Spent the afternoon Thursday out and enjoying the fur babies! First up we went to check on the Lady Donkeys... Bella is VERY WIDE!!
I am so looking forward to a new baby donkey to hug love and pet! Darlene our oldest Matriarch is Bella's best friend. They are never far apart. Hope she is ok sharing Bella with a new baby!
Of course Miss Juliet was right in the middle of all attention! LOL Love those BIG Brown Eyes! So expressive!
Juliet and Pepita both were really pushing "Dad" for attention, Good thing Dad has two hands and can love on both at the same time!
The baby boys are doing great. Getting SO BIG! I call them little Knot heads right now... those horns are really starting to show now!
They are now very interested in the girls. Here all three were trying to show off for Abigail.. one of the hot older chicks in the pen! LOL
When they are showing off and smell a girl.. they love to roll their lip up and grin for everyone to see. Luna is doing pretty good at this traditional sign of the season.
Too cute isn't he?
Snapped a cute shot of Mother and Son.
It is just so handy to use Mom's horns to scratch that hard to reach itch! LOL
Now a really COOL shot! While Hubby and I were outside we kept hearing a couple of Hawks circling above us. They have been really chatting a lot the last few days. The Season you know... These two were either courting or probably just married as they were more like screaming at each other! HA!
Beautiful aren't they. Love watching them as long as they leave my chickens and baby goats alone. Usually they keep to themselves and are good.
Hope you have something wonderful planned for the weekend, hug a fur baby!
HUGS and

Isn't it amazing how fast those babies grow. Still adorable though.
such cute pictures! I love seeing the babies as they grow up and change...it goes too fast though! Have a great week! Vickie
Bella looks so uncomfortable to me! I hope that baby comes soon. Those little boys are acting like teenagers already! LOL.
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