Showing posts with label colchester carsol park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label colchester carsol park. Show all posts

Monday, 23 February 2009

Dilly an Chuck be bak now from ventchers.

Sorry if peepol be worry.
Haff go shoppin!
Haff go lookin at carsols!!!
Not be mutch time left.

Dilly keep say Mummy an Daddy,
"Tayke Dilly an Chuck shoppin! Tayke Dilly an Chuck carsol!"
Mummy an Daddy say,
"Kay, Dilly. Will go wun day."

Chuck run owt wun daysss!!!
Need go NOW!

Dilly an Chuck go lone.

Not boverd.
Be fun go lone.

Dilly an Chuck find lots soovneers.
Chuck goin tayke home,
show Mawmaw.

Heer be ware go!!!! :
Find old fashund sweet shop!!!

Go splore Colchester.
Go walk throo Lion's Walk:

See wagons in shop windo:
See old old carvins!
See old carvin ov wagon?
Be Tchewdor wagon!
Be Colchester Town Hall!Mweah!
See statchew on top?
Be calld, Saynt Helena.
Helena be Mummy's nayme!!

Nex go park.
Snowdrops be!
Spring comin!

Chuck want feed skwirrols peanuts!Skwirrol get!!!
Myum myum myum.... skwirrol be hungry!
Next, go see Colchester Carsol!!!!Carsol hav drorbridge!
Dilly an Chuck go inside!!!!
Heer be carsol wew.
Notiss say, be vewy deep.
If thro down coyne, tayke 2 minits hit bottom.
Chuck want thro coyne down an see!!!
Dilly say norrrr, sayve munny for shoppin!
(Mweah. Boys not be good at shoppin.)
Under carsol be Roman Valts.Roman Valts be yewsd in war for shelter,
be sayfe for wen norty Germans drop boms.
Notiss still say "Shelter" an hav arro.
Dilly think, if hav steps go down,
wy need arro?
Steps not go up AN down,
ownly go down!
Be bluddy oviuss whare go!
Go down steps!
Peepol not be tellygent in war.

See Roman pikcher.
Pikcher be calld MOE-ZAY-IK.
Man in carsol say, be Roman flor.
Man be mad!
Flor not be on wall,
flor be on flor!!!
Dilly an Chuck ware Roman Helmit!!!!See Mummy!!!Chuck be fewsd.
Wen notiss say Mummy,
Chuck think
but wen see, say,
"Not look like me Mawmaw-????"
Dilly find strukshuns.
Go bak owtside.
Be sunny!
Chuck stop to sniff mor snowdrops.
Go play.
Find old old arch.
Go clymin!
Dilly an Chuck tend be Gargoyles!!!
Wayte for children walk under,
then go grrrrr!
Chuck spit on heds!
Dilly say, "Norrr, Chuck! NOT spit on heds!"
Chuck say, "Be wat gargoyles do!"
Wen go home,
leev throo mayne gayte.
Heer be:
Big statchew be War Morryall.
Dilly like laydy on top.
Think laydy be pwinsessy an wagonny.
Wen get home,
show evwun wat buy!
Then hav lots cayke.
Hav speshol cayke, for Chuck.
Morro, Dilly tell bowt shoppin,
Dilly tell bowt cayke.

Chuck goin home morro.
Dilly goin be sad.
Be big, big, sad.
Dilly like Chuck.
Chuck be good ventcher frend!


Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Pressies an Skwirrols!

Dilly frend Hazel com vizit Sunday!
Bring Cwissmoss pressies!
Be Crissmoss gen!
Wat Dilly got?
Hav pikcher PWINSESS on laybol!
Dilly open...
Be pink!

Be pink an pwinsessy!
thank, Hazel!
Fit Dilly new bed!

Dilly not go stayt bed!
Ownly model new fluffy blanket 2 minits!
Then go park,
feed skwirrols!

Hazel say,
"Com on, Mr Skwirrol! Com get nut!"
Mr Skwirrol hide hynd tree!
See in foto?
Mr Skwirrol say "Hewo!"-
Mr Skwirrol com get nut!

Run way, bery nut!
Dilly see other Skwirrols up tree.
Dilly see 2!
See in foto?This whare be!
Dilly like skwirrols.
Skwirrols be cewt!
Then all go home.
Wen leev park,
Mummy spot flower!
Mummy say,
"Ahhh! Be ferst blossom!"
Dilly tayke foto for Mummy-
Dilly like!