My DH is on a business trip up to Pittsburgh for a week. He left this past thursday and returns this wednesday. While he has been away, I have been inundated with requests for "girl time." So my adventures have taken me to:
-an indoor soccer game to support a friend's brother on Friday night.
-a lunch date with a friend that ended in us getting DRENCHED from a sudden downpour on Saturday afternoon.
-a dinner date with another friend which icluded planning meals for an expectant mother.
-followed by some sweet Turtle brownies and ice cream while watching
Miss Potter. We really enjoyed this film and I would recommend it!
-Sunday morning I took my Saturday lunch date friend with me to Mass.
-In the afternoon, I saw the movie
Bella. I enjoyed the film and would also recommend it. I didn't think it met with all the hype though. Good but not great.
So now, I'm back in the work week. A busy bee with one co-worker on vacation, so I pick up a few more hours to help out. I'm also on call for our friends who are expecting. We signed up to watch their doggie while they are at the hospital for delivery. They called earlier to say they were headed to the hospital, but it might be a false alarm. I should get called later to confirm what the plan is.
It's been very gloomy here with rain everyday; I'm not sure if that's what is contributing to my mood being so down. It's probably a combination of DH being gone for a whole week, gloomy weather, and reaching the end of this cycle. Not really a fan, but I'm going to keep trucking. Looking forward to some adoration time this evening and some restorative sleep.