Showing posts with label Eglwys Nunydd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eglwys Nunydd. Show all posts

22 February 2010

Lesser Scaup at Eglwys over the weekend

Some very good images of the Eglwys Nunydd Lesser Scaup taken by Dave Astins on Sunday:

14 February 2010

Lesser Scap at Eglyws Nunydd

I went down for the Lesser Scaup today and found myself in unfamiliar territory, where I was happy to see the "Teds and Freds" coming out onto the water. The yachtsman pushed the birds close to the enterance where I was able to take a few shots. One of they key identification pointers is that the white in the wing is confined to the secondaries. This was the best shot I was able to take of this feature. Barry will be able to tell us whether the photo shows it clearly enough.
I stopped at Aberavon beach on the way down. Highlight- 4 Red-throated Diver, 3 Common Scoter and 154 Great Crested Grebe on the sea. Bar-tailed Godwit on the shore and fem/imm Black Redstart inside BP fence in usual place.

13 February 2010

Lesser Scaup at Eglwys Nunydd Reservoir

A first winter female Lesser Scaup was a great find by Eddie Hunter and Dominic Davidson at Eglwys today. Eddie saw this bird a few days earlier and today managed to sure up the id. On occasions it was hanging out with male and female Greater Scaup providing great comparison. Below is one of Eddie's photos showing the Lesser Scaup together with Greater Scaup and Tufted Duck females - what a brilliant shot!!!

20 January 2010

Another Bittern at Eglwys Nunydd Reservoir

I bumped into George Morgan today who informed me that a Bittern was seen at the reservoir during the cold snap. Counts today were down on what has been around recently, nevertheless I did see 439 Pochard and a fine male Scaup (above). Only 3 Great Crested Grebe on the res. - sounds like they're all on the sea off Aberavon judging by Mark's post below!