Sam Bosanquet recently discovered a healthy population of one of Wales' rarest mosses,
Baltic Bryum (
Bryum marratii), at Whiteford NNR. Listed as Vulnerable in the UK Red Data List, it is extinct in England, was formerly known from just two sites in Wales (now four since Sam has also found it in Carmarthenshire), and there are scattered populations in Scotland and Ireland. Without GPS it would have been difficult to relocate this diminutive moss in the tightly grazed sward of the seepage line that runs along the upper saltmarsh transition at the Groose (SS444945).
Baltic Bryum (Bryum marratii) |
Associates of the
Bryum included...
English Scurvygrass (Cochlearia anglica) |
Slender Spike-rush (Eleocharis uniglumis) |