
Showing posts with the label Birthday

Magickal Monday - Birthday Eve

Magickal Monday Tomorrow is my birthday. So the spread I am doing for this week is the Birthday Spread, which I found on Pinterest. 1. Last Year: IV of Wands - Stability. Strong Foundations. Marriage. Domestic life. Peace. Prosperity. Romance.  2. Let go of This: Knight of Cups *Reversed* - Deceptive person. Falsehood. A scam. Feeling Stuck. Allowing yourself/ feeling like you are being pushed in a direction you do not want to go.  3. Gift: IV of Pentacles - Selfishness. Putting material gain over all else. Control over your own life.  4. Embrace This: Ace of Pentacles - Perfection. Balance of material and spiritual realms. Prosperity. Having the will to succeed. Manifestation. New financial opportunity.  5. Next Year: IV of Swords *Reversed* - Renewed vigor. A return to daily life and events. Activity.  A lot of this lines up with my current plans, and goals for the next couple of months. I will take it. Hopefully this mea...

Magical Monday - Sprung for Spring

Magical Monday     Rune of the Week: Ingwaz - Ing: Fertility, Freyr, Ancestors, Royalty, Creativity - You are feeling inspired and hopeful. Follow your enthusiasm because it lights the way toward your true potential. Your point of power is in the present, make a commitment to it now and the future will follow in due course.       Card draw of the Week (from the Wild Wood Tarot):    Page of Vessels - Otter   Reading Points: As a dreamer and a visionary, you weave a spell that few can resist. Your loyalty, devotion and sense of fair play mark you out as an individual whose will is tempered by profound understanding of the underworld.   Roots and Branches: Loyalty - Devotion - Study - Willingness to serve - Vision and contemplation - Cooperation - Perceptiveness Magical Monday Post: Sprung for Spring   Today is my birthday! I am 35 today, and at the end of last week was...

It's a mad, mad, mad March

March is always slightly chaotic in my world and this year is no exception. Birthdays, walks, parties, craft projects and belly dance are ruling my life. The first weekend of March we went to the Arnold Fitness Expo here in Columbus. It is a weekend of pure chaos, the fittest people in the world, and enough protein samples to fuel a power lifter. We spotted the guys from Hard Core Pawn, Hulk Hogan and I had an embarassing encounter with MMA fighter Forrest Griffin (I came face to face with him, froze entirely unable to breathe and then started to cry, because apparently I cannot handle celebrity encounters). We got to watch a Strongest Man event, a little gymnastics and some amazing jump rope.                         The 14th was my birthday. Hooray 34! I decided that we should do a 5k for my birthday, so on an incredibly soggy March morning we slogged our way to the Pi D...

March comes in like a lion...

It's March! And I was sick for the first 3 days. Hopefully that means that I got it out of my system before my birthday next week. I always seem to get sick around my birthday. March is always a crazy month for us, and this year is certainly no exception. Tomorrow night I am having dinner with my mom and sister, and the three of us are making a whole foods trip. On Saturday we are headed to the Columbus Convention Center to hit the Arnold Fitness Expo. It is amazing for people watching. I hope to get better photos this year than I did last. March 14 is my birthday and Mega Pi Day, so Mom, Traci, Seth and I are walking the Pi-Day 5k. Then later in the night we will be going to my new favorite Italian restaurant, The Florentine. They have amazing food. Our amazing Egg Decorating Party for 2015 is scheduled for the 21st. I am hoping that it will be fun and that we will have a good turn out. I have been looking for new ideas for eggs for this year, and I have some ideas....

Goodbye to my hair

  My first big change of the year happened last Saturday. I went to see my favorite stylist Adam at Lucky 13 Rock and Roll Hair Salon. He cut off over 10 inches of my hair which is being donated to wigs for kids. That initial cut was a little startling, but I love my new hairstyle. It is so much lighter.   Friday is my birthday, and my mother and sister are taking me to Ikea for the first time. Saturday Seth's parents are taking the two of us to the melting pot, and the Saturday night we are going out to eat and bowling with my family.   It's going to be a great week. 

It's someone's birthday.

And that someone is Sadie Xandra, my beautiful niece, who was born this morning at 1:04am. I left class early tonight in order to run to the hospital so I could meet her. Oh so beautiful. Congratulations to Chris and Niki. Your daughter is gorgeous and I cannot wait to spoil her rotten. 

My birthday celebration 2012

Saturday morning bright and early my mom and sister came up and all of us, including Seth, went out to breakfast. Then we dropped Seth at home and went to spend our running/ shopping day together. I bought some great stuff, but I will share that later. For now enjoy photos from the day and from the great little town we went shopping in, Yellow Springs. It was an amazing day!! I am so lucky to have my amazing family. I love them so much and they made my birthday amazing!!