My goodness, where has this month gone? Idle hands, they say! Thank the stars for the
September Make n' Tell Challenge, or I would be getting into so much trouble!
The past couple of days my computer had been hijacked for a Season 5 marathon of
Lost, and since it's not released on DVD yet, we've been watching it online. I'm all gung-ho about
making more Lost-themed pieces and have sketched some ideas out, but my brain's not quite there yet. During this marathon, I've been hard at work at some more jewelry, just because it's the easiest to make when watching television.
I really can't quite remember which one started where, and when I finished them, so I'd like to consider this the the fruits of the past few days, in no particular order.
Finding some more critters from the depths of the dollar store treasures that keep popping up the past week or so, here's a stingray and a turtle ... or is it a tortoise? Either way, they have pinbacks to adorn your favourite fishing hat! I really like the stingray and may keep it, buuuuuut ... ah, we'll see.