Distichium species,
Fine Distichium (
D. capillaceum) and
Inclined Distichiuim (
D. inclinatum) are scarce in South Wales, especially so away from natural, damp rock exposures, so discovering Inclined Distichium on an old wall at Glyncymmer was unexpected. [A specimen has been sent off to Sam Bosanquet as I initially thought this to be Fine Distichium, however, it seems Inclined Distichium can also show erect rather than inclined capsules when young and is more likely on old mortar lines]
bryophyte-rich wall below Glyncymmer tennis courts |
These old walls can support a surprisingly rich assemblage of lower plants with numerous noteworthy species such as Narrow Mushroom-headed Liverwort (Preissia quadrata), Starry Thyme-moss (Mnium stellare) and Pale Thread-moss (Bryum pallens).
Spiral Extinguisher-moss (Encalypta streptocarpa) growing along mortar lines. |