Showing posts with label My Craft Room. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Craft Room. Show all posts

Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Goodies from the show....

As promised here are the photos of my shopping trip to the Scrapbook show. Didn't feel like I was buying much at all... at least compared to what I normally would do :0) But I have to say it was so totally cool to shop - hand to Hubby and then walk on to the next booth while he purchased and carried for me! LOL He is such a keeper!

I guess my pain purchase was from the Heartfelt Creations Booth. I love their stuff :0 I wanted SO much from there, but in the end I blew more than my entire budget on these 5 things! Four wonderful dies. I got those great new Rose Creations dies and their coordinating stamps - and then three of their exclusive dies. They look so versatile and fun to use! 
Then we hit a booth that had a great deal on Stickles. And if you remember that was the one thing I was really really after. I was totally out of my Diamond Stickles and was heartbroken. Well I now have two bottles of that color... and just a few more colors.
Now I have to say Hubby was helping me pick out stickles. He is going to use a few of the colors with his fly tying... so there were a few that I would have never picked. But hey... they were $1.33 each - so they were a GREAT deal! I then picked up a bottle of my glue I love... and the next booth found a couple of Nellie corner dies, and a set of the cutest butterfly dies from Cherry Lane.   Can't wait to try those out! They are so little but so intricate!

Then as we were at the last row there was a "sale booth" you know one of those booths with lots of different really cheap things.  That was where I found the ribbon and Hubby found the glitter. He wanted some glitter for again his fly tying and at $1 a bottle that was pretty cheap, and the bottles are shakers so that was really cool. The ribbon is sheer gorgeous ribbon - 25yrds per roll for $2!! So I got a few of those. The Pearl Pens is something new... Hubby found them in a booth as we were leaving.... looks like really fun stuff. We are going to "share" these. The make 3-d "bumps" so I can make my own pearls on projects. Can't wait to try it. Can't tell you how they will be used in his fly tying... But he found them and thought they were cool. And then the last thing I got... oh my aren't they just gorgeous???
I totally went nuts for these sprays of bling! They are so pretty.... not cheap at $1.50 each bundle. But I was so nuts for them, Hubby picked up one of each color... then I added one more clear and he went to pay for them just as we were going out.
Told you he was a keeper :0) Sorry he is mine girls :0)    We left the show, and then went for a great lunch at one of our favorite BBQ places. We don't eat there very often as it is about a 2 hour drive to get there, but we were over 1/2 way there, and had the afternoon so we took off. Plus there is a fabulous Antique Mall right next door. Didn't find anything there to buy but loved walking the isles and looking. Hubby found a pair of vintage boots he liked in this great booth that deals in quality vintage boots but in the end he decided that he was going pass on them. The guys has more boots than I have bling flip flops... and that is a lot! LOL

Headed home... side trip to the goat farm... then home, was a wonderful day with my guy. Hope we can do it again soon, just love these days! And I don't even have to have the Scrapbook show or the goat farm to love the day with him, but those were totally bonuses this time! :0)

Hope you have a wonderful Sunday -

Saturday, November 28, 2009

My FINISHED Craft Room :0)

I am so excited! I showed a few photos a week or so ago.. but now I can show off the FINISHED Craft Room!  I love it! It is off of my bedroom - we use to have four windows on one side of our bedroom - we took them out  - three became openings into the room and one became a doorway that you step down into my room.

This is the view coming into the room -

While looking to the left - you see one of my favorite pieces - Hubby painted this cabinet a few years back as a anniversary gift. It use to be our computer cabinet. Now it is storage and a place for Hubby to work on his fly tying. I love it and how well it went into the room. You also see the "pet" corner... Gato the Cat's Window bed... cat scratcher, and Libbie's bed :0) Everyone has a place in this craft room!

I wanted to point on one of my new things I just love!! I found these tiered baskets recently at an antique store. It is really an old one - has a few little issues.. but nothing I can't make work. It is now holds all... scratch that... some of my flowers - and best yet.. I only paid $10.00 for it! Love it!

If you turn to the left you see the stamp wall I showed last time... the new 6 drawer cabinet Hubby got me and you can better see my storage closet - much needed. On the door of the closet I have my some of my punches - this is a new system for me.. not sure if I am liking this or not but we will see - to the right of the door is the paper cabinet I showed last time.

And this is my desk!! I am so happy! This is a desk my father made years ago - he was a graphic designer, and he made this drafting table to work on and the small rolling cabinet next to it. He used it forever - Funny thing is that as a kid I remember this desk being HUGE.. and now it just doesn't seem that big.. LOL But Hubby has cleaned up for me, and added a glass top to it, and it is perfect and makes me really happy to be using it! I just wish my Dad knew how much I loved it and that I am using it...

the top of my desk is full... :0)   I like to have my most used items close! Sewing machine, Copics, punches, the list goes on and on... But I still have lots of creative space - this is something I have never had before - my little desk before was not very big and I had a lot on it - so I had a 8 x 8 working space... good things my cards usually are 6x6...LOL  Now I can work on anything!

Above my desk is shelves Hubby put up for me.. one for some of my 3-d projects I have made recently - and the top one one of my favorite shorebirds his father carved. (Hubby and his Dad were both bird carvers for years.. their stuff really is amazing.  If only Hubby didn't have so many house - barn - fence - donkey - goat - dog projects he might do more of it! LOL)

I forgot to take a photo of our computer desk.. it sits just to the right of my craft desk on the other side of the doorway. Not missing to much, it is just a desk with a computer on it -

I found it not easy to photo the room... I may try and do some better ones as I get things more organized on the shelves and such, but at least now you can see how wonderful it turned out. I am so proud of it and really hate to mess it up... I use to never clean up after myself well.. now as soon as I use something it goes right back into place - hope I keep that up! Thanks for all the patience and waiting for me to get my act together while finishing it -

Have a wonderful Sunday... me I am in my craft room :0)
HUGS and-

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The First sneak peeks of my new Craft Room!

Now my room isn't totally finished, but I just can't stand it anymore I have to show you some of the areas that are done!

This is one of my shelves, and my stamp wall. Hubby made this for me a couple of years ago - It took me forever to remove all the stamps so he could move it, then 1/2 a day to get them all back on the shelves! Those stamps are two deep... I know serious stamp addiction. You know the scary part. I have a lot more unmounted/and acrylic stamps than wood mounted :0)  I still have a lot of ribbon to put onto the rings and hang - but I love how it looks to have it out hanging. I find I use it more with it out showing. The four boxes on the shelves with the drawers is full of my smaller ribbons wound into little boxes. Maybe once I have everything in place and cleaned up I will show off a few things like that. I am working now to get things out of "ugly" boxes and get pretty ones for the shelves. The three on the top came from Tuesday Morning. Cool store that I don't need to visit often.. LOL I spend too much there!

This is a new piece for me. Hubby got it for me, it is an Indian Drawer cabinet - I LOVE IT! 6 drawers, I have all my inks in one, embossing powders/flocking/glitter in another, chalks and makers and so on... I love it so much, as did Hubby, that I have another one on order for the other side of the room... it will hold my flowers and lots of other embellishments - The basket on the cabinet is all of my 6x6 and 8x8 paper pads. And the metal signs - I just got those recently and have had to them for my new room! My valance curtains I got the week Hubby started my craft room - way back when! I fell in love with them and didn't want to chance not getting them when I was "ready" for them. They had long full curtains but the were way too long and I wanted to have lots of light in my room so I went with blinds and the valances.

This is an old piece, I got it at an antique shop years ago, a library case. It has glass doors that close - but I just leave them open to have quicker access to my paper! I love to use antiques in collectible in my room. On another shelf in the room I use tin bread boxes, and old kitchen glass canisters for storage. See something to look forward to in my next photos!

Sorry for the boxes on each side of it.. looks kind of messy... they are waiting for the other side of the room to be painted. Then I can put all of that up on my shelves.  I just got the wire basket that is on top, clearance at Target - It holds all of my 8x11 paper. All the rest is 12x12 here. I still have more card stock to unpack... not sure where it is going to go yet.. LOL the shelf filled up quicker than I thought. I am thinking I need to go through all of the pattern paper and cull out a bunch - I have had some it since I started scrap booking... we won't go into how long ago that was!

And yes, there are lots of donkeys around the room. :0)  I can't tell you how many stuffed, ceramic, paper mache, wood donkeys I have - I collect them all - so I am moving some of them into my craft room - I just love having them around me, they make me smile!

So more photos next Sunday, I can't wait to show off my desk, my Dad made it and used it for years....

HUGS and-