My dog is the cutest dog
ever. Alright, I'm biased, but it's true. I'm sure your dog's adorable and whatnot, but my dog is the cutest in the whole wide world. Don't believe me?
She's right here. Take a look!
Yep, pretty cute, right? Well, a dog like that deserves only the finest of treats and toys and a nice warm sweater to cuddle in! When I wanna get something unique for my one-of-a-kind Shiva, here's a few folks on Etsy that I'll turn to!
AnneMarie Minardi and Gillian Ward started Rover in the fall of 2007 as a functional departure from the saturation of frills, sequins, satin bows and poorly-executioned garments for pets. AnneMarie wanted her puppy, Ella, to not only look fashionable, but practical. With garments and accessories to accommodate six different sizes of dogs "from the very small to the very big", as well as a custom service to fit those dogs in between. I'm wondering if they'll make me and Shiva matching jackets!