Andrew Lucas wrote: "This winter, the Gower Tree Sparrow Project has restarted some feeding at two
locations where tree sparrows have been seen in the not-too-distant past: Newton
Farm and Kimley Moor. Local birders have been busy in recent years with Atlas
work, but now that is more or less finished, thoughts have returned to finding
one of Gower's most elusive passerines! Incidentally, don't take any notice of
'Gower Birds'; reports of the project's death have been greatly exaggerated.
feeders at Newton feeding station |
Kimley Moor feeding station |
This year, we will try single feeders at two locations - Newton Farm and
Kimley Moor - with possibly more when we get them renovated. After four years,
they are looking a bit tired, and several need spare parts!. Both locations are
on public footpaths, and anyone is welcome to visit them. If you do visit,
please report back what you see to me at, even if you see
nothing! If the feeders are empty, please feel free to refill them. At Kimley
Moor, the seed is in a dustbin near the feeder. At Newton, the food is in a
dustbin inside the barn on the left as you approach the derelict farm from the
The story of tree sparrow on western Gower is a perplexing one.
Birds have been known to breed at Newton Farm for several years, but have
disappeared recently. Nestboxes have been provided at several locations,
without success (though we have boosted Gower's blue tit
This winter,we hope to relocate the birds, but to do that,
we need birdwatchers out there looking. The two locations would make a very
nice circular walk on western Gower. The area is well worth a look, as over the
years a number of other nice birds have been seen in the area, including Merlin,
Woodlark, Hen Harrier and Barn Owl. Oh yes, and Gyr Falcon!!! If you see a
possible Tree Sparrow, remember the differences with house sparrow. In Tree
Sparrow, the sexes are similar, the crown is chocolate brown, and the birds have
characteristic dark cheek spots or 'ear muffs'.
The project
has produced a newsletter for participating farms each year at Christmas, which
can be found by clicking on the links below.
Don't forget that the project relies on landowner goodwill,
so if you visit, please keep to the public footpaths and follow the country
code. In particular, make sure that all gates are shut
Finally, the project is always looking for help, so if you'd
like to get involved, please let me know.
Thanks to Sean Hathaway and
Mark Winder of the City and County of Swansea for their
To view the GTSP newsletters click on the following links: