
Showing posts with the label New Moon Magic

Magickal Monday - New Moon Magic

Magical Monday       The past week was challenging and this week is also going to be challenging. Because of this I am going to use the Listen to Your Intuition Spread from  1. What is my inner voice trying to tell me about this situation? 10 of Wands - Oppression. Having a burden to bear, but being able to handle it. Overwhelming stress.  2. Why is my inner voice telling me this? 0 The Fool - The beginning of a journey. New beginnings. A fresh start. A decision regarding your career will be made soon.  3. How can I put this suggestion into action? V The Heirophant - Divine Inspiration. Big Business. Listen to advice, or to a mentor. Listen to your higher self, act in your own self-interest.  Thoughts:        This week is the last for several of my coworkers, the result of a layoff from several months ago. Then today another couple of people in an adjoining area wer...