Showing posts with label fish pie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fish pie. Show all posts

Monday, 17 March 2008

Dilly help mayke yum fish pie!

Dilly help Mummy wiv fish pie.
Mummy mayke wiv cod, wiv prorns, wiv anchovees, wiv leeks, wiv caypers, wiv creeeem.... an paystry.
Dilly help brush cow-juce on top paystry.
Dilly cut owt paystry fish, put on top.
Be reddy for uven now!
All cookt!
Yum! Dilly bit hav prorn eskaypin.
Dilly like prorns.
Prorns be pink.
Dilly help cleer up.
Dilly sayve spare ror paystry for berds,
giv berds brekferst in mornin.
Dilly exslent cook,
exslent helper
exslent berd carfterer!

Dilly like!