Showing posts with label Housekeeping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Housekeeping. Show all posts

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Squeaky Clean

As we are currently in a trying phase of home renovation, cleaning methods, tips, suggestions, and the like are constantly on my mind.

I came across these reads today. Excellent!

Homemaking Post and Homemaking Q & A

Monday, July 6, 2009

In the Zone

DH took Pearl out this evening so I could get some chores done. She's still scared of the vacuum, so it's best when he watches her. He strapped on his roller blades and packed her into the jogging stroller and headed out for a workout.

In the 45 minutes they were gone I got the house vacuumed and mopped, dishwasher unloaded and re-loaded, counters wiped down, sink shined, and I got to take a nice long shower.

and I didn't even have a cup of coffee before I started.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Cleaning

My attempts at more Spring Cleaning have been foiled delayed again.

This morning, the hubs said he would watch Pearl while I attacked the Master Bathroom.


-scrub shower
-wipe down walls and baseboards
-scrub toilet
-wipe down counters and mirror
-launder rugs and mop floor
-go through cabinets and chuck unused or old items

I was able to do the shower, toliet and was in the middle of the bottom cabinet when he brought Pearl in who was hungry and fussing for a nap.

Mind you, she took a late nap yesterday, got over stimulated when friends came to dinner and wouldn't settle till after 12 last night. Then she's up at 8 ready to go only to crash shortly thereafter.

I decided that I really don't like throwing off a rhythm for her. So we aren't going anywhere today (except maybe for Confession). And next week I'm limiting our plans as well. She needs to get more settled; I need to get more settled and the Spring Cleaning needs to get moving again.

Easter is right around the corner!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thoughtful Thursday

So I've resigned myself that my house will never be as clean as I would like it to be. Seriously...

This was most upsetting to me (I had sleepless nights , laying awake dreaming of dust bunnies with sharp teeth).

But I've come to realize that while I can do a pretty good job, there will always be something else to do, and I really should just let go and let God.

Now that doesn't mean I'm giving up cleaning and praying that cleaning angels come in the middle of the night to scrub my floors (although that would be nice).

It means I'm not going to be so OCD about it. That means putting down the broom and playing with my daughter when she reaches for me. That means to stop dusting when my husband takes a break from work to have lunch with us. That means putting aside the vacuum to sit and nurse my baby while praying the rosary.

I've been putting them off because I want to serve them in a clean and spotless house. But truthfully they need me to be more present to them.

So while still maintaining our home:

I promise to not be so uptight about everything having to be perfect.
I promise to sit down and rest and play and enjoy and be joy to my family...

with His help and grace. It is all through Him and for Him. All the Saints in heaven, PRAY FOR ME!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Housekeeping Part II

Thanks to Kim, I have come across the Flylady. Good stuff we've just started implementing. Thanks for all the other tips, suggestions, and affirmation.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


How do you do it?

I've come to realize that I'm not satisfied with my cleaning efforts...or lack thereof.

I'm gonna come "clean" and say that I never really learned how to keep a clean house. My mother hired a sweet lady to come and clean the house once a week and just did light housekeeping the rest of the time. So I never really learned how to deep clean and how to maintain on my own.

I look around our humble home and realize that I'm really not comfortable with the state of things. I wrote out a weekly rhythm:

Monday: Baking
Tuesday: Bathrooms
Wednesday: Dust and Vacuum
Thursday: Grocery Shopping
Friday: Scrub floors

(The kitchen is daily maintenance and I always get the laundry done since we use cloth diapers.)

The above are my problem areas, hence they received a particular day. It's like they sneak up on you. I never notice how dirty something is until it's really dirty. I have a bad habit of putting things off till it gets that way. So my question to you is, How do you do it?

Friday, July 6, 2007


My Friday night plans included a sweet dinner date with the husby. Then while he is off fishing with the boys....


Mwah Mwah:)

My mission: Bring back the shine

Tool: Orange Glo