Showing posts with label LOST. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LOST. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Etsy Treasury: LOST: Questions Left Unanswered

The Lost series finale wrapped up the end of television history, being one of the most influential dramas that has touched the mainstream culture like never before.  And, in true Lost fashion, the finale itself raised many more questions itself, not only about the show's mythology, but about the human spirit.  I've pulled together a Treasury full of images that reminisce on the show's poignant moments and memorable events.  Enjoy, and don't forget to visit the Treasury on Etsy and leave some comment love!


Monday, February 22, 2010

Jack vs. John: The Words They Spoke

Probably the best media art I've ever seen for this show, or any show.  Artwork by Juan Osbourne, this is every line they've spoken to each other.  Click on the picture to take a better look.


Bravo, Mr. Osbourne.  Bravo.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Art Of 'Lost'

If you've previously tuned in, I was trying to keep up with the reveal process of the commemorative art to introduce the final season of Lost.  Many things fell by the wayside, as well as the politics of availability of these prints.  (Nick and I had found a chat forum full of 'art snobs', declaring how these posters had 'no artistic merit' and how they couldn't understand why their favourite artists would participate in something so base.)

That being said, all 16 prints have been revealed, and here's a full spread of the 'watercooler moments' that made up some of the most fondest memories of our favourite castaways.

Tim Doyle, The Numbers

Olly Moss, Locke's Secret

Methane Studios, The Dharma Van

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lost: Frame #9 Gets Posh

The third clue has been posted for Frame #9 on!  We're closer to another art poster reveal to commemorate Lost, one of the best shows ever on television!

This is so exciting!

'88 Keys', who's album cover 'The Death of Adam' was revealed in the first clue, is a big fan of Ralph Lauren clothing, who use the Polo Player logo as part of the clothing brand.  He enjoys the lifestyle so much, they have a blog called "I Heart My Polo Lifestyle".  

I've just subscribed to the blog to catch the clue as soon as possible.  Oooh boy!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Lost: More Clues for Frame #9

Another picture clue has been posted on for the URL reveal of Frame #9, the latest art poster to be released from the creators of Lost.

From a few guesses from the last clue given, those who guessed that Apple Computers had their hand in this weren't far off, according to this clue:

My guess, because I know these things - it's a podcast, accessible through iTunes.  This microphone, a Shure USB podcast large diaphragm condenser mic, is what I sell the most of at my day job, other than the Apex model, when it comes to folks doing web broadcasts from home or studio.  I'm almost ready to put my money on that.

What podcast?  I don't know - it would make sense if it were the Official Lost Podcast, unless the last clue will give us the actual podcast address.

*Editorial update!
We've come to discover that the first clue is part of an album cover by a band called '88 Keys', entitled The Death of Adam.  This is the cover in its entirety. 

The question is now whether if this will be a podcast by the band, or if the subject matter of the album name and cover have anything to do with subject matter in regards to Adam and Eve found in the caves, with the white and black rocks?

We'll see what happens!  Stay tuned to to see what's in store!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lost: The Latest Clue

The first clue for Frame #9 of the Lost art posters is up!  Thought I'd bring it to you myself:

Yes, folks.  Your guess is as good as mine.  As soon as I saw the image, I had Google'd 'feet', 'apple' and any other combination of words I could think of.  All I could see were references to apple picking.  Something tells me that's not right.

We'll see when the next clue is revealed.  Stay tuned to, and let me know if you see something!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Lost: The Final Season

A report has been given that the ABC Network will not be running any promotional spots, teasers or any press of the like for the final season of Lost.  That being said, I did find official poster art that will seem to be the only press material for the upcoming season.

Pictured is entire cast of Lost, with John Locke (or 'not' John Locke, as it were) with his back to us.  Look closer, and you'll see there are hieroglyphics in the title.  They roughly translate to "Who is our saviour?" or "Who is our leader?"

Thanks to for the poster information.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lost: Deux Ex Machina

I had been meaning to catch up on the Lost commemorative art posters, and then today happened.  Serendipity, I tell you.  It's beautiful.

And to truly take advantage of today's reveal, we will go in true Lost fashion and start ourselves in reverse, back to the point where I left off.  Confusing, just like Lost!

Ladies and gentlemen, this is "The Hatch," by Kevin Tong.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The LOST Collection Featured on Mikiye's Creations!

Some incredibly kind words from this lovely, lovely person (once again, italics can't stress enough) about my pieces inspired by the hit television show Lost!

Mikiye Creations, the artist behind some of the most incredible hairpieces and bridal accessories I've seen, had recently become a big fan of the television show that I do so admire myself and posted a feature in her own blog!  These pieces are currently available for sale on my Etsy shop.  You can read all about Mikiye Creation's feature here!

Thanks again to you, dahling, and I do encourage that you follow her blog, as well!  Her handmade flowers and jewelry are incredibly inspiring and are the perfect touch to your perfect day, whichever day that may be ...

I know she made my day today!  If there was only a way to send a hug in a tweet or email ...

Take a sneek at what she's raving about, and read the original post here!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Lost: "You Found Yourselves a Hippie Van!"

Another poster print has been revealed from the artist collaborators with Lost!  

The Dharma Van, by Methane Studios

Of all watercooler moments to speak of in Lost, one of the best has to be from "Tricia Tanaka Is Dead", when Hurley, Charlie, Sawyer, Jin and good ol' doggy Vincent taking a joyride in a broken-down Dharma van.  With "Shambala" by Three Dog Night on the 8-track, they rolled around the valley for a little while, just like nothing changed.  Hurley uses the van to the advantage by rescuing Jin, Bernard and Sayid from the Others who had captured their ambush on the beach in the episode "Through The Looking Glass".  Through the end of season five, we see these vans running all over the Island from science station to science station in good, running order, with no skeleton heads present.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lost: 'Locke's Secret' Revealed!

To continue with the Ronie Midfew/Paul Scheer cooperative effort to bring Lost fans their due thanks,  another poster was revealed at another function for limited purchase ... unfortunately, at this time, is sold out.  With the subject matter, I can certainly see why!

Olly Moss for 'Locke's Secret'

Here's what the project is all about:
"In celebration of LOST's final season and as a project of fan appreciation, 16 top designers and artists, who are also fans of the show, were commissioned to create artwork celebrating one of the series' most memorable, and unforgettable, "water cooler" moments. This ultimate "fan art" was then turned into labor intensive, hand-pulled screen prints, limited to an edition of just 300, with less than 200 available to the public through our websites. Each beautiful poster tells its own different story, allowing the fan to relive memorable and influential moments in an artistic manner, as the show's storied run comes to a close. Once this limited edition print has sold out, they will never be printed again. Celebrate the fandom, community and family created by one of televisions' greatest shows by hanging a little part of it's history, inspiration and influence on your wall."

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Dharma Initiative Serves 'Banana Sundae Splits' - One Night Only!

Well, the short and round of it, there was an event last night at a swanky Los Angeles night club, hosted by The Dharma Initiative! This was a celebration for Lost fans who've stuck through the last five seasons, and are now being ushered into the sixth - and final - season, where we fans do hope that the most important, if not all, questions get answered. Well, in true Lost fashion, they give you the answers out in the open, but in a very cryptic way. Sterling Beaumon (who plays young Ben Linus) made an appearance and revealed a new website called, telling partyers that they should check out the site when they get home in the wee hours of the morning.

This is the promotional poster for the event below, which, well, apparently, holds some clues. There's been speculation that there are a series of dots that are intended to be Morse code. I haven't really tried to figure out anything, but I would love to hear what you think you've found!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Television Themes in Jewelry: J.J. Abram's 'Lost'

Hello hello!

Well, to start off the blog, I'll share with you a few pieces I've made that are inspired by the alternate distraction while I make jewelry: the idiot box! (Well, dad calls it that, but he's just as guilty.) I like watching TV and movies while I create; visual stimuli of all sorts is a great thing to have while creating something, sometimes even on the fly. When you find yourself immersed in these shows, you certainly find yourself creating for them!

My boyfriend, Nick, and I are huge J.J. Abrams fans, especially of the fine quality television programming that he's brought our way, like Alias, Fringe, and especially, Lost. Dexter, Heroes and Prison Break make it high up on the charts there, as well as some fantastic 'peripheral' shows like Carnivale (thanks to my good friend, Laura), Dead Like Me and Twin Peaks. A good story is intruiging, regardless of median. I'm sure if we were still listening to radio programs, our parents would still be complaining (or we would still be complaining to our children) to stop rotting our brains!

So let me present the first batch of necklaces inspired by the television show, Lost. These were the first made from this new branch of inspiration, as Nick and I were just being introduced to the show. It's a benefit when you watch a show a la DVD boxset, because you're not biting your nails down to the cuticles waiting for next week! For all us Lost fans, I'm sure we're all wearing bandages on our fingertips waiting for Season 6!

NECKLACE NO. 1: "The Island" This one was created well into the first discovery of Season 3, with the introduction of the omnipotent leader of the Others, Jacob. Amongst the paradise atmosphere, weird science hatches and experiments, and scary monsters toboot, not only are the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 lost geographically, but within themselves, with each other, and with their own values of faith, logic, destiny and survival. All the while, Jacob wants to reminds you that 'God loves you as he loved Jacob.'

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