Peter Douglas-Jones wrote: 'This Red-legged Partridge, reportedly the survivor of two, walks from garden to garden in the Marytwill Lane/ Brynfield Road area of Newton. It has taken peanuts from my hand. It is a fussy eater (in contrast with my Wood Pigeons), preferring its peanuts halved and skinned. It knows how much it wants and then stops (again, a contrast with the pigeons, which do not know when to stop). I first saw and photographed it on 6 August and last saw it on Sunday 4 October. It flies weakly; enough to get onto a high garden wall out of reach of foxes, but perhaps not safe from cats. I took scores of shots of it dust-bathing. Voice; a low companionable grumble, such as I might have with a favourite neighbour. Barely audible further away than ten or 12 feet.'