Things the Vampire Said - A Dream Recollection
Several years ago I had a very vivid dream. In the dream I was the daytime face of a vampire. I would take care of his business that was not possible to handle at night, and set up appointments for him, etc. The feeling of the dream was that I had been in his employment for many years, so when he came to me to tell me that we had to move to Pittsburgh it was just a given that I would move my family to continue my employment. I was incredibly reluctant to tell my husband that we were going to have to sell the house, and relocate, so I just kept putting it off. Every time I would begin the conversation something would happen, or it would seem like the wrong time. Suddenly it was about a week before we were going to be making the official move, and the vampire confronts me to see whether I had let my husband know what was happening, and gotten our house sold, etc. I admit that no, I haven't. The vampire looked me straight in the eye at that point and said, &quo