Howdy its Saturday... Animal Crackers day, this week was all about the Vet and the Neighbors Green Grass -
Let's do the Green Grass first, happy subject. The neighbor has a couple of empty pastures next door - one is right next to our Ladies pen. It is so sad to see all our Donkeys on their side where they have eaten and walked down all the fresh green grass. Especially when you look over the fence and see that her side of the fence has lush green grass that no one is taking advantage of. So we discussed "renting" some time for some munching for our gals. She agreed that it will all die soon with Winter, so let the girls come next door and eat all they would like. So we removed a few boards and rearranged a few gate panels and now our girls have a sort of drive thru lane to LOTS of yummy grass! I don't think they looked up for the first 24-48 hours. They didn't show up, and scream for their breakfast or their dinner for three days, why would they want dried up hay when they have fresh? It has been wonderful to watch. We are probably going to move around a few more pens and get other donkeys some time eating out at the neighbors. So lots of photos from next door...
First I have to show you this photo of Leticia - Vickie's baby girl, that should have been weaned and put into the Sorority pen a few weeks back. But I knew we would be moving them for fresh grass, so I left her with her Mom a little longer. This girl is PERFECT! She just has that look of a great show Donkey... great conformation is what they say.
She is proportioned well. Look at those ears! She was watching "Dad" clean and fill their water bucket. And she isn't just looks - nope this girl has tons of personality :0)
Speaking of watching "Dad" - Here are three Ladies really keeping an eye on what is going on as well. I love this photo - They are all watching so close to make sure he does everything correctly.

So we have our oldest donkey, Darlene. We call her our Matriarch - The wisest and most experienced, this lady has had LOTS of babies over the years. She is 20 years old this year! But that isn't old - Donkey's can live to be 40+ years. Darlene I hope will go way past that she is super special. Lacey is one of our brown ladies, she has given us some gorgeous brown and dark brown babies. I think she may be pregnant now... She was in with Raffie a very short time before we decided to pull our men out and not breed during the bad drought time. Don't tell Hubby... but I am so hoping she is, I "need" another baby. Angelina "Lina" is one of our first babies born here, and Gloria... You have to love Gloria, poor thing is just a little too much. Too much personality, Too Nosey, Too pushy, Too Nippy (she will take little love bites if you don't pay attention) But will all of her "too muches" She is a love... And all of it is just cuz she wants attention and lovin'. Can't fault that now can you?
This photo just has to make you smile. They were a little far off from me to get a good photo with my phone, but I still had to snap it. Flavio and his Mom Bella. How adorable is this photo?
Flavio is a stunning little boy. It just kills me that this little man is one of the rare babies here. He is cautious and just a bit skittish. 99% of the kids here will climb in your lap and adore attention. But this guy, well he is very slow to totally trust and give in to our attention. He is just like his Mom was when we purchased her and brought her home. But after a while, Bella warmed up and she loves her scratches and Donkey Hugs. I am hoping we can get Flavio to love it all too... we will I am sure. He wants it.. and will almost give in, so he is close.
Here is a funny one... Anyone want me to mail this box to you? LOL Hubby and I were packing up a few things that had sold in my Auctions this week, when Hubby asked if I had another box as this one was being used.
She "Thinks" she is hiding from everyone here. What is it with cats and boxes and bags? They just HAVE to climb in don't they? Heck this one wasn't even totally put together yet and she just had to hunker down in it. She was very happy there until the dogs found her, then she jumped out to find a new spot to make hers.
NOW the VET... We love our Vet's new office. I think we have been with them almost a year now. Had to find a new Doc for our "children" when ours retired. Finding an office that is ok with me calling on nights, weekends and holidays... and that understand how special Donkey's and their personalities can be, and that will make farm calls. Let me tell you that isn't an easy thing to do. But we were lucky and found a great place, a little farther away than I would have liked, but not to bad. We may go weeks with out talking to them, then there is a month like this last one. Patti is doing fantastic now since her time staying at the Vet's and then home with her Meds for a couple of weeks. We spoke to everyone in the office quite a bit that few weeks. Thought we were in a quiet time again... But this week things went all nuts again.
Monday morning Hubby found Cocoa in the barn three legging it... she had hurt her leg, and we were not for sure what was the cause. Now Cocoa... she is a special case. She is our rescued standard. Very sweet, but cautious and not the easiest to deal with at times. Getting her on a trailer and to the vet - uh no... that is not happening. The Vet was booked solid all day, so we treated with phone calls and making sure that she didn't get any worse. All week we have been giving her meds, and making sure she was improving and not getting worse. She is still limping, but the swelling has gone down. I am hoping that she just twisted it, and time will heal things. She is moving all over the property, so it can't be too bad. You can see in this picture that front leg held up...

Libbie had an appointment for her shots on Wednesday to postpone as the workmen were still here working on the new garage so couldn't leave. Tried for Thursday, that didn't work, so we ended up calling and moving it to next week... then later that day I was calling and getting an emergency appointment for Autie.. Little guy scared the tar out of me.
He has been coughing and gagging the past week. We have been really keeping a very close eye on him trying to figure out what was wrong. Then Thursday morning he choked. I wasn't going to risk it. I dropped everything and took him -
Here he is waiting to see the Doc. Now of course once at the Vet... he was happy and seemed perfectly healthy.... Kids..
He loved all the attention, and especially loved when the Doc got down on the floor to play with him. LOL No coughing or gagging.. of course. But Doc did give him a good exam, I was worried he had something stuck in his throat. But no... Doc says he has severe allergies.
ALLERGIES?? Yep... allergies and he has put on a little too much weight. (ok that I had noticed, and already switched all the doggies to light food. Libbie has also packed on a few too many unnecessary pounds) So after Autie got to play with the Doc, and get lots of scratches from all the techs and receptionist we went home with a bottle of medicine that should help with his allergies, and told to cut back food and start him on a diet. If he is still having issues on Monday when we take Libbie in, Autie will get to go for more attention then. Then.. if the meds work on him... I may ask Doc if they will work on me, cuz my allergies are making me nuts as well. LOL
Ok, long one this week... better get things going! Local Auction today..... wonder what Hubby and I can drag home? Hope you have some fun planned...
See you tomorrow for Me and My Space - Have a great day!
HUGS and