
Showing posts with the label The House

Foto Fridays - Awakening the Force

The first full week of January was fun and full for me and mine. We saw movies and went bowling again. I started an online belly dance intensive and ATS Level 1 & 2 again. Christmas is now officially over and put away in the White house. I bought supplies to begin creating my first Tribal belly dance bra. I also signed up for my second 5k for 2016. I have my goals for the year in my journal. All in all it has been an amazing start to the year.   Saturday   On Saturday we saw the 9:55 am showing of Star Wars: The Force Awakens in Imax 3D. It was amazing! Imax 3D glasses are not flattering.     Sunday   I bought new bowling shoes!! Love them so much. And they match my ball.     Monday   My nightgown has kitties on it. How cute is that?     Tuesday   D & D night with my gaming group.     Wednesday   My favorite hip belt has witches and bats on it. It ...

My Gardens

My mom and sister have been coming over to help me create and enlarge some of my flower beds. It was a huge job, but it was totally worth it. They look so much better now. And the red mulch helped a lot too. We are working on things little by little. :) My little lilac...he's coming along a new poppy for this year.  Big new flower bed.  We sprinkled a ton of wildflower seeds in there.  Herb Garden and tomato plants Seth brought home from school. Herbs, including a new lemon grass plant and cilantro Baby Rosemary Baby tomato plants in colorful cages.  Gooseneck loosestrife

It's beginning to look a lot like...

Yule!! My house is almost ready for the season to begin. I have two parties at my house on the 15th, so I need to be ready. Here are some pics of everything so far. I plan to get a tabletop fresh tree for my dining room table and I want to string popcorn for it. I haven't done that in years and I really have a desire to do it.  I had a meeting with an advisor from school today, and I was able to change my major and get a plan of action for the next several semesters. I am now officially an English major!! I am beyond excited about this. I feel like I am truly working toward a major I really want to study and toward a career I really want to pursue. I also got my classes scheduled for Spring. This means something else off my goal list for the next year. Woo-hoo! I'm chipping away at it little by little. I have several more things in the works, like my sister's going away party, and holiday crafting. I'm on a roll.  * I will...

The LBD, a bathroom makeover and thoughts on meditation.

So as previously stated I have recently realized that I can wear my favorite little black dress, which I have been keeping in the back of the closet refusing to give away for 8 or so years. It is one of those one of a kind amazing fitting dresses and it has pockets. I had my Seth snap a couple of pictures of me in the dress before date night. It's a little hard to see, but you can get the idea. Yesterday my mom and sister came over to help me paint my downstairs half bath. I did not think to take any before pictures, but let's just say the while room was a dingy white. We found an amazing green paint (apparently we like green paint) on the mistint shelf at my sister's home depot, so we used that and a black paint that we had already bought. We painted the vanity, medicine cabinet and trim black.  I have a confession to make, I am a pagan and I can not meditate. I either blank my mind so much that there is literally nothing and doze off, or I will allow too muc...

Things to share...

Many awesome things have been happening recently, and I have made some awesome acquisitions as well as crafted some very cool things. I thought I would take a few minutes to share some of them. First off I was a lucky lucky girl and won a recent giveaway by the lovely Vannesa at  A Fanciful Twist . She is making these amazing bracelets using fabric scraps and bits of yarn and I won one of them. Yay. I got it in the mail this morning, and I love it. It's crazy and bright and makes my day. The pictures don't do it justice it is so dynamic. I am going to make myself some more of them too. Cause I like this one so much. :) We also acquired a new piece for our dining room recently. It is actually a bedroom chest of drawers given to us by Seth's brother and sister-in-law because they didn't have room for it in their new apartment. I decided that it should be in our dining room to be a bar and storage area. I like it there already. We even have our wine glasses and shot...