This image of the Western Conifer Seed Bug (
Leptoglossus occidentalis) possibly constitutes the first Welsh record of this rapidly colonising North American squashbug (Coreidae)[now pre-dated]. Ian Tew was given the photograph by Chris Beynon, who found the specimen on the 7th floor of the Faraday building in Swansea University; he then passed on to Tristan Bantock for identification.
Tristan wrote: The bug has again attempted to colonise the UK from Europe during autumn 2009 and records have been flooding in from the south coast. This is, however, the first record for Wales (to my knowledge). I have also had several reports from inland areas with large stands of pines; these must relate to locally bred individuals and are highly suggestive of established populations. Surely it is here to stay and it is a truly spectacular creature!
For further information check out these pages:
If you happen to be lucky enough to find one for yourself please make sure that the record gets passed on. Note that there are other similar looking species so try and capture an image for verification.