fluffy:Mummy think dis berd look like nun Mummy yewst kno:Be very frendly!!Dilly think big berd hav luvly bonnet:Dilly see kookaburra!Mummy like kookaburra.
Not see wun befor!
Mummy say "Dident kno kookaburras be so big".MWEAH!
That be berds at wagonny playse.
Dilly show uther things from holiday next time.

Dilly like!
Wat be fayvrite berd?
Like ickol wol?
Daddy tayke fotoes, like ickol wol best.
Mummy like kestrals best.
Dilly like all best.
Wat be fayvrit??

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Dilly see big wagonberd

Dilly see big wagonberd in garden.
Wen Dilly ferst see, Dilly larf-
wagonberd showin bottom!
Then Mummy splain, wagonberd be eetin!
Be calld Mrs Sparowhawk.
Mrs Sparrowhawk hold food in foots,
eet wiv beek.
Wagonberd be very HUNTY!
Bob go indors,
Bob try not be small an brown.
Dilly worry now!
Wat be wagonberd dinner?
Be mowse?
Be robin?
Dilly not see robin since wagonberd com vizit!

Dilly think Mrs Sparrowhawk be very bewtifol.......but Dilly want see ickol robin agen!

Dilly go chek in mornin.....
see if robin com for brekfust.
Mummy always giv robin brekfust.
Keep fingers crosst for ickol robin!
