Showing posts with label Rosebud Lips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rosebud Lips. Show all posts

Monday, March 1, 2010

Etsy Monday! Issue #5: Cozy Accessories

Boy, it's cold outside!  And snow is everywhere!  Well, despite all this white, cold stuff falling from the sky, people are more inspired than ever to get outside this season for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada, just on the other side of the country from me.  We may be outside cheering our favourite athletes, but it doesn't mean we can't stay fashionable and warm at the same time!  Check out these fantastic handmade items perfect for your winter cheer!

Pixiebell Elfinwear
There's something about a well-knit hat that really makes you stare in awe.  Knitting is something I hope to master one day, and aspire to put something together as beautiful as these pieces of art at Pixiebell Elfinwear.  We've been assured on the profile page that this is far from "your Grandma's knitting", especially with the motto “Whimsical Knits For Mischievous Imps”!  They've also stated that their knitwear is "classic in design, yet playful in its appeal to our younger selves."  They've certainly succeeded!

A knitter yourself, you say?  You can purchase a PDF file of select patterns from Pixiebell Elfinwear's products!  

What's the word, tweety-bird? @elfinwear sold! and relisted the Knitting Pattern for The Original Beehive Beret Hat

 Pixie Hat in Black Cherry,
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