Showing posts with label house hunting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label house hunting. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Finishing Up

DH is headed back to the Condo today to finish up the last of the work there: one more counter top to put on, putting the appliances back in place, removing all tools and assorted goods, and cleaning out the back porch.  The cleaning company comes tomorrow to do one last tidying before the tenants move in on Friday. 


We are waiting for our closing documents and info needed from the Title Company, for the closing scheduled for next week. 

Please pray for us...that there are no surprises and all falls into place according to His Will.

Thank you.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Keeping it all together

-We completed and mailed our loan application for the house.  Prayers that all goes well with that.
-We are getting quotes for new home owner's insurance; hoping that minor roof detail doesn't hinder that process.
-Packing up all our stuff and moving it to storage
-lining up the vendors for the updates to the Condo (tile, new kitchen countertops, paint, and cleaning service)
-showed Condo. to possible new tenant yesterday.  Hoping she has the "vision" of the updates and signs a lease.  Waiting to hear.
-Got to my page requirement for class paper.  Now need to do final proof and edit so that can get sent off.   Then just two lectures left and study and take the final.  Final date set for July 29th.

It's a little crazy to be finishing up class and hopefully moving when I'm almost 8 months pregnant.  But we have lots of willing helpers:) 

Just praying that all is according to His plan.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I think I feel that's where we're at with things. Or maybe I think that's what God is doing here.

I don't know, but I can say that I'm getting a little frustrated sitting in this mud puddle.

We're still comparing ideas and bids to re-do the kitchen cabinets. Once we get that lined up, we can line up the tiling work and after that start on the laminate re-do.

House Hunting:
The house we like the most still hasn't been listed yet and nothing else is showing up that could work for us. If we do see something that we know could work it goes off the market too quickly. Le sigh. This is a hard place to be in, but I'm telling myself that the Lord is at work here and to just sit still and let him work.

In other news:
Our renter said he might be moving soon. He only has to give us a month's notice, so we'll see how that plays out. And our dryer is officially caput. It's death rattle has been getting louder and louder the past weeks despite DH's tinkering with it. I know that he can fix just about anything so I asked why he couldn't fix it. He looked over and said, "Honestly honey, this dryer is so old it might just be going." He's going to look at it again tonight, but in the meantime everything is getting dryed on the drying racks. I'm hoping the clothies make it, since I kind of pushed my washing day a bit back.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

And thus it really begins...

The renovations.

We received the check from the insurance company this weekend. Now we can really begin since we have the moolah to start purchasing what's required:)

This week DH will be calling around to find out if any local stores carry the same style of cabinetry that we have in the kitchen. We would love to just replace the bottom cabinets if we can find a match since they are the only damaged part.

I will be packing up items to take to a storage unit. Plan is to clear out as much stuff as possible so we have access to the floor in the dining room. DH hopes to replace the flooring himself. We have to get under to see how bad the damage is. If it's too bad then we will tile it as well as the kitchen and bathrooms.

The house that we really like and hope to put on offer on still hasn't been listed. It's getting a little frustrating waiting on it. We've put our feelers out and basically said, "look, 1) we like this house 2) we know it needs work 3) we want to the do the repairs ourselves 4) so get it listed and we'll make you an offer 5) the market is bad, so take our offer and we'll take this house off your hands:)

However, nothing doing on the bank side yet. So prayers that things work out there. We're still keeping on eye on some other houses in the area to see what else pops up that meets our criteria.

St. Joseph, pray for us!