Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Halloween Recap

I figured it was time to add a Halloween recap to my blog (better late than never, right?!) when we woke up to SNOW this morning! Nooooooooo! Not yet! Holidays . . . here you come!

Halloween was quite interesting this year. We had RAIN . . . which equals lots of soggy trick-or-treaters. Thank heavens I captured pictures of the kids before it hit hard. :)

Jensyn was Little Red Riding Hood (the most modest costume we could find in the catalog for her age group . . . *sigh!*). Owen went with the Orange Pilot Star Wars costume, Maryn was a Magical Fairy, and Camryn was Jasmine from Aladdin. :)

Can you tell Maryn was NOT in the mood to take pictures . . . I think she was mad at me for delaying their "trick-or-treating" with our traditional Hallween photoshoot. LOL! I'll give her credit for mustering up her best fake smile. :)

The organizing and opening of the new Cricut Circle Blog has been quite the task these past few months, but believe it or not . . . I *think* I am starting to get in a routine and am working on creating regularly again! YIPPEEEEE!!!! :D I've missed my craft table!

I know Halloween is old news by now. ;) But I still thought I would share with you a few things I made for the holiday.

SPIDEY TREATS - Oh, my gosh! I found the cutest little kraft bags at Michael's Craft store one day. They measure approximately 2.5" wide by 3.5" tall. I embossed them with the Cuttlebug Argyle Embossing Folder, added a simple orange circle, and then topped them off with the spider from the Doodlecharms cartridge. I LOVE that little spider! He especially looks cute with wacky googly eyes! :) I stapled the bags closed using the Fastenator. Remember that tool?! This project made me love it all over again and now I'm on the hunt for some refills. :)

GHOST CARD - This card was made using the Mini Monsters cartridge. Love all the cute playful images included on this cartridge!

And . . . don't be too shocked now . . . I made a scrapbook page!

THE LOOT - This picture was actually from last Halloween (trying to catch up!), but shows the typical morning after Halloween at our household. :) Kids sorting candy and getting ready to exercise their trading power. Is this a tradition at your house, too? Page created with the adorable Blackbird collection by My Mind's Eye.

THANK YOU for stopping by! I know it's been awhile, but I promise I am working on getting back to regularly blogging. ;) I appreciate you taking the time to visit me.

Have a great week!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mixer #3

Mixer #3 is up at Mix It Up Challenges. I really am loving this challenge blog! Mel has some really fun ideas and it's great to see all the different ways the designers interpret them each week. This time around was a color challenge that made me think of fall. The stars made me think of Owen's Halloween costume. So here is mine!

Can you believe the weekend is almost here?
This week has flown by!
Happy Thursday!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Spooktacular Layout and a Paper Bag Card

I have a few more things to share with you using the Noel Mignon Ghost Story kit (only ONE left!). First, is a layout I did of my daughter in her Narnia White Witch costume from last year. I really love how even though her costume is white and blue, by using accents of orange, black and green the layout still has a Halloween feel to it.

I love to make cards using paper lunch sacks, especially during the fall where the Kraft color compliments the colors of the season. Use pinking shears to cut the bag a little smaller for a square card.
Inside, adhere a piece of cardstock to write your sentiment on.
These are also really fun for invitations. Utilize the opening in the paper sack by tucking in additional information about the party or add a slip of paper with directions to your house.

I actually used paper lunch sacks to create Christmas cards one year. I decorated the front, added a picture on the inside, and then wrote a short newsletter that I tucked into the paper bag opening. They were easy and were an adorable variation on the standard Christmas card.

Have fun creating!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Halloween Memories and a New Challenge

Are you getting excited for Halloween? I am! I LOVE October! It is my favorite month! I love the crisp Fall air, the pumpkin patches, the costumes, the silly decorations, the orange and black, and all the anticipation of the upcoming candy-gathering! Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year!

Halloween also brings up a lot of memories for me. When I was little, we would ALWAYS go and visit my Grandma before trick-or-treating so that she could see us in our costumes. Now that I have children we take them to see my grandparents before nightfall. It just wouldn't feel right if we didn't! :D

Recently, my dad gave me these pictures of my kids and their cousins a few years ago that he had taken at my Grandma's house. I couldn't help but smile and knew immediately that I would use the Ghost Story kit to scrap them.

Do you have any Halloween Traditions? What are they? :D

There is a NEW CHALLENGE up at Noel Mignon with A HUMONGOUS PRIZE!!! I'd LOVE to see someone I know win this, . . . SO GO ENTER!!! ;)


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Just wanted to pop in here to let you know that you can now SUBSCRIBE to my new blog by clicking on the link below. Subscribe in a reader ...