I guess my pain purchase was from the Heartfelt Creations Booth. I love their stuff :0 I wanted SO much from there, but in the end I blew more than my entire budget on these 5 things! Four wonderful dies. I got those great new Rose Creations dies and their coordinating stamps - and then three of their exclusive dies. They look so versatile and fun to use!
Then we hit a booth that had a great deal on Stickles. And if you remember that was the one thing I was really really after. I was totally out of my Diamond Stickles and was heartbroken. Well I now have two bottles of that color... and just a few more colors.
Now I have to say Hubby was helping me pick out stickles. He is going to use a few of the colors with his fly tying... so there were a few that I would have never picked. But hey... they were $1.33 each - so they were a GREAT deal! I then picked up a bottle of my glue I love... and the next booth found a couple of Nellie corner dies, and a set of the cutest butterfly dies from Cherry Lane. Can't wait to try those out! They are so little but so intricate!
Then as we were at the last row there was a "sale booth" you know one of those booths with lots of different really cheap things. That was where I found the ribbon and Hubby found the glitter. He wanted some glitter for again his fly tying and at $1 a bottle that was pretty cheap, and the bottles are shakers so that was really cool. The ribbon is sheer gorgeous ribbon - 25yrds per roll for $2!! So I got a few of those. The Pearl Pens is something new... Hubby found them in a booth as we were leaving.... looks like really fun stuff. We are going to "share" these. The make 3-d "bumps" so I can make my own pearls on projects. Can't wait to try it. Can't tell you how they will be used in his fly tying... But he found them and thought they were cool. And then the last thing I got... oh my aren't they just gorgeous???
I totally went nuts for these sprays of bling! They are so pretty.... not cheap at $1.50 each bundle. But I was so nuts for them, Hubby picked up one of each color... then I added one more clear and he went to pay for them just as we were going out.
Told you he was a keeper :0) Sorry he is mine girls :0) We left the show, and then went for a great lunch at one of our favorite BBQ places. We don't eat there very often as it is about a 2 hour drive to get there, but we were over 1/2 way there, and had the afternoon so we took off. Plus there is a fabulous Antique Mall right next door. Didn't find anything there to buy but loved walking the isles and looking. Hubby found a pair of vintage boots he liked in this great booth that deals in quality vintage boots but in the end he decided that he was going pass on them. The guys has more boots than I have bling flip flops... and that is a lot! LOL
Headed home... side trip to the goat farm... then home, was a wonderful day with my guy. Hope we can do it again soon, just love these days! And I don't even have to have the Scrapbook show or the goat farm to love the day with him, but those were totally bonuses this time! :0)
Hope you have a wonderful Sunday -