Showing posts with label Kirigami Pop-Up Card Making. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kirigami Pop-Up Card Making. Show all posts

Monday, October 4, 2010

Etsy Monday! Issue #7: The Art of Paper

Paper's an everyday thing we take for granted.  We print documents, write messages, read stories, finish the week's crossword on it.  If you stroll through Etsy, you'll find a lot more inventive ways paper has been used - and it's certainly not something you'll see every day!  Take a look at this week's Etsy Monday! featured sellers for some great examples of 'paper art'!
Devi has come a long way from making Christmas ornaments as a child from empty bottles and candy wrappers!  Living in Chennai, India with supportive parents in her artistic endeavours - and never complaining about an artistic mess in the house their daughter made - she graduated from the National Institute of Fashion Technology, and lives every artists' dream of living the creative life.  Devi makes jewelry that passes on the happiness of its creation to the wearer, almost entirely out of recycled and repurposed materials.  "My grandma used to tell me that anything that is preserved and unused will find a use in twelve years," Devi says on her profile page.  "This has really worked for me!"  You can sign up for Devi's newsletter for new items and special discounts here!

Dragonfly Paper Bead earrings, mint green and deep brown
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