Showing posts with label Rhossili. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rhossili. Show all posts

17 September 2012

Portuguese man o' war at Rhossili

John Hewett wrote 'I spotted this handsome fellow beached on the high tide line at Rhossili bay last Friday. It has been a while since I have walked along this way and was taken aback by the volume of plastic washed up there these days. It's a wonder there is any fauna left.'
(c) J. Hewett
[Ed:  Even though individual Physalia physalis are not an unusual sight on the coasts of Britain and Ireland, mass standings are uncommon, occurring only 3 or 4 times a century (Wilson, 1947). The sting of Physalia physalis causes severe pain, skin lacerations, convulsions, respiratory distress and in some cases death (Williamson et al., 1996). The sting remains potent even after death and the tentacles should not be touched. Portuguese man o' war are carnivorous feeding mainly on small crustaceans and larval fish (Kirkpatrick & Pugh, 1984) ]

01 June 2012

Bluebells above Rhossili

A lovely walk at Rhossili, armed with phone!

05 December 2009

Black Redstart at Rhossili

The Black Redstart that has been hanging around the NT shop at Rhossili since at least the 20th November was still present today and was pleasantly confiding in the breezy conditions. One km to the east, in the Nitten field, a female Hen Harrier was seen to make a kill.

21 November 2009

Black Redstart at Rhossili

Chris Brewer reported that the Black Redstart seen on and around the National Trust shop buildings at Rhossili yesterday (per Sian Musgrave) was still present again today.

16 June 2009

Woodchat Shrike

A Woodchat Shrike found by Barrie Swinnerton hunted in the Sluxton area of Rhossili Down from the 16th to the 20th, this being the 4th record for West Glamorgan and the first since one at Cwm Ivy on 17 May 1983.