Showing posts with label Pets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pets. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

FanBoy, FanGirl ... FanDog?

If you've been strolling Facebook lately, you may have seen this photo.  Fanboys and girls with pets, beware!

The ATAT Puppy.  Oh yeah.

I gotta admit that the 'fangirl' side goes a little crazy over stuff like this.  I was raised on Star Wars and wanted to be Indiana Jones when I grew up.   My boyfriend and I have action figures and comic books galore between the two of us, and we keep collection on occasion when a really awesome find comes our way.

This one is pretty awesome, but I'm not too sure it'll go over well with our toy-breed chihuahua, Shiva.  Besides, I'm not entirely sure we can get something that small.  And Shiva's a "chewer".

How 'bout your pets?  Do they have costumes planned, or are they just gonna chew it up on you? 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Etsy Monday! Issue #8: Puppy Love

My dog is the cutest dog ever.  Alright, I'm biased, but it's true.  I'm sure your dog's adorable and whatnot, but my dog is the cutest in the whole wide world.  Don't believe me?  She's right here.  Take a look!

Yep, pretty cute, right?  Well, a dog like that deserves only the finest of treats and toys and a nice warm sweater to cuddle in!  When I wanna get something unique for my one-of-a-kind Shiva, here's a few folks on Etsy that I'll turn to!
AnneMarie Minardi and Gillian Ward started Rover in the fall of 2007 as a functional departure from the saturation of frills, sequins, satin bows and poorly-executioned garments for pets.  AnneMarie wanted her puppy, Ella, to not only look fashionable, but practical.  With garments and accessories to accommodate six different sizes of dogs "from the very small to the very big", as well as a custom service to fit those dogs in between.  I'm wondering if they'll make me and Shiva matching jackets!

The Grandstand Dress

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Etsy Purchase: Something For The Puppy From Mr. Soft Top!

I'm very excited to get this dog sweater I've purchased from Mr. Soft Top on Etsy.  Knit with 100% pure New Zealand wool, this'll be perfect for little Shiva in the Canadian winters!

Sunflowers in Winter dog sweater, made with 100% pure New Zealand wool

Shiva knows she's well-loved, and pretty spoiled.  Check out the 'Puppy Love' Treasury I made stuffed with a whole bunch of stuff I'd like to get her for Christmas!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Meet Shiva!

We'd like to introduce you to a new addition to the family - Shiva, our new pet chihuahua!

How cute is this?  I could barely contain myself!

Following in the footsteps of my parents, who were small dog owners themselves, we had adopted Shiva after falling in love with her at first sight.  We took her out for her first big day outside on Victoria Day to Jack Darling Park in Port Credit with our neighbours, Dejah and Brandon and their son, Mylo.

Don't let the shoe fool you - it's infant size!

'Have you seen my shoe?'

Seems that Mylo was more interested in the dog than the camera!

The secret to owning a small dog is to treat it like a big dog.  I really do try not to carry Shiva around too much, and I make sure she's on the ground when she meets new people and other dogs for the first time.  The four - ahem, six, counting baby and dog - are planning a camping trip in early July, and we're looking forward to introducing Shiva to the wonders of nature and the fun outdoors!  That dog'll be sleeping for a week!

Leave a comment for Shiva and say hello! :)
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