Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A beauteous birthday

Today is my "one hundred and eleventieth birthday!"

Actually it's my ______.

I got several surprises today.  The first was actually last night when DH brought home roses in our wedding color, that lovely yellow rose with pink and orange mixed in.  Today he also helped make breakfast so I could get a shower in.  This is rare as of late.  Normally I'm pushed back to the evenings when he can help with Pearl, but they made omelets together to allow me that time.

We also had some library storytime, a visit by Pearl's Godfather, and some afternoon playtime with dear friends.  DH also took us to dinner at Chili's.  I love me some quacamole, so anyplace that serves it is okay by me.  We had gotten a gift card and decided to use it today for my birthday treat.

So despite a rather dreary day outside, everywhere I was was filled with sunshine:)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Year in Review

As I celebrate my birthday with family and friends, it causes me to take a look back at this past year and reflect.

January: Newly pregnant, in the throes of all day morning sickness, but cherishing every minute of it.

February: Our first ultrasound, which we were blessed to be taken at a Catholic Women's clinic. So amazing to see the little one in the womb.

March: Sharing Easter with friends. We have a tradition of inviting our friends from the Campus Ministry here over for Easter dinner. They are far from their families and it is a treat for us all to get together to celebrate!

April: Baby Shower held by family friends in my hometown. So nice to some friends I don't see very often.

May: Our first vacation since our honeymoon; we visited the low country for a week, and it was beautiful. We were blessed to have a church so close for daily Mass.

June: Three day retreat with the Sisters of Life. (Meeting of friends--the babes are a month apart)

July: In anticipation of little one's arrival, but still making time for a night out:) At a wedding three weeks before go-time.

August: Pearl arrives on her due date and a another part of our vocation journey begins.

September: It is amazing how how much Pearl can look like her papa (but I know she got her stubbornness from me:)

October: Holy Sacrament of Baptism! What a glorious day, the Feast of St. Francis, to enter into our Faith. St. Francis, pray for this child.

(we needed sunglasses, the grace was so blinding)

November: Visiting with college buddies I hadn't seen in three years. What a joy to my heart.

December: Entering into Advent traditions, visiting families, celebrating the birth of our Lord--holding an infant, beholding THE infant. Wow!

And now, we begin a new year. There are so many exciting things in my thoughts and prayers at this turning.

-DH will graduate with his Masters in May (Hurray!)
-New ministry opportunity (Lord, let your work be accomplished)
-Our Catholic Faith Study (that my mind might understand more of your glory and mystery)
-Diocesan Council (to serve our Bishop)
-New ways to grow in my vocation as Bride and Mother: "This is my body given up for you."

Favorite Book of the Past Year: Handmaid of the Lord by Adrienne von Speyr. A must read!

Favorite Movies I watched this past year:
-Meet the Robinsons
-Believe in Me
-Amazing Grace
-Evan Almighty
-The Ultimate Gift

My 2009 "Revolutions":
-Maintain our home better via the FlyLady
-Adding more exercise into my daily rhythm
-Praying Morning Prayer with Pearl (while she plays or nurses)

Other Goals:
-get more involved with our Mom's group at church
-read the books I received for Christmas (mostly about homeschooling--Charlotte Mason)
-learn how to make homemade pie crust:)

One of my favorite things about my birthday:
It sometimes falls on Epiphany!!