We are Orthodox Christian Greeks.
Because we are Orthodox Christians, we love our country, our people and all the peoples of the earth; this of course includes our African brothers and sisters.
Ο όρος
«άγνωστοι άγιοι» είναι κάπως καταχρηστικός, γιατί η συντριπτική πλειοψηφία των
αγίων, που περιλαμβάνονται στο Αγιολόγιο της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας, είναι άγνωστη
στο ευρύ κοινό. Επίσης, πράγμα φυσικό, πολλοί άγιοι τιμώνται μόνο στον τόπο
καταγωγής ή δράσης και τελευτής τους.
Τα τελευταία
χρόνια ανατέλλουν κάποιες εργασίες, που ερευνούν τους ορθοδόξους αγίους σε
παγκόσμια κλίμακα, περιλαμβάνοντας ορθά και αγίους των δυτικοευρωπαϊκών χωρών,
που έζησαν προ του Σχίσματος, οι οποίοι μέχρι πρότινος εθεωρούντο
ρωμαιοκαθολικοί και όχι ορθόδοξοι άγιοι.
Έτσι, πλέον, εκτός από την
παγκοσμιοποίηση που επέβαλαν οι διεθνείς οικονομικοί κολοσσοί (εξυπηρετώντας τα
συμφέροντά τους και εξανδραποδίζοντας τους λαούς – αν υπήρξαν ελεύθεροι λαοί
από την εποχή της πρώτης δυτικοευρωπαϊκής αποικιοκρατίας, εκτός από ιθαγενείς
ανεξερεύνητων περιοχών), αναδεικνύεται και η παγκοσμιότητα της Ορθοδοξίας, η
ελπίδα των καταπιεσμένων για πνευματική, τουλάχιστον, απελευθέρωση.
Από τις
εργασίες αυτές, θα αναφέρω δύο:
Νέο Συναξαριστή της Ορθοδόξου Εκκλησίας
του ιερομονάχου Μακαρίου Σιμωνοπετρίτη, ένα μνημειώδες έργο 12 τόμων από τις
εκδόσεις Ίνδικτος, όπου «για πρώτη φορά σε μια ορθόδοξη αγιολογική συλλογή,
κατεβλήθη προσπάθεια συστηματικότερης καταχώρησης και των πιο γνωστών αγίων της
Δύσεως, που έζησαν πρό του σχίσματος» (βλ. και βίντεο εδώ).
·Το Πανάγιον Ορθοδόξων Αγίων του καθηγητή
της Ιατρικής Αθηνών κ. Γεωργίου Πιπεράκι, που εκδόθηκε από την ιερά μονή
Μεταμορφώσεως του Σωτήρος στο Μήλεσι (του αγίου Πορφυρίου του Καυσοκαλυβίτου).
Το ογκώδες αυτό βιβλίο περιλαμβάνει τους γνωστούς ορθόδοξους αγίους όλων των
λαών, με στοιχειώδεις βιογραφικές πληροφορίες, καθώς και βιβλιογραφία που
μπορεί να καθοδηγήσει περαιτέρω τον ερευνητή.
Οι ορθόδοξοι Αφρικανοί Αμερικανοί
και οι άγιοι της Αφρικής
Με τους Αφρικανούς
αγίους ασχολήθηκα κάπως συστηματικά με αφορμή το άρθρο «AfricanSaints & Feast Days – OBSERVINGTHEFEASTDAYSOFTHEAFRICANSAINTS» του ορθόδοξου ΑφροαμερικανούJohnR.
Gresham, το οποίο δημοσιεύθηκε στην ιστοσελίδα
«Desert Fathers Dispatch» (& εδώ).
ΗΠΑ σημειώνεται ρεύμα Αφρικανών Αμερικανών προς την Ορθοδοξία, με αφετηρία τις
προσπάθειες του π. Μωυσή Μπέρυ (fr. MosesBerry),
πρώην συμμορίτη, που ανακάλυψε τις αρχαίες αφρικανικές χριστιανικές ρίζες στο
πρόσωπο του αγίου Μωυσή του Αιθίοπα, μεταστράφηκε στην Ορθοδοξία και άλλαξε η
ζωή του και η ζωή πολλών ανθρώπων γύρω του. Ο αξιέπαινος αυτός άνθρωπος,
έγγαμος ιερέας και ιεραπόστολος πλέον, ίδρυσε την «Αδελφότητα του Αγίου Μωυσή
του Αιθίοπα» (Brotherhood of St. Moses the Black) και αγωνίζεται να συνδέσει
τους σημερινούς Αφρικανούς Αμερικανούς με την ορθόδοξη καταγωγή των προγόνων
τους, υπογραμμίζοντας τη σημασία των Αλεξανδρινών Πατέρων της Εκκλησίας,
τονίζοντας τη σοφία των αγίων της Αιγυπτιακής ερήμου, προβάλλοντας τους
αρχαίους μάρτυρες της Τυνησίας (Καρχηδόνα), και γενικά αξιοποιώντας τα υγιή
στοιχεία του αυθεντικού αφρικανικού χριστιανισμού. Υπάγεται στην OrthodoxChurchofAmerica (OCA), αυτόνομη κανονική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία της Αμερικής,
ως γνωστόν, ρωσικής προελεύσεως.
Από συνέδριο της Αδελφότητας του Αγίου Μωυσή του Αιθίοπα (εδώ)
από τους αρκετούς καρπούς, που έδωσε ο Χριστός στη σπορά του π. Μωυσή, είναι ο
πρώην Μεθοδιστής Τζον Γκρίσαμ, που αρθρογραφεί στην εν λόγω ιστοσελίδα, και όχι
μόνο, απευθυνόμενους στις «Μαύρες Εκκλησίες» και τους «Μαύρους εθνικιστές» των
ΗΠΑ και επισημαίνοντας με σύνεση, κατά τη γνώμη μου, τα στοιχεία της ορθόδοξης
πνευματικής παράδοσης που τους αφορούν.
Στο συγκεκριμένο άρθρο προτείνει στους ομοφύλους του
να προσέξουν τις εορτές των αρχαίων Αφρικανών αγίων, που τιμά η Ορθόδοξη
Εκκλησία αλλά αγνοούν οι προτεσταντικές «Μαύρες Εκκλησίες», και, έστω κι αν δεν
βρουν το θάρρος να μεταστραφούν στην Ορθοδοξία (που είναι ο φυσικός πνευματικός
χώρος τους, όπως εξηγεί), πάντως να τις τιμούν, δρέποντας τα οφέλη που θα
προκύψουν από μια τέτοια αναγωγή στις χριστιανικές ρίζες τους.
τέλος του άρθρου παραθέτει σύντομο κατάλογο
Αφρικανών αγίων, με τις ημέρες μνήμης τους, τον οποίο συνέταξαν δύο
ορθόδοξοι χριστιανοί, ο (λευκός) π. Jerome Sanderson και η
Αφροαμερικανίδα ψυχοθεραπεύτρια Dr. Carla Thomas. Στον κατάλογο αυτό
βλέπουμε αγίους όπως ο
Μέγας Αντώνιος, ο Μέγας Αθανάσιος, ο Μέγας Παχώμιος, ο άγιος Μακάριος ο
Αιγύπτιος, ο άγιος Κυπριανός της Καρθαγένης (Καρχηδόνας), ο άγιος Μηνάς,
η αγία
Αικατερίνα, η αγία Μαρία η Αιγυπτία, η αγία Περπέτουα, ο άγιος
Ονούφριος, η
αγία Θεοδώρα της Αλεξανδρείας, ο άγιος Μωυσής ο Αιθίοπας, οι άγιοι
Παμβώ, Σισώης
και Παΐσιος ο Μέγας (της Αιγύπτου) κ.ά.
Αφρικανούς αγίους, μέχρι και μυρίους σε μία ημέρα!
Εικ. από εδώ (προέλευση: Αδελφότητα Αγίου Μωυσή του Αιθίοπα)
Κάνοντας μια μικρή έρευνα, λόγω της συγκίνησης που
μου προκάλεσε το άρθρο, προέκυψαν πολλοί ακόμη Αφρικανοί άγιοι, κάποιοι γνωστοί
(στους ενδιαφερόμενους), όπως ο άγιος Κύριλλος Αλεξανδρείας, η αγία Συγκλητική,
ο άγιος Παύλος ο Θηβαίος, ο άγιος Ποιμήν ο Μέγας, ο άγιος Ισίδωρος ο
Πηλουσιώτης κ.ά., αλλά και πλήθος άγνωστων, όπως ο άγιος ιερομάρτυς Θεόδωρος,
επίσκοπος Κηρυναϊκής της Λιβύης, με τους συν αυτώ μαρτυρήσαντες (4 Ιουλίου), η
αγία Ιουλία της Καρχηδόνας (16 Ιουλίου), ο άγιος Λούκιος ο Ομολογητής εκ Λιβύης
(20 Αυγούστου), ο άγιος μάρτυς Σόλεβ ή Σόβελ εξ Αιγύπτου, θανατωθείς με βέλη (5
Αυγούστου), οι άγιοι βασιλείς της Αιθιοπίας Φουλβιανός-Ματθαίος (μεταστραφείς
από τον άγιο ευαγγελιστή Ματθαίο, με τον οποίο συνεορτάζεται στις 16 Νοεμβρίου)
και Ελεσβαάν (24 Οκτωβρίου) κ.π.ά.
Ανάμεσά τους υπάρχουν και ομάδες μαρτύρων, όπως οι
άγιοι Τεσσαράκοντα Αφρικανοί Μάρτυρες Τερέντιος, Αφρικανός, Θεόδωρος,
Μάξιμος, Πομπήιος και οι συν αυτοίς (10
Απριλίου), οι άγιοι Σκιλλίτες Μάρτυρες (από το χωριό Σκίλλουμ της Νουμιδίας), Πρωτομάρτυρες
της Αφρικής (17 Ιουλίου), οι άγιοι 300 μάρτυρες της «MassaCandida», που τους έκαψαν ζωντανούς ρίχνοντάς τους σε ασβέστη
(18 Αυγούστου), οι αγίες παρθενομάρτυρες Μαξίμα, Δομιτίλλα και Σεκούνδα του Τουτουρμπό
της Τυνησίας (30 Ιουλίου) και πολλοί άλλοι.
Σπουδαία πηγή για τους αγίους ιδίως της
Βορειοδυτικής Αφρικής συνιστά το Αγιολόγιο της Καρθαγένης (CalendarofCarthage), ένας αγιολογικός κατάλογος του 6ου αι. μ.Χ., που
δημοσιεύεται και στο Διαδίκτυο.
Αυτό που με εξέπληξε περισσότερο απ’ όλα, με
συγκλόνισε μπορώ να πω, είναι ότι χθες, Κυριακή 7 Αυγούστου (2016), πηγαίνοντας στην
εκκλησία, διαπίστωσα ότι, μεταξύ άλλων αγίων, ετιμάτο η μνήμη των αγίων «Μυρίων Θηβαίων ασκητών», της Αιγυπτιακής Θηβαΐδας, και, συν τοις άλλοις, οι άγιοι Ωρ
και Υπερέχιος (Αιγύπτιοι ασκητές) και η αγία παρθενομάρτυς Ποταμία η
Θαυματουργή της Αλεξανδρείας.
Με δυο λόγια, η 7η Αυγούστου είναι η ημέρα μνήμης
10.000 Αφρικανών αγίων!
Το «μύριοι» ίσως δεν σημαίνει ακριβώς 10.000, ούτε
και νομίζω ότι κάποιος τους απαρίθμησε έναν προς έναν, αλλά τίθεται ως
συγκεντρωτικός αριθμός. Ασφαλώς θα ήταν αρκετές χιλιάδες, ίσως περισσότερες από
δέκα, ίσως λιγότερες, πάντως εορτάζονται όλοι οι αγιασμένοι ασκητές της
Αυτό που δεν κατόρθωσα να διαπιστώσω είναι αν σε
αυτούς περιλαμβάνονται και οι γνωστοί όσιοι αββάδες της Αιγύπτου, τα ονόματα
των οποίων διαβάζουμε στο Γεροντικό,
ή αν η εορτή της 7ης Αυγούστου αφορά μόνο στους μη καταγεγραμμένους ονομαστικά
εκείθεν αγίους ασκητές. Κάπου διάβασα την άποψη ότι πρόκειται για τους μοναχούς
που ανέδειξε με την πνευματική εργασία του ο αββάς Ωρ, που τιμάται την ίδια
Υπάρχει και η ημέρα μνήμης των «Μυρίων ασκητών της
Νιτρίας» (10 Ιουλίου), τους οποίους, κατά το συναξάρι, κατέκαυσε στα κελιά τους
ο πατριάρχης Αλεξανδρείας Θεόφιλος λόγω του μίσους του κατά του αγίου Ισιδώρου
του Πηλουσιώτη, όμως πρέπει να πούμε ότι αυτό το γεγονός (που είναι
συνταρακτικό, αν είναι αληθινό) δεν πιστοποιείται από τις ιστορικές πηγές, γι’
αυτό έχω τη γνώμη ότι πιθανόν να μην υπάρχουν αυτοί οι άγιοι. Το θέμα
χρειάζεται διερεύνηση και θα χαρώ να μάθω περισσότερα. (Όρα την έρευνα: «Ο
Θεόφιλος Αλεξανδρείας σκότωσε 10.000 μοναχούς στην έρημο της Νιτρίας; – Ιστορική έρευνα στις πηγές», εδώ).
προς τους ορθοδόξους ιεραποστόλους και τις Ορθόδοξες Εκκλησίας της Αφρικής
Και τώρα η ταπεινή μας πρόταση προς τις Αγίες
Ορθόδοξες Εκκλησίες των αφρικανικών χωρών, τις Εκκλησίες του σεπτού μας
Πατριαρχείου Αλεξανδρείας, κάποιες από τις οποίες είναι αρχαίες (της Βόρειας
Αφρικής), αλλά οι περισσότερες είναι νεοπαγείς ιεραποστολικές Εκκλησίες,
αγωνιζόμενες κατά της φτώχειας, του πολέμου, των επιδημιών και της εξαθλίωσης, υπέρ
των αφρικανικών λαών:
Προτείνουμε στους αγίους ορθοδόξους ιεραποστόλους
της Αφρικής, που ιδρύουν ναούς στην αφρικανική ήπειρο, και στους φίλους της
Ιεραποστολής, που χρηματοδοτούν το θεάρεστο αυτό έργο, να δώσουν έμφαση στην
ίδρυση ναών αφιερωμένων στη μνήμη των αρχαίων Αφρικανών αγίων, γνωστών και
αγνώστων, πράγμα που ασφαλώς θα τονώσει τη χριστιανική αυτοσυνειδησία των
Αφρικανών αδελφών μας και θα συμβάλει στο έργο του ορθόδοξου ευαγγελισμού των
χωρών τους, δηλαδή στο έργο της σωτηρίας τους.
Κατά κανόνα διαβάζουμε για ανέγερση ορθοδόξων ναών
στην Αφρική, αφιερωμένων στους γνωστούς (όχι Αφρικανούς) αγίους, η τιμή των
οποίων επαναλαμβάνεται διαρκώς με νέους ναούς. Όμως, χωρίς διάθεση υποτίμησής
τους, δεν αξίζουν μερικές εκκλησίες επί αφρικανικού εδάφους και οι άγιοι της
Αφρικής, οι περισσότεροι από τους οποίους δεν έχουν ούτε ένα ναΰδριο αφιερωμένο
στο όνομά τους επί της Γης; Και γενικά δεν είναι ορθό και ψυχωφελές κάθε τόπος
να ξεκινά τον πνευματικό του αγώνα τιμώντας τους αγίους του;
Κάποτε διάβασα στην ηλεκτρονική σελίδα του επισκόπου
Νύερι και Ανατολικής Κένυας Νεόφυτου ότι επισκέφτηκε το ναό των αγίων 40 Αφρικανών Μαρτύρων. Ασφαλώς πρόκειται για τους αγίους Τερέντιο, Αφρικανό,
Μάξιμο και τους συν αυτοίς. Δυστυχώς δεν αναφέρονταν περισσότερα στοιχεία (όπως
πού βρίσκεται αυτός ο ναός) και τώρα δεν μπορώ πλέον να βρω ούτε την αρχική
Με την ευκαιρία να σημειώσω ότι θεωρώ πράξη
εξαιρετικής σπουδαιότητας τις πρόσφατες χειροτονίες Αφρικανών επισκόπων από τον
Πατριάρχη Αλεξανδρείας κ. Θεόδωρο, όπως
των επισκόπων Ιννοκέντιου του Μπουρούντι και της Ρουάντας, Νεόφυτου,
επισκόπου Νύερι και Ανατολικής Κένυας, και Αθανασίου, επισκόπου Κισούμου και
Δυτικής Κένυας (στη φωτο και οι δύο, από εδώ). Δόξα τω Θεώ. Ευχόμαστε και σε περισσότερους.
Για να επανέλθουμε, εορτές, όπως των αγίων Μυρίων
Θηβαίων ασκητών στις 7 Αυγούστου, είναι κατάλληλες για καθεδρικούς ναούς επί
της αφρικανικής γης. Μα και κάθε άγιος τιμά τους τιμώντες του και το παράδειγμά
του εμπνέει τους ευαίσθητους ανθρώπους, ιδίως τους συμπατριώτες και ομοφύλους
Κατά τη γνώμη μου, με την ευχή του Θεού, σύντομα θα
απολαύσουμε και σύγχρονους Αφρικανούς αγίους, προερχόμενους από τις Εκκλησίες
της Ιεραποστολής. Ο Θεός να δώσει.
Εικ.: ο άγιος Μωυσής ο Αιθίοπας, από συνέδριο με τη συμμετοχή Ορθοδόξων Αφρικανών-Αμερικανών κατά του ρατσισμού (εδώ)
The 5th Sunday of the Great Lent is the Sunday of the commemoration of St. #Mary of #Egypt.
Kontakion of Sun. of St. Mary of Egypt (Third Tone)
Who once was filled with every carnal sin has become today, through repentance, the bride of Christ. She desired the company of angels. She trampled upon demons with the Cross as her weapon. This is why, O Glorious Mary, you became a Bride of the Kingdom.
A blessed Sunday to you’ll and through the intercession of Saint Mary of Egypt, may be strengthened to clearly observe the remaining days of the Great Lent. Amen
Pictures from the procession with the icon of St. Mary of Egypt from St Antonios Church to the Holy Monastery of Mary of Egypt. This was immediately after the Divine Liturgy commemorating the feast and it involved all the Nuns and their Abbesses from the there Convents including Abbess Thavoria and the Nuns of St. Catherine Monastry in Kiyindi and Abbess Gabriera from All Saints Monastry in Bwetyaba and Abbess Maria (the host) from the feasting Monastery. All Glory belongs to God.
Avec la bénédiction de son Éminence notre Archevêque et Père CHARITON, la fête de Tous les Saints africains a été célébrée pour la premiere fois au Village de Bena Mande, au Temple dédié aux Saints. Le Samedi 8/10 sous des menaces de pluie les vêpres ont eu lieu et le Dimanche 9/10 la Messe Solennelle accompagnée de la cérémonie de bénédiction des pains comme cela est de coutume.
Nous implorons le Grand Dieu pour que les bienfaiteurs se présentent avec l'aide pour la construction de ce temple afin de permettre aux fidèles de glorifier de façon digne son Grand Nom.
Bonne fête et Bon début de semaine.
Με την ευλογία του Σεβασμιωτάτου Μητροπολίτου και Πατρός ημών ΧΑΡΙΤΩΝΟΣ εορτάστηκε η εορτή ΠΑΝΤΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΑΦΡΙΚΑΝΩΝ ΑΓΙΩΝ στο χωριό ΜΠΕΝΑ ΜΑΝΤΕ όπου είναι να γίνει ανέγερση του Ιερού Ναού προς τιμήν τους. Μέγας εσπερινός το Σάββατο 8/10 με τη βροχή να απειλήσει και θεία λειτουργία τη Κυριακή 9/10 μετ' αρτοκλασίας.
Παρακαλούμε το Παντοδύναμο Θεό διά των πρεσβειών Πάντων των Αφρικανών Αγίων να βρεθούν ευεργέτες και βοήθεια για να κτιστεί ο ιερός Ναός ώστε να δοξάζει έντιμα και αξιοπρεπώς ο Λαός το Όνομά του.
The Holy Martyr Iraida lived at Alexandria. Once, she went to a well
to draw water and saw a ship at the shore. On board were a large number
of men, women, clergy and monks, all fettered in chains for their
confession of the Christian Faith.
Casting aside her water
pitcher, the saint voluntarily joined the prisoners for Christ, and
fetters were placed on her, too. When the ship arrived in the Egyptian
city of Antipolis, Saint Iraida was the first to undergo fierce torments
and was beheaded with the sword. After her, the other martyrs sealed
their confession of faith in Christ with their blood.
Your lamb Irais, / calls out to You, O Jesus, in a loud voice: / “I
love You, my Bridegroom, / and in seeking You, I endure suffering. / In
baptism I was crucified so that I might reign in You, / and I died so
that I might live with You. / Accept me as a pure sacrifice, / for I
have offered myself in love.” / Through her prayers save our souls,
since You are merciful.
The Holy Martyr Christopher lived during the third century and
suffered about the year 250, during the reign of the emperor Decius
(249-251). There are various accounts of his life and miracles, and he
is widely venerated throughout the world. Saint Christopher is
especially venerated in Italy, where people pray to him in times of
contagious diseases.
There are various suggestions about his
descent. Some historians believe that he was descended from the
Canaanites, while others say from the “Cynoscephalai” [literally
“dog-heads”] of Thessaly.
From here: The roots of that iconography lie in a hagiographic narrative set during the reign of the Emperor Diocletian, which tell of a man named Reprebus, Rebrebus or Reprobus (the "reprobate" or "scoundrel") being captured by Roman forces fighting against tribes dwelling to the west of Egypt in Cyrenaica and forced to join the Roman numerus Marmaritarum or "Unit of the Marmaritae", which suggests an otherwise-unidentified "Marmaritae" (perhaps the same as the Marmaricae Berber tribe of Cyrenaica).
Saint Christopher was a man of great
stature and unusual strength. According to tradition, Saint Christopher
was very handsome, but wishing to avoid temptation for himself and
others, he asked the Lord to give him an unattractive face, which was
done. Before Baptism he was named Reprebus [Reprobate] because his
disfigured appearance. Even before Baptism, Reprebus confessed his faith
in Christ and denounced those who persecuted Christians. Consequently, a
certain Bacchus gave him a beating, which he endured with humility.
of his renowned strength, 200 soldiers were assigned to bring him
before the emperor Decius. Reprebus submitted without resistance.
Several miracles occurred along the way; a dry stick blossomed in the
saint’s hand, loaves of bread were multiplied through his prayers, and
the travellers had no lack thereof. This is similar to the
multiplication of loaves in the wilderness by the Savior. The soldiers
surrounding Reprebus were astonished at these miracles. They came to
believe in Christ and they were baptized along with Reprebus by Saint
Babylus of Antioch (September 4).
Christopher once made a vow to
serve the greatest king in the world, so he first offered to serve the
local king. Seeing that the king feared the devil, Christopher thought
he would leave the king to serve Satan. Learning that the devil feared
Christ, Christopher went in search of Him. Saint Babylas of Antioch told
him that he could best serve Christ by doing well the task for which he
was best suited. Therefore, he became a ferryman, carrying people
across a river on his shoulders. One stormy night, Christopher carried a
Child Who insisted on being taken across at that very moment. With
every step Christopher took, the Child seemed to become heavier. Halfway
across the stream, Christopher felt that his strength would give out,
and that he and the Child would be drowned in the river. As they reached
the other side, the Child told him that he had just carried all the
sins of the world on his shoulders. Then He ordered Christopher to plant
his walking stick in the ground. As he did so, the stick grew into a
giant tree. Then he recognized Christ, the King Whom he had vowed to
Saint Christopher was brought before the emperor, who tried
to make him renounce Christ, not by force but by cunning. He summoned
two profligate women, Callinika and Aquilina, and commanded them to
persuade Christopher to deny Christ, and to offer sacrifice to idols.
Instead, the women were converted to Christ by Saint Christopher. When
they returned to the emperor, they declared themselves to be Christians.
Therefore, they were subjected to fierce beatings, and so they received
the crown of martyrdom.
Decius also sentenced to execution the
soldiers who had been sent after Saint Christopher, but who now believed
in Christ. The emperor ordered that the martyr be thrown into a red-hot
metal box. Saint Christopher, however, did not experience any suffering
and he remained unharmed. After many fierce torments they finally
beheaded the martyr with a sword. This occurred in the year 250 in
Lycia. By his miracles the holy Martyr Christopher converted as many as
50,000 pagans to Christ, as Saint Ambrose of Milan testifies. The relics
of Saint Christopher were later transferred to Toledo (Spain), and
still later to the abbey of Saint Denis in France.
In Greece, many
churches place the icon of Saint Christopher at the entrance so that
people can see it as they enter and leave the building. There is a
rhyming couplet in Greek which says, “When you see Christopher, you can
walk in safety.” This reflects the belief that whoever gazes upon the
icon of Saint Christopher will not meet with sudden or accidental death
that day.
The name Christopher means “Christ-bearer.” This can
refer to the saint carrying the Savior across the river, and it may also
refer to Saint Christopher bearing Christ within himself (Galatians
has done an excellent job of adapting the story of the Great and Holy
Martyr Katherine (305-313) into a gorgeously illustrated graphic novel
for ages 10 and up.
What a role model we find in this saint,
especially for girls! This young heroine loves learning. A governor's
daughter, she is intelligent, brave, and beautiful, but also very
confident. She tells her parents that she will enter into marriage only
with someone who has surpassed her in nobility, wealth, beauty, and
With the help of her secretly Christian mother, an elder monk,
and a miraculous dream, Katherine does find this Bridegroom, as she
ultimately chooses a Prince (of Peace) and puts her trust and hope in
Katherine's city is visited by the emperor Maximian. He comes to
Alexandria for a pagan festival and Katherine is horrified that
Christians are being burned alive and sacrificed because of their
refusal to deny Christ. She is compelled to speak with the emperor and
tell him about the True God, asking him to stop the human sacrifices.
is cast into the dungeon and is visited by St. Michael the Archangel.
After the emperor sends 50 of his most renowned philosophers to debate
Katherine, they not only believe in Christ, but bravely face death for
their belief.
Now comes the part of the story that really sounds
like it was made for a graphic novel: The Wheel. Katherine, our brave
heroine, will not deny Christ and voluntarily walks up to her declared
method of cruel torture. Suddenly, St. Michael appears and blows the
dreaded wheel to smithereens!
Witnessing Katherine's bravery and
faith, Maximian's wife also comes to believe, along with the emperor's
military commander and 200 soldiers, who are beheaded.
that's not all...though St. Katherine herself is ultimately is
beheaded, angels miraculously transport her body to Mt. Sinai, where it
was discovered years later. To this day, her relics are still on Mt.
Sinai, at St. Katherine's Monastery.
At the end of the book is a historical note, along with several icons and the Troparion and Kontakion to St. Katherine.
From Ancient Faith Publishing:
Katherine, born into noble wealth with an insatiable hunger for
knowledge, surpasses even her tutors when it comes to learning. But her
learning counts for nothing when she meets the only man worthy of her -
her heavenly Bridegroom. Trading worldly knowledge for eternal wisdom,
Katherine challenges even the emperor himself - and he prepares a cruel
invention to break her. Meet this great bride of Christ in the second
graphic novel in the Among the Saints series - written to inspire both
children and adults.
About the Author: Gabriel Wilson lives near his childhood home in
rural Indiana with his wife Emily and their three daughters. Their home
is over 100 years old - a true fixer-upper - and the subject of many of
his woodworking projects. In his free time, he pursues carpentry and
music and enjoys making homemade tacos with his wife and sketching with
his daughters. Graphic novels are his favorite form of artwork, and
aside from his comics based on the lives of saints, he has other secular
novels in the works. His first graphic novel was The Cross and the
Stag. (read my review, here)
first day of Advent (if you're an Orthodox Christian). St.
Katherine/Catherine is commemorated in the Orthodox Church on November
24 or 25, depending on the tradition. The Broken Wheel
is a nice sized soft cover book, 7 x 10 inches, with 104 pages. It
would make a wonderful gift for any Katherine/Catherine in your life.
A comment from here:
"This book is
an Orthodox graphic novel. Yes, you read that right.... a graphic novel
for Orthodox youth and it is BEAUTIFUL. The artwork leaps off the page
with vibrant colors, expressive characters, and page-turning drama. I
found myself engrossed in Katherine's story, as I watched her come to
know the faith at age thirteen and then valiantly defend that faith at
the age of 16.
This novel covers so many important moments of the life
of St. Katherine in a way that is appealing and enthralling for young
readers. Her martyrdom is beautifully handled in the novel as a moment
of triumphant and peaceful resolve with the Archangel Michael by
Katherine's side. As much as I loved reading this book as an adult, this
book would have been so meaningful for me as an Orthodox teen,
especially a female Orthodox teen. St. Katherine exemplifies all the
qualities we strive to achieve with her unshakeable faith, unyielding
strength, and ever-flowing grace. Her young age and the artistry of the
author, Gabriel Wilson, in bringing her story to life in a relatable
format for Orthodox youth is strikingly effective. This is a "must-have"
for every Orthodox teen! (I'll have to order a second copy to gift
because I love it so much I am keeping my first copy!)".
The Cross and the Stag; the Incredible Adventures of Saint Eustathius
Today I'd like to introduce you to an inspiring new graphic novel for kids - The Cross and the Stag;the Incredible Adventures of Saint Eustathius, by Gabriel Wilson. It is Ancient Faith Publishing's
inaugural book into the graphic novel format, the first in their new
"Among the Saints" series written to inspire both children and adults. I am so excited about this book! Gabriel
Wilson's illustrations are striking, and graphic novels are a great way
to introduce kids to stories of the saints!
For those unfamiliar with graphic
novels, they are like comics, but the format is longer and the
self-contained story has a definite beginning, middle, and end. Wondering if graphic novels are a good fit for your child? Click on the link to explore this article from scholastic: A Guide to Using Graphic Novels with Children and Teens. Now, on to The Cross and the Stag...
This is one incredible adventure story,
about a very godly man and his brave family. Not all saint stories
would work well as graphic novels, but this one was practically begging
to for it! (As are many others - I can't wait to see what more will come
from Ancient Faith Publishing). In art school, author/artist Gabriel
Wilson became very interested in graphic design, animation, and comics
and was inspired to switch out super heroes for saints in his
comic-format stories! Drama, action, love, adventure, death, and hope -
they are all in this heroic tale.
Book description from AFP: He lost his wealth. He lost his family. He lost his station. He endured it all, to gain everything. Roman Commander Placidas was a man of
great power and influence. He and his family wanted for little, yet he
knew there had to be more to life. Once baptized into the Christian
faith as Eustathius, he faced trials beyond anything he had ever
experienced on the battlefield. His faith was challenged, but that same
faith gained him eternal life. Meet this great man in Ancient Faith
Publishing's first graphic novel.
Age Range: 7 years and up
Author/Illustrator: Gabriel Wilson
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 7 x 10 inches
Page Length: 56 pages
Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing
Listen to Bobby Maddex interview the author here, on Ancient Faith's podcast Ex Libris. And then order this book, available here.
St Theodore the Tyro Orthodox Mission Church is the second
Afrikaans-speaking parish in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg and
Pretoria (the first one was in Eldorado Park, in Johannesburg). On the
lawn in front to the church is a statue of a stag with a cross between
its antlers. It represente the vision of St Eustathius, who once when
out hunting, saw a vision of such a stag. The statue was created by a Zimbabwean artist" (from our post about theNew Afrikaans Orthodox parish in South Africa).
Gleanings from a Book: “The Cross and the Stag” by Gabriel Wilson
Author’s note: Because I happened to
be in the right place at the right time, I was privileged to see a few
spreads of this book more than a year before its publication. Although
they were but sketches when I saw them, I was struck by their quality
and the images gripped me. And my first reading of the (now full-color)
book has confirmed what I suspected even then: this book is a treasure.
“The Cross and the Stag” by Gabriel Wilson
tells the true story of Placidas the soldier, who, amidst his worldly
successes and earthly means, was lovingly faithful to his wife and sons,
while also being very generous to those in need outside of his home.
Perhaps you have never heard of Placidas the Soldier? He was given the
name Eustathius at baptism. If you are not familiar with St. Eustathius,
either, his story is one that you will do well to learn. There is much
that each of us can learn from this saint: through his responses to both
misfortunes and pleasant experiences, and through his faithfulness to
God. Eustathius already had a good life when he first met Christ, and he
served Our Lord fervently after his conversion.
Just like many saints who had gone on
before him, Eustathius’ life did not continue to be “good” – well, at
least by worldly standards. However, also like those saints, he remained
faithful to Christ for his entire life. Like St. Paul, Eustathius had a
powerful visitation from Christ which became a conversion experience
for him and his household (although his wife had been mysteriously
forewarned in a dream, so she was ready!). Like Righteous Job the
Longsuffering, bit by bit Eustathius’ status, wealth, and finally even
his family were taken from him. Like Righteous Joseph the Patriarch, his
faithfulness in his work eventually brought Eustathius honor (and
miraculously his loved ones were restored to him once again, as well).
And finally, like the Three Holy Youths, the family faced a fiery
entrapment with faith and grace.
Throughout the book, Gabriel Wilson has
thoughtfully paired his images and text in a way which seamlessly tells
the story while also allowing the reader to read between the lines when
necessary. The illustrations are masterfully created, simultaneously
communicating actions and emotions in a way that is both tasteful and
effective. What a gift it is to have an artist of this caliber offer his
work to the Orthodox Christian world in a way that makes a saint’s
story so appealingly accessible to people of all ages!
Following St. Eustathius’ story in the
book, readers will find the troparion and kontakion for St. Eustathius.
There is also a spread featuring a variety of icons of him which have
been written. The book concludes with a few historical notes from the
St. Eustathius’ story is gripping! I sat
down to just begin the book but ended up reading the whole thing in one
great gulp. Mystery, suspense, loss, love: all are found on the pages of
this beautiful work of art. I know that I’ll read it again, and I
suspect that I will not be the only one. There’s something here for
everyone. St. Eustathius’ story and the lessons that his life teaches us
will be treasured by each individual who reads this book.
Here are a few gleanings from the book
(this time, we are sharing the quotes in the context of their images),
as well as additional information about St. Eustathius:;
There’s even more of the story of St. Eustathius (including backstory of
his family’s experiences) in this detailed description of his life: https://pravoslavie.ru/74099.html
In the historical notes at the end of “The Cross and the Stag,” we
read that “St. Eustathius is the patron saint of hunters, firefighters,
and those who face adversity.” Author Gabriel Wilson also notes that
people request St. Eustathius’ prayers when they’re traveling over
rivers and seas. Readers facing adverse times (or traveling, hunting, or
firefighting) may be glad to learn this, and ask for his prayers.
Theophano: A Byzantine Tale, the MUST read comic with the most beautiful illustrations
Images Credit: Chrysavgi Sakellaropoulou and Spyros Theocharis
A beautifully illustrated story by Chrysavgi Sakellaropoulou and
Spyros Theocharis has brought the East Roman Empire, or more commonly
known as the Byzantine Empire, to life with vivid imagery that captures
the imagination.
Theophano: A Byzantine Tale, is the story of a common girl who managed to become one of the most powerful women of 10th century medieval Europe.
Greek City Times spoke with both Sakellaropoulou, who prefers the
name Chrysa Sakel, and Theocharis, the two who brought this amazing
story to life.
Although Chrsa Sakel studied Chemistry, she told Greek City Times
that “my passion has always been art. I have been taking painting
lessons since childhood and I have created many classical artworks. Some
years ago, I began experimenting with digital art. This is how I got
involved in the project about Theophano.”
As for Theocharis, he said that he has always been a big fan of
historical fan fiction and a comic book fan, but studied English and
literature at university.
“For both of us, Theophano is a debut effort on the graphic novel scene,” they said.
Theocharis told Greek City Times that writing the comic book was not
so difficult, but the most challenging part was all the hours of
historical research “behind every page.” This has ensured that the story
is as authentic as can be to 10th century medieval East Rome.
For Chrysa, her greatest challenge was the “transition from classical
arts to digital art and comic book art” as it took a while for her to
develop her own style. “But, having the basic skills from the many years
of drawing in traditional medium, it only required a little research
and experimentation to manage to finish a project like that.”
The two said they always enjoyed watching medieval themed movies and
series like Game of Thrones, Vikings and The Lord of the Rings, but
Theocharis “always wondered why the Byzantine East never features in
fictional shows.”
“Byzantine history is full of stories which could easily become a series
or movies. So, having read a lot of books about Byzantium, I was
determined to create a story for a genre which could visually depict the
Byzantine world. Details such as the clothes, the architecture, the
lavish style of the Byzantine court can now be actually seen in the
pages of our graphic novel as we depict them according to our history
research. One example is the famous Cathedral of Hagia Sophia. Many
people would think that its interior resembled that of a typical
Orthodox church’s. From our research we found out that there were major
differences according to the descriptions in the primary sources,” he
Chrysa also added in her thoughts, saying that “series like Game of
Thrones gave us the motivation to start thinking about our own medieval
story, since some parts in the series reminded us a lot of what happened
in Byzantine history. We watched kings being poisoned, rebel generals
raising the banners to claim the throne, noble families allying and
betraying each other, eunuchs plotting according to their own interests
and ambitious women using unconventional means to climb the ladder of
power. Spyros already knew these things, but for me it was something
unexpected to read about the story of Theophano and the period she lived
in, and find out that it has so many exciting elements that are
When asked whether Theophano was loosely based on a true story,
Theocharis said “the story is mostly based on historical facts with some
fictional additions to serve the cohesion of the narration.”
“Theophano, the protagonist of the story was a real historical
personality who may not feature as one of the highlighted personalities
of the Byzantine era, but her actions affected the course of Byzantine
history. In the primary sources, I found a lot of contradictory accounts
about her deeds and about her family background. This was actually
beneficial for me since I had the flexibility to alter the story without
the need to stray from the historical facts,” he told Greek City Times,
adding that “within the plot, the reader will stumble upon more
recognizable historical characters such as Nikephoros Phokas or John
Tzimiskes. There is also a character beyond the Byzantine world who
features in the second chapter and is known in countries like Ukraine
and Russia. I am speaking of Olga of Kiev, the famous saint. There has
been hours of historical research involved, combined with some parts
where I took the initiative to improvise a little bit so as to create a
narrative that could balance an interesting story combined with actual
historical events.”
Theocharis also explained that they chose this particularly time
period because it’s the point where the Byzantine Empire reaches its
medieval peak in terms of wealth, territorial expansion and culture.
“Many Byzantine artifacts which are hosted around museums all over
the world, were made during the 10th century. Many ancient Greek
manuscripts were saved from oblivion during that time. We must remember
that there was no printing press during that time and books were rare.
They had to be copied constantly in order to survive the test of time.,”
he said.
He also gave a vivid recount on just how rich and powerful the East Roman Empire was during this period.
“The Imperial palace was adorned with golden mosaics, there were at
least two throne rooms and the emperors did not have only one crown, but
many crowns which they used according to each ceremonial occasion. All
these indicate the splendor and the extravagance of an empire which
collectively has become known for its decline and backwardness. We
wanted to change that view and show how advanced the Byzantine world was
in the 10th century,” he added.
Chrysa also revealed to Greek City Times that they have plans to produce more graphic novels set in the Byzantine world.
“Right now we focus on Theophano and if this project is successful
then we are planning to produce a sequel. My dream is to someday have
enough time and produce a comic book script about the Alexiad. It’s a
catchy story which involves the crusaders and it is more familiar to a
western audience. I hope that the readers embrace this effort so that we
can have the means to continue with future project,” she said.
With such beautiful illustrations and untold hours of research, why would you not want to read Theophano?
Available now through Amazon (hardcover & digital format)
A fairytale marriage that goes terribly wrong, a ruling dynasty
struggling to keep everything together by having overly ambitious
eunuchs do the dirty work, and prominent Roman generals who dream of
taking the throne for themselves.
This explosive mixture of occurrences takes place in the 10th century
Medieval Roman Empire (aka The Byzantine Empire). An era of territorial
resurgence and massive Imperial extravagance, but also an era of
dynastic intrigues and endless plotting for the ultimate prize. The
Byzantine throne.
During that time, Anastasia, a common girl, marries the heir to the
throne, enters the palace and becomes Theophano an ambitious woman ready
to climb the ladder of power and sacrifice herself for her children.
Based on real historical events, this epic graphic novel offers an
immersion into a forgotten world. The world of the medieval Romans who
survived up until the Middle Ages with their capital, Constantinople
“the Queen of all cities” serving as a second Rome.
About the author:Spyros Theocharis was born in
Athens, Greece. He is a Graduate of the English language and literature
department of the university of Athens. He has been a Efl teacher for 10
years. He has lived in different countries experiencing life in both
urban and rural settings. Since childhood, he developed an interest in
mythology and history. It all began when he was six years old and came
across a book about the Ancient Greek gods. Tolkien’s books are his
“holy scriptures” and Byzantine history is his passion.
Sakel started taking classes on traditional painting when she was five years
old and has never stopped creating art ever since. After years of
working with traditional media, she began experimenting with digital
art. Her first project as a comic illustrator is the graphic novel
“Theophano: a Byzantine tale”. She plans to carry out many future
projects as a digital artist. (from here)