Showing posts with label GOS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GOS. Show all posts

18 November 2009

Request for help at Blackpill

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
As you may know Gower Ornithological Society works with the Glamorgan Bird Group to run the Visitor Centre at Blackpill. This is opened every second Sunday between 10.00 and 1.00, times which are aimed to coincide with high tide, as far as this is possible. The Glamorgan group is well represented each Sunday by some very welcoming members, led by Colin and Daphne Jones who have made it their business to decorate the centre imaginatively and to provide excellent facilities, (usually including a cup of coffee) for bird-watching at this SSSI. GOS has again been invited to be represented at the Centre and to assist with introducing any visitors to bird-watching at Blackpill, and I should be delighted if some of you would offer to turn out to the Centre on any of the dates below. It is a very pleasant way of spending a Sunday morning, chatting to like minded folk, and the bird-watching is always interesting. Last time out 79 Great Crested Grebes were counted from the centre, not to mention a good variety of waders. If you are willing and able to help represent the Society, do please let me know and I will be happy to arrange any introductions needed.
Jeremy Douglas-Jones

DATES FOR 2009 / 2010 SEASON
Nov 22nd
Dec 6th
Dec 20th
January 10th
January 24th
February 21st
March 7th
March 21st

Jeremy Douglas-Jones
01792 551331 07770986791