Showing posts with label Marsh Tit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marsh Tit. Show all posts

04 June 2012

Marsh Tit at Carmel SAC

immature Marsh Tit
A family party of Marsh Tits was a very pleasant surprise at the Carmel SAC this morning. The immature birds, of which there were 3, were busily preening out their downy feathers while an adult bird nearby was much more elusive, but calling, thankfully!

04 October 2009

Oxwich Marsh feeding station

The first ringing session at a small winter feeding station recently set up was reasonably successful this morning with a total of 15 Reed Bunting being netted, this being a UK BAP priority species. Two Marsh Tit and a late Reed Warbler [both shown above] were also notable captures. 65 Reed Buntings were ringed at this site over summer months and the project aims to reveal more about the Reed Bunting population in the marsh as the season progresses.