Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hammers Goats!

It hammering time! The hammers goats are here to smash everything! 

You can use them as a gnoll reskin or as a player character class. They use the dwarf class template, simply replace the architecture skill with the open doors skill! Oh yes, and they must be chaotic and they are simply too wild to wear armors (when wearing one they just go crazy and start munching the armor straps). 

Your pack of hammers goats are the daughters of...
  1. Orcus (or Baphomet) 
  2. The Chimera
  3. The  Minotaur 
  4. The Mad Carpenter 
  5. A Mighty Berserker (or the NannyHammer) 
  6. The Orc Mother (or the Gnoll Father)
  1. Bachus (or his favorite Bacchante)
  2. The Black Goat of the Woods with a thousand young (or one of her young) 
  3. The Curse of the Were Goat (someone or something affected by it) 
  4. Pan (or his Satyre Great Priestess) 
  5. The Horned God of Chaos (or his spawn) 
  6. The Green Goat (or the Primordial Goat) 

The packs champions (or a hammer goat character) also receive a random blessing (d20):
  1. Holy Hammer (a indestructible hammer that do d8 damages and that smash 2 points of armor on a natural 20) (or maybe on a natural 8 when rolling damages?) 
  2. Holy milk (you have drink the holy milk, raise one of your attributes or your hp by 1 point) 
  3. Hermaphrodite (you parents favor you and you receive a random clerical spells as a first level cleric) 
  4. Teeth of steel (your teeth do d4 damage and can munch through anything) 
  5. Skull face (you have a staff and a skull face like Skeletor and you can cast one first level mage spell by day) 
  6. Bronze Hooves (you can make a extra rear attack for d4 damage) (+1 for climbing) 
  7. Hammers Gauntlets (two attacks that do d4 damage) (maybe they are +1, but you can't remove them?) 
  8. Boots of The Mountain Goats (you run faster and can jump higher (remove 1 step of encumbrance) (+1 for climb jumping)
  9. Carpenter (in addition to open doors, you also start with the carpentry skill. You can use your carpentry knowledge to better destroy structures) 
  10. Mighty Horns (your horns are super long and can gore for a d4 of damage or 2d4 when charging)  
  11. Girdle of Goat Strength (+1 to STR when thinking like a hammer goat) (will curse non goat people by transforming them into a hammer goat)  
  12. Battering Ram (do d6 damage, pushback on a natural 6 when rolling for damage, give +2 to open doors)
  13. Dead Eater (eating the dead heal you, munching for 1 turn give you 1 hp, eating everything for d10 turn heal d4 hp) 
  14. Horn of Braying (give +1 to initiative to your group if you blow the horn instead of fighting, +1 to your group morale) 
  15. Dark Cackling (your cackling is unnerving and reduce your enemies morale by 1) 
  16. A Thousand young (a 2d3 goatling fauns follow you everywhere, they fight as kobolts) 
  17. Berserker Rage (you always press in combat, when you reach 0 hp make a save vs death to be able to fight up to -10 hp)
  18. Iron skull (your skull is made of iron, you have +1AC and are considered as wearing a helm) 
  19. Scapegoat (you are a sneaky goat and you start with 2 skill point in stealth and 1 in sneak attack) 
  20. Flutes of madness (you must play for d6 rounds, d6 targets must save vs spell or go berserk for 2d6 rounds and attack random targets or do silly things) 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Goblin Enchantress (with shaman and retinue)

B/X Goblin Enchantress by Benjamin Baugh (Special collaboration!)

Goblin Enchantresses (or in some cases,  Enchanters ) are not goblins who cast spells or enchantment, but rather humans who for whatever reason - natural attraction, strange rituals, or ancient family secrets - are enchanting to goblins.  Goblins love them, are oddly mesmerized by them, and obey their call and their will.  The more a goblin enchantress allows goblins to server, the more willing they are to do so.

The prime requisite for a goblin enchantress is Charisma.  A goblin enchantress who's Charisma is 13 or greater will gain a bonus on earned experience points.

RESTRICTIONS:  Goblin enchantresses use four-sided dice (d4) to determine their hit points.  They may wear leather and chain armor, but if so armored, can not use some of their special abilities (see below).  They may not use shields.  They may use any type of one-handed weapon, but if armed, may not use some of their special abilities (see below).  Further, because of their special relationship with goblins, they may never have normal retainers or followers, though they do attract special goblin retainers as they grow in influence.

SPECIAL ABILITIES:  A goblin enchantress is surrounded by a mob of eager if somewhat runty goblins who adore fawn and worship.  This strange power over goblinkind does not extend to their cousin species, like orcs, ogres, or similar.  With access to a suitable underground area - a dungeon mouth, caves, deep cellars - a goblin enchantress can call out in a strange song which draws out the goblins, and lays a glamour over their minds.  This siren call gathers d6 goblins per level of experience (to a maximum of 6 per level), who will follow and serve the enchantress until dismissed or slain.  New goblins can be called no more than once per day, and if above ground, only at night.

These enchanted goblins are less autonomous than those encountered during an adventure, but once per round, the Enchantress can give some or all of them a command, and they will continue to carry it out until their task is completed or until told to do something else.  They may perform most simple tasks with reasonable ability - succeeding on 1 in 6, modified by the number of goblins assigned to the task.  These tasks require 6 turns to complete, minus the number of goblins assigned.  If 6 are assigned, then the task is completed in a single round.

Goblins may be command to...

Perform domestic services - cooking, cleaning, and mending.

Perform manual labor - digging, clearing rubble, and similar activities requiring little finesse and strong backs.

Hunt, Fish, or Forage - providing a meal for d6 individuals, though they will most certainly spit in any food prepared for anyone but their enchantress.

Search an area - finding traps, hidden doors, treasure and similar.  If a trap is found, it is located by a goblin accidentally activating it.  d6 goblins are caught in the trap.  If it inflicts damage, a d6 goblins are affected (see below on enchanted goblins and injury).

Scout Ahead - the goblins are not particularly stealthy, as they babble and sing the praises of their enchantress constantly, but can scout ahead into the next dungeon area, but will never willingly get more than 30 feet away from their enchantress.  _

Additionally, in some situations goblins will act quickly...

if their Enchantress is unarmored they will armor her with their bodies, each goblins assigned to distract and protect her granting -1 to her AC to a maximum of 0.

if their Enchantress is unarmed they will attack her enemies within 30 feet, savagely but without much skill.  One goblin can inflict a d4 damage to a single target.  Each additional goblin assisting in the attack increases the die type by one step - so two goblins inflict d6 damage, three goblins inflict d8 damage, four goblins inflict d10 damage, and five inflict a d12 damage.  Goblins may be divided into however many groups the Enchantress desires to make these attacks.  Each group of goblins attacks like a Thief with level equal to their Enchantress's.

If their Enchantress is threatened they will sacrifice their lives to save hers.  Each goblin can absorb one d6 damage, dying in the process.  These goblins die with a smile on their twisted faces, and earn the jealousy of their fellows.  Her goblins will sacrifice themselves regardless of her wishes - the only time they will disobey her will.

If their Enchantress is unencumbered they will carry her, using their bodies to comfortably bear her weight.  Each goblin assigned to this task grants a speed of 10, with a maximum speed of 100 (ten goblins assigned to carry).

If their Enchantress is weary  they will bear her burdens, and each goblin so assigned can carry a load of 400 coinweight.  If asked to perform some other task, goblins carrying weight must drop their load first.

If their Enchantress is Bored, Worried, or Sad they will caper and clown, sing goblin songs, and make her frightful little dolls of lichen and twigs.

If dwarves are present enchanted goblins will mock, threaten, and insult them and make a show of protecting their enchantress from the dwarves, even if they're on friendly terms.

Enchanted goblins are not that independent, and are quite interchangeable - even their enchantress has trouble telling them apart.  If attacked individually, they have an AC of 8.  When damage is determined, roll a d6.  If it is equal or less than the damage inflicted, the enchanted goblin is killed.  Goblins make saving throws like their enchantress, and are immune to magic which would charm them away from their enchantress.  For the purposes of Sleep spells, they are considered to have hit dice equal to their Enchantress's level.

If ordinary goblins are encountered during an adventure, a reaction roll is made regardless of circumstances, modified by the goblin enchantress's Charisma bonus.  On a result of 6 or more, the enchantress may take a d6 + her level of experience goblins into her service, up to her maximum allowed.  Any remaining goblins, terrified of this power, must make a morale check, and if they succeed, immediately attack.  

Finally, while the goblin enchantress can not recruit human or demi-human followers, she may recruit goblin retainers.  These serve normally, and can include warg riders and goblin shaman who are able to cast spells.

The goblin enchantress makes saving throws and fights like a magic-user

Level   Title                     Exp.Points   Hit Dice      Summon Gob   Max Gob
1           Cave Maiden            0                 1d4               d6                      6
2           Dungeon Witch     4000             2d4              2d6                    12
3           Pretty Lady            8000              3d4             3d6                    18
4           Cruel Star             16,000            4d4              4d6                    24
5           Sweet Tyrant       32,000            5d4              5d6                    30
6           Deep Seer             64,000            6d4             6d6                    36
7           Cursetongue        120,000          7d4             7d6                     42
8           Blessed Hag        250,000          8d4             8d6                     48
9           Wormqueen         400,000         9d4              9d6                     54
10         Dark Mother        600,000         9d4+1          10d6                  60

When the goblin enchantress reaches 9th level, she may take a goblin city as her stronghold

notes  This is a bit fiddlier than most basic classes, but the core mechanics are simple enough to put on a 3x5 card.  Assign goblins to tasks, get bonuses etc.  Manage your goblins, because they can die pretty easily.

A simpler and more abstract way to handle this is by replacing the mob of goblins with a single goblin die which improves as the goblin enchantress levels.  This goblin die represents, in aggregate, the strength of all goblins working together.  So when commanded to attack, it inflicts gD in damage.  When defending, the goblins absorb gD in damage or provide it as a bonus to the enchantress's AC.  roll the gD equal or greater than 3 to complete any of the basic goblin tasks. When used, roll the die and if it comes up 1, some goblins have died in the process, and the die value is stepped down by 1 rank until the enchantress can recruit new goblins.  So, for example, if she attacks with her goblins, and inflicts a d6 damage on all her enemies within 30 feet, then roll the die again.  if it comes up 1, then the die value drops to d4 until she can recruit.  This represents goblins being killed serving her will.

I couldn't decide which mechanic I wanted to develop, so I went with the first one for arbitrary reasons.  If people would like to see it, I'll work this second one out in more detail.   

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Gorm, Usamigaras and Madarua

The masks of Gorm, Usamigaras and Madarua.

Cults variant for the gods of the Lost City.

In the original module, the cult of Gorm only accept males as full members and the cult of Madarua only accept females as full members. Here is two variants for those cults.

Variant 1: the cults accepts characters of any genders, as long as you wear the mask of the cult you are considered a man, a child or a woman.

Variant 2: the cults accepts characters of any genders, but initiates risk being transfigured or cursed during their initiation.

Initiation of the lost gods: 
The character must wear the mask of the god and make a reaction roll modified by wisdom. If the initiate is sincere and faithful he or she receive a bonus for his or her reaction roll. If the initiate have doubts, there is no modifications. If the initiate is not sincere and hope to tricks the gods, he or she receive a penalty.

Reaction roll:

  • 2: Character is transfigured and receive the deity visage and may be transformed to match the deity age and gender (maybe). The initiate also receive a vision quest and a permanent wisdom bonus. 
  • 3-5: Character is blessed and receive a reaction bonus with members of the cult. 
  • 6-8: Character is accepted into the cult. 
  • 9-11: Character is cursed and receive a reaction penalty with members of the cult. 
  • 12 : Character is petrified, fused forever with the mask and become a guarding statue.