Showing posts with label Me and My Space (Craft Room Organization). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Me and My Space (Craft Room Organization). Show all posts

Friday, May 4, 2012

Me and My Space - Coolest Vintage Ribbon Storage EVER!

I have been so excited to share this with you! This has to be the coolest Vintage Ribbon Storage EVER! And I am very lucky that I was able to see the possibilities of it while at auction.

This is an antique Pharmacy Medicine Label Cabinet.

Seriously - Cool huh? I saw this cabinet at an auction, and I told Hubby that I HAD to have it. He looked at me like I had lost my marbles. I tried to explain to him how I thought it worked, I couldn't actually get my hands on it to make sure. But I was almost sure that it would work like it did in my head... LOL Anyway we got it! Paid a little more than I had set my limit for. Isn't that the way it always is at auctions. But I won and that was all I cared about. When we got it home I was thrilled.

It has 4 drawers. And in each drawer are slots with metal spring loaded tabs that stick out of the front of the cabinet. This is so the rolls of pharmacy labels can stick out and can be torn off when needed, fast and organized. Here is the inside of one of the drawers with the labels still in it... Yes... it still had ALL the labels inside! And this thing dates early 1900's!
Ok, now can you see it? The rolls run under the copper tabs and out the front of the drawers. There are like 62 slots total. Now since most of my ribbons are smaller than the width of the labels I was able to put 3 ribbons in most of the slots. Giving me a total of 152 Ribbons in this cabinet!!!! Sad that barely touches my ribbon stash, LOL, but my favorites are now all stored on my desk in this totally awesome antique cabinet!

And now I have all these totally cool old pharmacy labels. I am going to probably sell most all of them. Once I snag a few for "just in case" I want to use them some day. :0)

Now my big decision is should I leave the original cardboard titles on the drawers? I am one that likes originality, but it would be totally cute to put lace or something across each drawer. I don't know for now I am just leaving it. And totally enjoying it.

I have to show it again....

Ok... have to go and have a happy dance now :0)

See you tomorrow - I have something super SPECIAL to show you for Animal Crackers -
HUGS and

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Me and My Space - My present from Hubby

I am soooo lucky! I have the bestest Hubby in the world. Look at what he refinished and gave me as a present!!!!
 I am so in love! With this Library Card Catalog and Hubby :0)  This is a special cabinet, it was his Dad's. It sat on the shelf in his work area filled with nuts, bolts, screws.. and lots of other little things. When we cleaned out this area a few years ago, I found it.. wish I had taken a photo of it then. Totally falling apart and almost in pieces. I begged him to save it for me. Well he put it out in the barn and it has been there for a while. Well a few months ago he pulled it out and worked on it, until it was returned to all its gorgeous glory. He had to even make a few of the drawers and I think he had to put a new top on it, as the old pieces were past rescuing. All the pulls were broke, or missing. So new ones were found. For now, I have decided to just put in temporary hand written labels. Just until I live with it for a bit. But later I will make some pretty labels.

It holds a TON of things. I was thrilled that my Stampavie stamps on the acrylic folders fit PERFECT in the drawers. But that is just the tip of all the junk... tools and craft goodies that is stored in all 15 drawers.

Here is a photo from the front, as it sits on the back of my desk.
Just makes me smile... I love it! OH.. and in a later post I'll show you the sewing machine drawers that are sitting on top. Those were a antique store find that we both saw and loved.

One day I will have lots of this "vintage" storage in my room. I do like my cube storage boxes from Michaels. But honestly... this is much more my feel. Just takes time to find it all and afford it all! LOL So a little at a time.

See I have the bestest Hubby in the world huh?
Ok.. now back to working on my computer, man transferring all this stuff over is taking forever! But I have gotten a lot done. And so far everything is coming out of the old one and into the new one. Whew...

Have a great day -
HUGS and

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Me and My Space - Makes Me Happy Copic Storage :0)

Hello! Oh how shocking is this, back to another normal post! Me and My Space went on break a few months back... and I am going to try really hard to get it back into the schedule. May not make every Wednesday but I am going to try! Promise.

Today I have something VERY exciting to show you!!! My Copic Storage! I have had a few different ways of storing my markers over time. But this just makes me giggle - so I hope this one works out as a keeper!

Now I can't take the credit for this idea... other than using the pretty box that is :0)

Here is my Copic Storage Box....

I already had the box. Don't you just love those pretty deco boxes? I adore them, This one was part of a set of thee I got at Michaels way back.

Now I have seen this whole "technique" many times all over the Internet - I saw it on Pinterest even. But all the ones I have seen are in plastic boxes for easy traveling. Well I don't travel with my Copics. They sit on my desk, slides a few inches side to side is about all the movement they get. So I took their idea and well used it in something pretty and happy :0)

So my box - I measured it and then used a piece of Plaskolite Ceiling Light Panel, I purchased this at Lowes for less than $15.00 and only used 1/2 of the sheet for my storage. I have enough for my buddy Tracey to make one too. So what is this panel? It is hard to describe.. It fits in those large Florescent light fixtures, but it has square openings in it, that the Copics fit perfectly in. I measured my box and cut two pieces to fit tight into the box. I then took four - 5inch bolts, put them into the corners, slipped one panel in, then a washer, then a nut. On all four corners. then measure to see how high you need the second panel, put a nut on each bolt, then a washer, then the panel. Then a washer and nut to hold it tight on top. ( I forgot the top nuts, so they are missing in my photo sorry)

The Fun begins at this point-  just place the markers in! I decided to follow the Copic Color chart while putting mine in -

I was so proud I did this all on my own. :0) Hubby came home and looked at it and asked why are there empty places? That is the markers I am missing and I am leaving the spots open so I can easily fill in as I get them. He looked at me and rolled his eyes and walked away. LOL  I have lots to fill in don't I? A few at time I'll one day get them all!

So my box makes me happy - and my markers are all safe and sound and sitting pretty on my desk :0)

Thanks for visiting "Me and My Space"

HUGS and

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Me and My Space - A little of my collectibles and GATO

HI! Wanted to show you something that just makes me happy! Tickles me! Now Hubby would say get over it, it is just a plant. But who cares, I love my plant! You see that Christmas Cactus? That is last years Christmas Cactus!! And I kept it alive all year, and now it is blooming! Just in time for... CHRISTMAS! TA - DA!
I feel so proud!  This is the top of my Glass Display cabinet, off our kitchen. This entire room was part of what we re-did this month. The top of the cabinet makes me happy - and those flowers really make me smile! You see I am not that great with plants... so keeping that alive and having it bloom is just short of a miracle! The other plant is part of my Prayer plant. My Grandma had one that I always loved, so Hubby got me one a few years ago. It grew 10 miles long (well really long) and this is a piece of it that I rooted and have planted... again how cool is that????  Let see you can see my my favorite bread and cake box - and a few of my vintage toys. Love the top of this piece of furniture! ;0)

Inside isn't too bad, just really crowded! And this is after I cleaned it out - thinned out the collection and cleaned everything ... I just didn't think out enough - but I oh well I just HAD to keep all of these pieces
 I love to collect! What can I say have lots of different things - :0)

Oh in our re-do Gato got a new window bed - She seems to really like it  -
 Cozy and warm there - and up away from the three dogs and that is probably the best part of the window bed!

Hope you liked my quick peek... if you like I can snap more photos around the house now that it is all painted - new floors and clean! I really had planned to do one of the room... but lost track after I saw all the blooms on my cactus! LOL

HUGS and -

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Me and My Space - I caved... Spinning Desk Storage

Hi - Well I need to be honest... I caved. I have been trying so hard to "watch my spending". And only get those necessary items. Ok... well those needed items. Ok... so just cut back. :0)  The other day I went into Michael's to get some bling card stock for my challenge project for tomorrow. And I was pretty good... I had 5 sheets for bling paper in my hand. (they were on sale in 5's.. ) I was going back to the front of the store glancing quickly at the new Christmas things. And then I saw that the Storage items were on sale 40% off.  I don't really have room for any more of the jet cube items - would love to have more, but no space for them.... but then I saw this.....

OH I have seen them many many times before. I believe it from Making Memories. I never "needed" it. But recently my desk top storage has gotten a bit tight. You see I am really loving my ProMarkers... and I am liking having them on my desk. Well I have had them in a second bucket on my desk but that wasn't working, and well... this was like $20.00 AND it matches all of my other storage... and well... I "NEEDED" it!!!  :0)

LOL... what do you use on your desk? This thing - I think I am going to really like it, it has SO much space in it! I have lots of room for "growth" :0)

See you tomorrow -
HUGS and -


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Me and My Space - Something new.. but very old.

Hi - This weeks Me and My Space post is on Tuesday, I have a challenge post for Wednesday. And this week I got something in that is just making me giggle and I was very excited to show them to you!!!

Aren't these just wonderful???
 I am just soooo excited about them. I found these wonderful Antique alphabet stamps on Etsy a couple of weeks ago. I have wanted some vintage/antique letters for a long time, but well... they are usually really pricey. Well. this set was just perfect for me. They are super clean - great condition, all "usable" and honestly... a FABULOUS price!
The box is just a bit worn, but from everything I can tell this set is probably from the 1940's maybe early 1950's - I think... so worn is to be expected. But the stamps are in wonderful condition. The set still has its metal line up bar and the wooden bar for long words. Plus the original stamp pad... dried out but it is still there! I have already used them in a project or two, and all though silly they just make me happy to use them!

Now I am obsessed and want more of them... other fonts and sizes. LOL ok, I'll just be happy with this set for now, but I will be keeping a watch for one to add to it, then I'll have a collection started :0)

So you have anything new (or old)  that makes you happy to use?

I'll see you tomorrow for my Inky Impressions Challenge post... Have a great Tuesday!
HUGS and-

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Me and My Space - Help me decide on my Button storage and My Vintage Bread Boxes

Hi - today I thought I would show you my button drawer box thingy - I have sort of shown it before, but well... I wanted to show it off today again.. LOL I made this a while back. Well I painted it, This was an unfinished piece I got at Hobby Lobby when it was 50% off. I think I paid like $5.00 And it came with the little handles! It had to be painted blue and white to match my room of course. I used inexpensive acrylic paint -
 It really turned out cute, and I love it sitting up on my desk top shelf. My button Drawers!

Here is a look in the "Red/Pink" drawer -
 Now this has been great for me.... has been... I have been trying to decide where to go from here.... Should I get a second one or find larger storage? Mine is SO full that the drawers are just not working well and I have started piling up buttons in other places. So ... opinions here, Do a second one and expand? Or should I look for something larger?

Thought I would also share one of my all time favorite storage items.... You can find these all over my house for storage - Here are a few on top of one of my cabinets in my Craft Room - Vintage Tin Bread Boxes!
These here hold old family photos - and paperwork - and old tools and the tall round container... it has some old markers and ink pads in it. 

They make me happy - I love seeing them in my room, I love recycling them for my uses, and honestly - they are pretty inexpensive at yard sales or markets... well sometimes they are, I have seen crazy prices at some shows - but shop around!

Hope you enjoyed today- give me your opinion on my button drawers -
HUGS and -

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Me and My Space - A look into my Goodie Boxes

Hi - Today for Me and My Space a day late I thought I would show you the inside of my Goodie Boxes :0) I have LOTS of different plastic boxes filled with all kinds of Embellishments. Many are from my Scrapbooking days, Lots of alphabets and such. While cleaning up my desk and a few drawers I kept coming across little bits of things. You know little boxes, packages and containers of those little things you want to keep close so you will remember to use them. Then they get buried and forgotten. Yep... that is what happened to lots of my things. 

Well I kept piling them up and soon I had a pretty big pile. I went to sort things into those many many boxes and decided that I would just create two boxes that would sit on top of my desk, easy access and hopefully as I purchase or get new things they will go into these boxes and not buried. That is the plan today anyway, not that my plans always work out. :0)

So here is box one....
 Now this box is the smaller things, brads, clips, a few special buttons, and such. I have a bigger brad box across the room. And it honestly is a pain to work out of and search in... so I rarely dig in it. This is some of my favorite brads, and newer brads. I Love those big jumbo brads, and above those are Doodlebug sugared brads.. oh yummy! In the center in the front... those are those tiny adorable Making Memories brads that look like tiny buttons. Above those are some new adhesive glittered round thingies I just found. On the top left.. those are all sorts of clips  - love office supply clearance sections... LOL Those little test tube things, I got those on clearance in a small scrapbook store YEARS ago and lost them in my stash. They are tiny little letters... interesting... need to use them. On the right you see all types and shapes of paper clips. There are other things in here too but that is the high lights...

Box 2 -
This box weighs a ton... It is all the larger things. Most all of this is older stuff from my scrapbooking days, that I have pulled out to try and use more. Clear acrylic shapes. Frame galore! All kinds of shapes, and colors. I really need to use up some of these. In the front middle are stick pins... This box has just a lot of different things... oh including those dominoes :0) don't know where they came from where I will use them... but I am going to try!

I will say I don't know if it cuz they are new on my desk, or just that I have thought about things I have seen recently, but I have been digging in these two boxes and using a few things recently! YEA... I really need to use up some stash... sigh....

Now I thought I might also start showing you some of my other loves... Hubby and I collect all kinds of old stuff - I have been sucked into Vintage Blogs lately... and thought if you all wouldn't mind I might share some of my things as well...... If you don't like it... I'll stop :0)

So first off I thought I would share the back wall of my "new" kitchen. You might remember last year... just two weeks prior to my bosses and friends Heidi and Stuart from Stampavie were to come and then leave for CHA... Hubby started tearing apart my kitchen. We took out all the cabinets, put in new, new counter top (love that butcher block top from Ikea!) And a new tile back splash. We decided to not put upper cabinets on this one wall in my kitchen instead he built me these wonderful shelves to show off just a few of my collectibles. Oh.. Hubby finished the kitchen just with just over a day to spare before our guest arrived! LOL

A couple of my biggest loves is my Yellowware stoneware kitchen things. I have LOTS of this. I just put a few bowls out here. And then I adore vintage kitchen tin. I especially love Nesco's Garden Girl collection. Don't know why... just love that little gardening gal - she is so... so... so.... Leave it to Beaver Momish... LOL you know what I mean? Hair perfect, dressed perfect, out to do her gardening...   Lets see what else is here... oh the birds are ones my FIL made years ago... we miss him. And having the birds all through out my house is a smile. I also have a few vintage repo toys - a few other pieces of pottery. And some older tin kitchen items. Really love that 1800's era kitchen tin. Just a bit pricey most of the time!

Well hope you enjoyed! Thanks for letting me share :0)
Have a great Thursday - see you tomorrow for Just Magnolia and Hanglar day!
HUGS and

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Me and My Space - More Peeking in my Drawers and a Candy Winner :0)

Hi - Did you think I had fallen off the the earth again? Sorry - was a tough couple of days, allergies, headache, and then yesterday I had my first big eye exam since I finished up with my accident last year. I can report for that - everything is good. My "good" eye - I say that loosely cuz I am blind as a bat without my glasses, but she said everything was healthy and my injured eye seems to have healed well and adjusted well. Now I have an appointment in a month to see the Dr. that made my prosthetic eye and check on it and polish it. Yes... I have to have it polished once a year - Make sure I have that sparkle in my eye :0) Anywho... I have been wiped out and worn out. Having trouble even crafting the past week.

So for today I though I would show you the other three Canvas Dotted Shelf Baskets... I showed the first three last week - This is the three furthest away from my desk.

Top Drawer - 
 We will call this my hmmmm..... To alter drawer? To Decorate drawer? I don't know what to call it! But it has many of the smaller things I have in my stash to decorate and or alter in future projects. Blank Calendars, photo books, ornaments, Coasters, Jumbo paper clips, Canvas, and notebooks. Lots and Lots of little goodies to play with!!

Middle Drawer -
 Simply put.. Envelopes - yep... all sizes shapes and colors. Boring, but very necessary as a card maker ;0)

Bottom Drawer -
 Oops... Autie wanted to see in this drawer too... sorry :0)

Lets try again -
This is what I am calling my overflow and not used much drawer. I have a pile of mulberry roses that wouldn't fit in my main flower drawer. As I use them up these will go and fill in. The white Baby wipe box has little inks, pens and markers in it. The clear divided box has beads. And then in the front I have a couple of Fiskars tools for working with silk flowers.

Yep... overflow and not used much. Why here right next to my desk? I am hoping later to clean out a shelf across the room and move things there. But for now it is at least all sorted here.

Now I have been just giggling with excitement over this.... 

I was trying to come up with a way to label my canvas drawers that are my daily used items on my desk. ( I have showed them on a past Me and My Space Post ) NOW...  HOW CUTE DID THESE TURN OUT??!!  I used my Nesties Fancy tag, cut out blue card stock, typed out my labels... Bling, Ink Pads, Glues and Tapes... etc...  glued them onto the tags, then used mini brads and poked straight into the canvas and attached them! Totally makes me smile and look up and see them! I am working on labels for all the drawers all around me now!

Alright I'll settle down now and do the winner for last weeks stamps -

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2011-10-05 00:19:17 UTC

Winner is:
Karen McAlpine said...I like your idea of the "working drawer". I use a file box type thing for this. But, it was over flowing. I did clean it out and refiled some of the things elsewhere. I keep several folders full of stamped images for quick cards. The blog candy stamps look scrumptious. I would love to give them a new home. Great job cleaning! Have a great day!!

Karen - email me (  your mailing address and I'll get these out to you ASAP!

Alright I am off now - lots to catch up on and I think Hubby and I are going to run a few errands first and then come home to chores.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!
HUGS and

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Me and My Space - A Day Early - Re-Organized and Blog CANDY Stamps Again!

Hi - This week I have LOTS to post... and Wednesday was getting really crowded, so I decided that on weeks that Wednesday's are my Inky Impressions Challenge (every other week) then I will post my Me and My Space post on Tuesdays. Is that ok? Hope so... Plus this week I was excited cuz I actually have stuff to show! I spent all day Sunday cleaning out and re-organizing my Dotted shelves. It was a double header Yankee/Red Sox day and so I had lots of time to work and yell at the tv! GO YANKEES!!! ;0) Ok.. so here is what I call my "Dotted Shelves"

 I love these dotted basket shelves. These are basket like things that slide - I took everything out of all 6 of them, and a few other boxes in my area and sorted everything out. Was so cool! I found things I haven't seen in years!  The top of the two shelves, on the left is one of those Making Memories boxes, the one with the three levels and the three little drawers in it. I got mine a long time ago at Tuesday Morning.. for like $4.00 - I put things in there that I want to use - Need to see things. I'll show this off closer in the future. Then in front of that, where I spent most of the time sorting.... and I just can't wait to show you these two clear boxes... my new "embellishment boxes" So fun!

Oh I am just so full of teasers of things I plan to show off aren't I? LOL Then on the top right, My Copics, My Letraset Aqua Markers in the black storage binders, and my ATG gun. I am still working on storage of my Promarkers - I am thinking for those I am going to have to make sure I have the space for ALL of them... I am really loving them.

But today I decided to show you the three drawers closest to my chair/desk -
Top Drawer -
 I decided that here I need to put things I use- new and keep an eye on things. Right now I am just nuts for my 6x6 and 8x8 pads. I have some of my favorites pulled from the shelves - the newer ones, the ones I am "into" right now and of course the Holiday ones - I have had them just stacked on my desk and I was moving them all around. Now they have a place in my working drawer. Also here in the back - my new vintage ribbon from Etsy and some of my favorite ribbons. There are some on the rolls that I need to take off the rolls and put onto my hanging rings, just need to find the time. Then also here are some of my stamped images. Some I have done and some shared by sweet friends. Sadly my Hanglar and Stangler stamped images are starting to run out... I may have to reach out and see about getting more :0)

This drawer just is my happy drawer  - loving all the stuff in here -

Now middle drawer -
I found that I have ALOT of chipboard type of things. Grungeboard - again a Tuesday Morning purchase found them on sale a year or so ago.. two packages for like $5.00 I got a few you can see... and I hardly ever use it! Putting it here is my attempt to try and use it in the future. I also put all the other shapes of chipboard... ovals, tags, flourishes. And then the black and white folders on the left. Those are rub on alphabets from American Crafts. I have these and used them with my scrapbooking. When I dove into the "Stamping" world, they got buried.. I am thinking I need to use them more. I just hope they are still good.

And the bottom drawer -
 Again ... my past. THICKERS mainly here in this drawer. A few other brands of letters and shapes. But mostly Thickers. Me and my Scrapbook buddies well... we were sort of Thicker nuts for a time. And when our local store closed... pout pout... Her giant wall of them were put on sale.... I stocked up, hey it was a really good sale! And not long after that I went more into my stamping. I found these last week packed up in a box in the closet. I got to thinking it was a shame to waste them. So I am going to try and find ways to use them. If I can't in the coming months.. or find that they just are not my thing... They may have to find a new owner - to much space!

Now that is the first three drawers. I'll show the other three next week ok? OH... and I did say something in the title about Blog Candy Stamps again didn't I? Well.. in cleaning I found even more stamps that are sadly not being loved. So I am passing them on to someone to love - Is that you?

Now what do we have here?
I found a Wags and Whiskers Stamp - too cute, I think I used it once or twice.
Three Sweet Nellies - One brand new never used, and two that I used a few times.
Three Whiff of Joys - I don't think I have ever put ink on these.
And THEN... A HANGLER stamp!! Why am I adding this little jewel? I have two of this one image - so I am sharing!

So eight stamps need to find someone to love them. All you need to do to be in the drawing is comment here. I'll ship world wide. That is about it. Next Wednesday I will do a random drawing for a winner :0)

Still cleaning out areas... feels good to get organized and even more to find things "new" to me in my own stash that I have forgot about. It is like shopping without spending more money! Hubby would roll his eyes here and say "Uh but you already spent the money" Hey saving money is all I am thinking now! LOL

Have a great day - I'll be back tomorrow with my Inky Impressions post!
HUGS and

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Me and My Space - A few of my Favorite Products

Hello - Well once again my craft space is a total mess.... but it is a good thing, cuz I have been very crafty this past week. Working on DT projects... can't show them off now :0) But I have been a very crafty person. So today I thought I might show you a few of my favorite products right now. Things I have been using lately... oops that is a little hint of things I have been doing. ;0)

First up.... 
I have had and do have a few different corner rounders. Even one of those mega heavy duty ones. But this one has been on my desk... and being used a lot. It has become my favorite corner rounder. I like that it is two corner rounders in one. You flip over the little thingy in the middle and it does two different corners. Been using this a lot lately -

My bone folder. This too is a tool I have had a few of. And honestly worn out a few. This one I got a while back. It is a Martha Stewart Bone folder. I purchased mine with a 1/2 off coupon, and well it was pink with little blings on it. I figured it would be worth at least the 1/2 off. But well... it was a good purchase. Seems really sturdy and I have been using it for everything. 

Next is my Snow Marker. I didn't purchase my first one, it was a gift. To be totally honest, I said thank you - and tossed it into my pen caddy. I didn't use it much at all. And one day I found it and used it. AND WOW... if you use it correctly it really works! Color in where you want it, let it dry totally and then heat it up with your heat gun... bam! It puffs up and looks like snow! It is made by Marvy  - I got mine at Alota Rubber Stamps :0)

Then a new sparkle favorite!
Tsukineko Sheer Shimmer Spritz - A last minute use of my coupon at Hobby Lobby - came with two other colors, but this one.. WOW I have used it just about all up. Guess I will either have to use those two other colors instead or buy them again and share them :0) Hopefully I can find them again.

So there are four of my favorite things I have been using a lot of lately. What are you using a lot lately? Maybe I need to try them too .. LOL

Oh I think I should probably do one of those comments here... you know the one.... "none of the company's have paid for my comments, this is just my humble opinion" ... LOL .. If you are with one of these companies and want to lavish me with things to try I would still give my honest humble opinion and love to use up more of your products :0) 

Have a great Wednesday- I am off to use more products... crafty crafty crafty....

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Me and My Space - Stamp Winner and New INKY Impressions news!

OOPs... Darn Blogger scheduler and I disagreed again... you got this early... sorry :09

Hello - LOTS of news today.... :0) So I am combining what should be two post into one is that ok? I'll get the winner of the Me and My Space Blog candy winner from last week at the end of the post... :0) drama building ok? But first I wanted to share something really fun and exciting!!! :0)

A few weeks ago, I received an email asking me if I wanted to be a guest designer for Inky Impressions. I was excited, as I was sad that Spoon was ending, and I really needed something to cheer me up, and that day I got the email! Then while chatting back and forth, they asked if I would please finish the year with the team! HOW fun and cool is that!

So every other Wednesday I'll be part of the Inky Impressions team and sharing! Their stamps are really cute and I am happy to be sharing them with you. And today is my first card with the DT challenge! The challenge was Dressed to Impress... I think Princess Lili is pretty impressive ;0)
 I made an easel card, with lots of pearls and bling - The papers were just TOO PERFECT if you ask me. They are My Minds Eye Lost and Found Market Street. Yes, that word Princess is part of one of the pattern papers :0)
 Here you can see the EK Success border punch with the bling and crown papers.
Princess Lili is colored with my Promarkers: Ivory, Blush, Oatmeal, Caramel, Burnt Sienna, Pale Pink, Baby Pink, Dusky Rose, Pear Green and Powder Blue. The entire dress is covered with Smooch... in person it is really sparkly really pretty. 

I had fun coloring her and can't wait for the next challenge in two weeks! But until then, please make sure to pop over to Inky Impressions and see all the DT work, zoom around and see all the inspiration there (there are two places to see the challenges and inspirations ok ) and then you can pop over to the store and see all the greatness that is available!

NOW to the winner of my Stamps from last week...
I used to draw a number for me, and I actually figured out how to do it correctly and copy and paste it into my post. HOW smart am I??!!

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2011-09-13 17:53:15 UTC

So number 30 makes the winner
Holly AKA KopyKat said...oh I would love to win these! Thanks for the opportunity and for sharing your wonderful creations and life with us.

So Holly AKA KopyKat... if you will email me at your snail mail address I will send out YOUR new/used stamps.

Starting up a new pile of stamps... I'll try and get them on really soon ok?  Feels good to pass on stamps that are crying out for some ink!!

Thanks for staying with me on this long double post! Remember to pop over to Inky Impressions and take a look there, and back here next week for Me and My Space... not sure I may have to move that to Tuesdays or Thursdays... but for right now I can't handle that decision.. LOL  Too much in my head already!

HUGS and -