Showing posts with label September Make n' Tell Challenge 2009. Show all posts
Showing posts with label September Make n' Tell Challenge 2009. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September Make n' Tell Challenge, Day #29 & #30: Gift Wrap for Earrings

Oh, and we've come to the end of the month, which is the official end of the September Make n' Tell Challenge.

This challenge opened up a community within our small group, and has certainly extended outward with our blog followers and friends.  If you are reading this, and would like to be part of our creative community, leave a comment with your blog post, and start the Make n' Tell!

I would like to extend a special thank you to Laura at A Frayed Knot Knits for being so innovative to start the September Make n' Tell Challenge, and for inspiring us to push ourselves beyond the limit!  The original 'rules' can be read here, but Laura has stressed that we all have our own schedules to keep, so these rules are 'bendable'.  I have many other weekly posts that I enjoy writing, but found myself immersed in the creative processes of the many projects I've completed in September.  I found that creating and blogging every day can be daunting, especially when I have so much else I'd like to share by promoting my fellow artisans.  I found that posting a few days' work every two days or so is a little bit easier for my schedule.  I'll still try to post what I make that day, but I will be making something every day!

Now, onto the last two days of the September Make n' Tell Challenge!

Depending on what you make and how much you make, you'd probably would want to gift someone just to exercise the "pay it forward" kindness.  Well, so happens, I have too much stuff from this past month, I don't know what to do with it all!

Day #30: Enter Ann, a friend of mine at work, and office manager of the Long & McQuade Brampton store.  She's a very fashionable lady when it comes to office wear, and we've even done a couple of clothing swaps - the best way to get some really cool clothes for free!  I had picked out two pairs of earrings I had made from Day #14 I thought she and her daughter would really like, and dressed them up all pretty for gift-giving.

Monday, September 28, 2009

September Make n' Tell Challenge, Day #26 to #28: Meet the Flintstones!

My goodness, where has this month gone?  Idle hands, they say!  Thank the stars for the September Make n' Tell Challenge, or I would be getting into so much trouble! 

The past couple of days my computer had been hijacked for a Season 5 marathon of Lost, and since it's not released on DVD yet, we've been watching it online.  I'm all gung-ho about making more Lost-themed pieces and have sketched some ideas out, but my brain's not quite there yet.  During this marathon, I've been hard at work at some more jewelry, just because it's the easiest to make when watching television.

I really can't quite remember which one started where, and when I finished them, so I'd like to consider this the the fruits of the past few days, in no particular order.


Finding some more critters from the depths of the dollar store treasures that keep popping up the past week or so, here's a stingray and a turtle ... or is it a tortoise?  Either way, they have pinbacks to adorn your favourite fishing hat!  I really like the stingray and may keep it, buuuuuut ... ah, we'll see.

Friday, September 25, 2009

September Make n' Tell Challenge, Day #23 to #25: A Little Too Much Television

Oh boy ...

I fell asleep last night with the television on during my rewatch of Lost on DVD, without posting my September Make n' Tell Challenge! (For those interested, I'm in Season 4 right now.  Kate and Jack just found Juliet, Daniel and Charlotte outside the Tempest station, just after the 'toxic gas' was 'made inert' so that it would kill everyone on The Island.  Trust me, you have to watch this show, especially with the last season airing in January 2010.)  I also haven't been in the greatest of health, still fighting the after-effects of a cold and all, but I've certainly been hard at work. 

Day #23 brought us a new trail mix!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September Make n' Tell Challenge, Day #22: Decorating a Tote & New Jewelry

Da da da daaaa de daaaaaaaa!  And they're out the gate!  It's the September Make n' Tell Challenges' final lap!

My schedule can be a little backward to most, I guess.  I am doing 'Makes' every day, just unfortunately I don't get to post every day.  Some are a day behind, yes, but I'll tell you a secret - I edit the post date!  I want to make sure I'm in line with everyone else, I guess ...

Well, without furthur ado, here's today's (ahem, yesterday's) Make n' Tell!

Remember these fun friends that I found at the dollar store?

I've started with the frog, yes, and have moved to the butterflies now.  I was thinking of ways other than jewelry I could do to use these critters, which made me think of this tote I had lying around for the longest time.  I bought it at my local Shoppers Drug Mart on clearance for $2.50.  Just a plain one, waiting to be graffiti'd.  Not bad, eh?

Monday, September 21, 2009

September Make n' Tell Challenge, Day #21: Scarab necklace

Whew! Just made it for today's September Make n' Tell Challenge!

Today's also a short one, and something so familiar ... well, I've returned to Agnes' beads to make a necklace with a combination of beads that had been haunting me, but I haven't been able to make something I really liked.  I think I finally came up with something.


The long striped rectangle bead is just one of a string that I bought at Walmart in their sale bin, and the turquoise scarab is something that I've always end up including in a piece, only to be destroyed later to make something else.  I think this one'll stick for now, at least for a while.

Well, there you have it!  Two close calls on the past few days, but I have more exciting projects lined up.  I think I have to start thinking of my Halloween costume soon.

What did my September Make n' Tell Challenge friends do today?

A Frayed Knot Knits

BeadCrazed by Lisa Lutz


Designs by Victoria

Life Stiles

Mrs Gryphon

The Tote Trove

previous September Make n' Tell Challenges:
Day #2 - The first Make n' Tell giveaway! Congrats to Tracy from The Tote Trove!
Day #10 & #11
Day #12 - Happy Birthday, Dad!
Day #13
Day #14 
Day #15
Day #16 & #17

Sunday, September 20, 2009

September Make n' Tell Challenge, Day #20: 'Renewing' A Favourite Coat

... and in the left corner, weighing in at 30 days, in the dark trunks - the September Make n' Tell Challenge! *bing bing!*

To be completely honest, I didn't do too much today as supposed to past days, so to speak.  I've been catching up on the whole blogging thing, but managed to do something in the spirit of procrastinating projects.

I have this dahling peacoat jacket cropped at the waist, and like many of my other favourite coats I wear the lining out of, the buttons were falling off.  They were nice buttons, don't get me wrong.  I mean, take a look - I could probably put them somewhere else, right?  Whaddayou think?  What shall I do with these?  (Leave a comment on this post with your suggestion!)

I've replaced 'em with these sparkly ones from a dollar store!!


Nothing spruces up a fall jacket better than a change of buttons!

Today's a short one for now, because I really gotta get to bed.  Don't forget to visit my other September Make n' Tell Challenge friends to see what they're up to!

A Frayed Knot Knits

BeadCrazed by Lisa Lutz


Designs by Victoria

Life Stiles

Mrs Gryphon

The Tote Trove

previous September Make n' Tell Challenges:
Day #2 - The first Make n' Tell giveaway! Congrats to Tracy from The Tote Trove!
Day #10 & #11
Day #12 - Happy Birthday, Dad!
Day #13
Day #14 
Day #15
Day #16 & #17

Saturday, September 19, 2009

September Make n' Tell Challenge, Day #18 & #19: Dollar Store Couture

What time is it, kids?  It's September Make n' Tell Challenge Time!  (While a diddy close to 'Howdy Doody' dances in my head.)

I'm sure folks can agree with me, when you're on a roll, you're on a roll.  I am a machine.  I find myself on the third piece of the night, and it's almost 3:30 in the morning.  Yep, I have a job, and I should get some sleep for it.  So, I do pardon for the tardiness in the post.  So, this'll be another combination of two days' fruition.

I would like to make a point that I do become obsessive with finishing a piece at times if I know that I can do it within a reasonable amount of time.  I do know my limits, sometimes I push them just to relieve some 'creative pressure'.  I can get multiple ideas at a time, and would want to start them all, but if one thing that this month's challenge has taught me, is to finish the project I start.  So, excited to start the project after the one I'm currently working on, I focus on the current piece and finish it as quickly and efficiently as possible, so that I don't really have to go back to it again.  Sure, on occasion, I may pull out a piece I had made a while back, see it with 'fresh' eyes and change either something, if not the entire piece.  It's the nature of growth that our tastes and preferences change.  It's always best to embrace them and let them take you where they may, even if it's something you weren't entirely confident in - hey, at least you tried!

We participants of the September Make n' Tell Challenge have already delved into things that we may not have taken a second glance at, or haven't glanced in an eternity, or even glanced once in our dreams, we accomplish this on this month, the month where we begin to believe that anything through hard work and focus is more than possible.  How's that!

Ah, man - and this cold isn't shaking.  I think it was psyching me out when I was feeling better, except for this dumb cough.  (Generally I would use a stronger expletive than 'dumb', but this is a family show, folks, but that stronger expletive is more accurate to how I feel.)

Yesterday ... well, I mean, on Day #17, I was inspired by Victoria's piece to reuse some of her chains, and thought of the pile of chain I had sitting in a 'hardware' container.  I had always envied the girls - and guys - who could pull of the 'multi-chain' look, especially with eclectic and exotic charms.  I love Victoria's necklace she created on Day #16, incredibly elegant; I picture it on a bride!

I'm starting to delve into a more boho-meets-urban look on accessories with a project I might be undertaking, and figure I'd start with a more rock n' roll look for my multi-chain necklace.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

September Make n' Tell Challenge, Day #16 & #17: Fruit for the Trail Mix & A New Bangle Necklace

Well, make it a September Make n' Tell Challenge, 'Point n' Laugh' Part Deux.

It had been a while since I worked a 'burn shift' (working an 'open to close' shift), and didn't realize how tired I was until I fell asleep reading and woke up at 4 am!  Nick had left to go to the weekly jam session at Tracks Brewpub for a couple of hours, and found Edward, my new kitten, curled up under my chin, and me askew on the bed with book on the floor, both of us asleep.  I wish he had taken a picture.  He then came to bed, and when I finally awoke at this ungodly hour, I couldn't get back to sleep.  It didn't concern me much, because I knew I'd be sleepy in another hour or so.

Well, remember the fruit in the dehydrator?  I snuck a peek and they turned out pretty good!  I think I might have let them sit a little too long for my liking, but they're still tasty.  Now, with all this dried fruit, what could I do with it?

Did I hear someone say 'trail mix' ... with a 'Cassandra twist'?  Oh, yes!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

September Make n' Tell Challenge, Day #15: Fruit in the Evening ...

Good day to all!  It's time for the September Make n' Tell Challenge of the day!

I have a food deyhydrater my parents had given me when I had moved out.  My stepmom tries to snack healthy all the time, but even chocolate can defeat the best of 'em.  It's been sitting in the kitchen for ages, and I've decided now that I'm not infested with the evil cold, I'd cut some fruit and put it to work!  I started with apples the other day to make sure it's still working ... it does!  So, I've loaded the dehydrater this evening with a cornucopia of fruits - peaches, grapes and strawberries.

We'll see tomorrow morning how they look!

I'll be working a double shift tomorrow, so this is an earlier night than most.  I'll be catching up with my September Make n' Tell friends tomorrow evening!  Why don't you pay them a visit, and tell them I say hello!

A Frayed Knot Knits

BeadCrazed by Lisa Lutz


Designs by Victoria

Life Stiles

Mrs Gryphon

The Tote Trove

previous September Make n' Tell Challenges:
Day #2 - The first Make n' Tell giveaway! Congrats to Tracy from The Tote Trove!
Day #10 & #11
Day #12 - Happy Birthday, Dad!
Day #13
Day #14

Monday, September 14, 2009

September Make n' Tell Challenge, Day #14: Fun With Beads from Artfaerie!

Weee! A special September Make n' Tell Challenge!  Why?  Because my Etsy purchase from arrived today in the mail!


I had purchased the red adventurine hearts and turquoise chips, and was surprised to receive some surprises in store!  Agnes had also included the pink glass leaves, circle shell pieces, a small container of brown crystal beads, and these great silver endcaps!  How generous this lovely lady is!  Thank you very much, Agnes!  I was so inspired when I put everything together that I had my tools out as soon as I got home from work.  So, for this Make n' Tell Challenge, I made a bunch of stuff using the beads from Agnes' package, and mixed in a couple of my own.  Take a look!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

September Make n' Tell Challenge: Day #13: Bangle Ornaments

What do we have here?  Another September Make n' Tell Challenge!

Nick and I didn't end up going to the World War I Air Show today, as he has caught my cold.  I'm just getting over it, and he is just starting up.  I called Dad to cancel, because I really don't want to get him sick.  He understood.  He did come by before he went to the show so that I could give him the card I made him yesterday.  He loved it!

I have been working on some ideas and items to make with a bunch of traditional Indian bangles I had bought from my local Value Village.  I had already made some necklaces using these bangles as part of the pendant design, and will be posting some of them as designs.  I had also come up with another idea to make ornaments out of the bangles, and enlisted the help of Katee, Nick's sister, to put together some bangle-and-bead combinations last night and set them aside for me.

She came up with a bunch!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

September Make n' Tell Challenge, Day #12: Happy Birthday Dad!

Hidey-ho, crafterinos! Time for another September Make n' Tell Challenge, neighbour-oonie!

Well, the congestion's still there, as well as a phegmy cough, but I keep plenty of tissue around.  I'm happy to say that I feel much better, and I'm able to breath through my nose without the aid of a decongestant.  Nick says that I sound really cute, too, with a stuffed-up nose, so I'm sure he's disappointed by now. 

It's my Dad's birthday today! He and my stepmom have been awfully busy lately, so I wasn't entirely sure if I would have a chance to see him. I am a good daughter, though, I did wish him a happy birthday, and has invited Nick and I to watch an Air Show at the Brampton Flying Club, featuring replica planes from World War I! Right up Dad's alley. With our family being full of war vets and heroes, we both have an appreciation for its history. We're looking forward to spending time with Dad and seeing a piece of history!

I do get to see Dad for his birthday!  Oh, what should I make for him?  He's always been one to say, "Just get me a card, that's all I need," and with the fact that my parents are trying to 'downsize', so to speak, I wouldn't want to get him something else they'd have to dust.  So, taking a cue from Mrs Gryphon's blog in the spirit of handmade cards, I decided to pull out my watercolour paints after years of hibernation and try something, well, not very complicated.

I like how it turned out.  Take a look!

Since going with the theme of airplanes, I thought I'd give him one for his birthday!

Friday, September 11, 2009

September Make n' Tell Challenge, Day #10 & #11: Finishing the Resized Bracelet

Thanks to everybody for the well wishes!  It's just a nasty cold, s'all.  I'll be heading to work tomorrow come headache or cough because I'm suffering from 'cabin fever'.  At least I kept my hands busy!

Lots of housework during the day, and the evening to catch up on some projects.  So, without furthur ado, I give you the September Make n' Tell Challenge for Day #9 and Day #10 - in one post!

The first was 'fixing' the bracelet I had bought at the CNE when Nick and I spent the day.  The bracelet came from 'The Painted Lady' booth for $10!  I love the leaves, and I'm always a big fan of off-beat colour combinations, like the pink rhinestones with the black and brown stones.  It was a little long, so I managed to sacrifice two leave and make earrings.  I did those yesterday, but here's a picture of them!

Here's a picture of the original bracelet ...


And here's a picture of the new bracelet!

(Pardon the slight colour difference - the light had burnt out and I'm using a desk lamp.)

September Make n' Tell Challenge: This is Where You 'Point n' Laugh' ...

Oh no!

Well, I'm sick.  I mean, sick.  I got hit with a really bad cold I should have seen sneaking up on me yesterday, and still went to work.  When I got home, I read for a bit in the bath to help relax, and figure I'd fiddle with something while in bed and watching Fringe on DVD.  I ended up falling asleep.  Much needed sleep.  It's about 4:15 PM right now ... I woke up about half an hour ago.  My boyfriend just let me sleep.

And it hit me - I didn't do my September Make n' Tell Challenge yesterday!  I did come up with some ideas in the bath: getting ahead on making Christmas ornaments; a superb idea to fundraise for Adia, adding some beads to the bracelet I had resized, and I have the day off.  I have time to do both, maybe something else?

Oh, will you guys forgive me?  I'm good with the 'point n' laugh' thing - I glory in making fun of myself!  I'm the first one to laugh whenever I trip and fall, so as long as I'm not severely injured.  I hope I didn't disappoint anyone ...

Oh, I'm very sorry!  You'll hear from me later on today with a couple of surprises! 

In the meantime, Nick takes pictures of his kitten in his shoe with my camera while I was sleeping.  I thought I'd share this cuteness that I'd missed with you!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September Make n' Tell Challenge, Day #9: Resizing a Bracelet - To Make Earrings!

It's that time again ... time for another September Make n' Tell Challenge!

It's a little late in the night tonight, so I wanted to do something without much effort.  I had decided to adjust the bracelet that I had bought from 'The Painted Lady' at the CNE Arts & Crafts Building.  I figure with a couple extra beads added to the bracelet, I could remove two leaf sections and make matching earrings.  Tonight, I just made the earrings and left the bracelet to another day.

Here's the original bracelet.

And here are the matching earrings!

I had used small cats eye beads and polished agate stones to dangle on the bottom of the leaves.  I didn't want to get overboard with any pink details for the rhinestone on the leaf, so I kept to the colours on the larger brown and black stone.  I think they turned out swell!

Before I turn in for the night, lemme see what my September Make n' Tell Challenge buddies are up to!

Procrastination leads to new inspiration!
A Frayed Knot Knits

Cosmic Glass!  Whoa!
BeadCrazed by Lisa Lutz

Happy to help a friend with her gorgeous 'upcycled' reversible necklace!

The 'burgundy kick' continues!
Designs by Victoria

Something's underfoot!
Life Stiles

Sarah puts a 'fritatta' bug in a hungry ear, with fantastic - and tasty - results!
Mrs Gryphon

No tote is complete without rhinestones!
The Tote Trove

previous September Make n' Tell Challenges:
Day #2 - Everyone who entered receives a gift! Email with your mailing address!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

September Make n' Tell Challenge, Day #8: Buddha Necklace

T'is time to for Ye Ol' September Make n' Tell Challenge: Day #8!

I'm pretty darn tired.  I've been organizing my photos from our day at the Canadian National Exhibition and writing a chronological blog (in my 'Draft' file presently), and had been staring at some of these beads that I had bought in the Arts & Crafts Building when we were there.  So I shoved the blog aside for now and finished the necklace I had intended to make for a while with the pendant that I purchased from Jesse Jane's!

Monday, September 7, 2009

September Make n' Tell Challenge, Day #7: The Twitter Signs Are Finished!

Whew!  Made it for the September Make n' Tell Challenge!

I hope everyone had a great Labour Day weekend!  Most of it was suffering through a migraine, and was lucky that it subsided for our trip to the Canadian National Exhibition.  I managed to snag some goodies from the Arts & Crafts Building that I'll be showing off soon.  I'm returning to work tomorrow, so I wanted to make sure I had finished the Twitter signs for Long & McQuade Brampton to bring in tomorrow.  So I hunkered over as soon as I got home and got to work.  Yee-haw!  They're done!


Sunday, September 6, 2009

September Make n' Tell Challenge, Day #6: Hats & Matching Shoes!

Good evening to you all, and welcome to another episode of the ever-surprising, ever-suspenseful, hair-rising, heart-pulsing, mind-boggling September Make n' Tell Challenge!  (Thump thump thump thump, crowd screaming, running around, one points and yells out, "Look! A giant piece of art is taking the city! Run for your lives ... but stop and take your time to appreciate how cool it is!" I have a bizarre imagination that's fueled with improv acting training, which the motto "'No' doesn't exist in your vocabulary anymore" is more of a way of life.)  Today was a bit better on the head from the migraine I had been suffering for the past few days.  Not fun.  I did venture outside today to have dinner with friends and visit a dollar store to grab some fun stuff for today's Make n' Tell: Day #6.

Hats, purses and shoes are always the end of me whenever I go out window shopping.  Especially if they're on sale.  (The 'shoe hag' that I am, my father always teases me that I "have more shoes than Imelda Marcos" whenever I come home with a new pair, which might be a little bit of a stretch.)  Such were these hats.  I was in a gift shop in Chinatown and picked up a couple of flattop hats in two different colours, and managed to score two new pairs of shoes for $20!  The nice lady said they had only just received them the other day, and thought she'd start them off "with a bang!"  Funny enough, I take my purchases home, and my boyfriend says, "Smart that you coordinated everything."  I really didn't even notice that I had.  Goes to show how stylish my boyfriend is!  (Maybe I rubbed off on him? *wink*)  So, maybe this Make n' Tell could be the start of coordinating a 'handmade' outfit or two?  Oooh, I could do that!  Let's start with the hats and shoes!


These are the 'awesome deal' shoes, and the hats that I've spruced up for Make n' Tell: Day #6!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

September Make n' Tell Challenge, Day #5: Button Magnets & WINNER of The L'il Miss Rock Star Care Kit!

Hear ye, hear ye!  I bring news of the latest September Make n' Tell Challenge from it's fifth day!

Please forgive the late posting; I had been suffering from a migraine all day and had to call in sick from work.  Lots of sleeping due to medications that make you drowsy and whatnot.  Being incredibly sensitive to light and sound hinders on productive days.  I don't enjoy calling into work sick or feeling 'unproductive', so to speak, because I always feel like I could fight through it.  This one just pulsed throughout the day.  Now that it has slightly receded, I can show you that I at least did one thing productive.

But first - the giveaway draw!  I folded all the names into neat little squares and put them into my favourite flattop hat, dove my hand in and pulled out the name ... Tracy from The Tote Trove!  You are the lucky winner of the 'L'il Miss Rock Star Care Kit!'  Tracy may be the grand prize winner, but a special surprise - everyone who entered the draw will be receiving a surprise in the mail from yours truly!  So, congratulations, Tracy, and to the rest of the entrants, as well!  Please email me with your preferred mailing address to 

Now onto Make n' Tell: Day #5!

Friday, September 4, 2009

September Make n' Tell Challenge, Day #4: Gift Wrap for Bangle Necklaces

Hello, and welcome to Day #4 of the September Make n' Tell Challenge!

Today's Make n' Tell is a procrastinated activity.  I had been drumming over ideas on how to package my 'bangle necklaces' (featured in my blog 'Repurposing Bangles!') to be ready to post on my Etsy shop.  It's always a punishment when you try to be truly original and overthink how you want to play things out.  As much as I would love to make custom boxes or velvet pouches for each necklace, I just simply don't have the time.  So I keep my eyes and options open, still the stubborn little voice in my head says, "But the boxes would be amazing!  You know they'd turn out so beautifully!"  Perhaps I'll make one or two as separate keepsake boxes later, but here is something more practical, and just as beautiful.

I see a lot of jewelry artists use sheer gossamer bags that tie off with ribbon as gift bags.  I secretly get excited if my purchase comes with it, and I use the bag to store the piece in my jewelry box, or I'd practice my third 'R' and reuse it for something else.  Thinking of this, I had figured the best way to 'practically' store these necklaces would be in these bags.  These bags are really pretty, functional, and come in a whole bunch of different colours.  You can find them in craft stores, dollar stores, gift stores and department stores, and you can decorate them to your liking!

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