With forests of Western Hemlock, Douglas Fir, Sitka Spruce and the occasional Western Red Cedar, parts of the Neath Valley bear more than a passing resemblance to the Pacific North West. Unfortunately the fabulous native ground flora associated with these forests is missing, but for one exception. Fringecups (Tellima grandiflora) was introduced from the Pacific North West as a plant suitable for wet, shady spots in the garden and is found growing wild in suitable habitats. It does well in our mild, oceanic climate and it sets abundant seed. It loves cool, moist woodland and is very much at home along the streams in Glyn Castle Woods in the Neath Valley. It is also found in the Bishopston Valley.
At the moment there are only a handful of records for this species in Glamorgan, but it is probably more widespread than we suspect and we'll probably see significant increases in its occurrence in the future.