
Stella and Rory

Stella and Rory
Showing posts with label Vets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vets. Show all posts

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Rory has a little operation.

Howdy Mates.  Yesterday my little brother had an operation.  I wondered what the heck was going on when mum forgot our breakfast.  I ran to the cupboard, ran to the bowl, over and over but to no avail.  No food.  No water either.  Rory didn't even seem to notice!

Anyhoo, around 8.30 am, mum takes Rory, heaves him into the back of dad's car (which he left home especially for this) and off they go.  Well mates, I gotta tell ya, I went cracker.  I'm never home alone.  I don't like it.  What if they don't ever come back????
Thank dawg, my sissy who has Tyler, brought him over to keep me company.  Cool.  

Mum does come back but without Rory.  I again had to go cracker.  What was she thinking???  Leaving my little brother at the Vet????
I grilled her big time.   What were those Vets doing?
When was he coming home?  
Was he getting treats there while I'm home starving to death?  Well yes, mum did give me breakfast when she got home but that's not the point.

Anyhoo, my brother had a big sleep there.  While he was sleeping (hey, that would be a good name for a movie, hehehe), they removed a big lump from his foot.  Turns out it was a massive skin flap sort of thingy, probably caused by trauma to his foot from his wonky walking.  Not a bad lump though, thank dawg.  

He also had a pedicure cause his nails were pretty darn long and a teeth clean, which were all good.

About 4.00 pm mum brings the poor little man home.  He was still a bit woozy and they had to help him in with a towel under his belly, just like the old days.  He was very sad and couldn't do a thing for himself.  He snoozed for a few hours on his bed.
We managed to get a little food into him, he did his business outside (PHEW) had a little drink, and slept through the night.
This morning he is feeling better, can walk unaided again and had his tablets, no worries.

 Yay, I'm glad my little brother's home.

Mum, I told Rory he can sit on the lounge while he watches TV ok?

 Yep, life is as it should be. 

 We love ya big fella.

Well that's all folks.  Oh yeah.  One more thing.
Dad borrowed our brother's car yesterday so mum could have his.
Yep, that's the day he hits a kangaroo on the way to work.
Luckily Dad is fine, but sadly the Roo died.
The car, well, that will cost a few dollars, but hey, that's life.
Enjoy every day mates.  
We love you all to bits and pieces.
No worries, and LOVE, 
Stella and Rory

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Vet visit for Rory

Howdy mates.  Today I went to the Vet.  You know how I slip over every now and then, well I have a pretty big haematoma on my bum cheek.  Mum thought it might need to be drained.  It doesn't bother me and it's not sore or anything.  Anyhoo, off we went with Stella cracking the you know whats, cause she was left home.

When we go to the Vets, mum always walks me around the car park and I get to say howdy to anybody that wants to say hello.  Believe me, I'm popular and always get some lovely pats.

Well Ms Prue calls me in and talks to mum and dad and gives me the once over.  She checked my bum cheek, all fine.  Not necessary to drain anything.  She also checked some lumps I have.  Some were fatty lumps and some were fluid filled cysts.  I've had these for a long time.  It's just me.  I don't care.  You can call me Lumpy if ya want.  Cool.  

So to cut a long story short, Ms Prue thought I looked wonderful.  She thinks I'm walking pretty good for a wonky boy and I agree.  I do slip over every day but that's life.  Ya just gotta dust yourself off, have a shake and on ya go.  

So mates, go on, get out there and love life.  Tell ya mum and dad I said you all need extra treats just because they love ya. 

See ya dudes.

No worries, and slobbery love, Rory and Stellie

P.S.  Mum is giving me a new food with special oils and more natural stuffs and I have lost a few kilos cause it's better for my joints.  I now only weigh 88.4 kgs (194 lbs).





Saturday, October 26, 2013

Happy Weekend Mates

Howdy Everybuddy, I went to the Vets for another check of my bottom troubles and everything is fine and dandy!  No more meds for me.  Yaahooo!  

Enjoy your weekend and remember, love the ones you're with!

No worries, and LOVE,
Stella and Rory


Sunday, October 20, 2013

The donkey and backend troubles

Howdy Mates.  I've had another trip to the Vets yesterday.  Apparently my antibiotics have not worked at all and my er, bottom troubles are worse.  I say phrrrrrt to that.  I'm now taking a stronger, different sort of antibiotic and hopefully this will clear things up.  I'm ok, but a little tired and out of sorts.  Mum says I will be better soon and to rest up, so that's what I've been doing. 

Mum went to the Op Shop (secondhand shop) and bought us a Donkey to play with.  

Hey Rory, where do ya wanna take it?

Mum, why are you talking like a donkey???

Mmmm, smells good in here.

I always get compared to a horse.  
Maybe I'm more like a donkey!!

I'm just gonna have a little rest under the table.
It's my favourite place to nap.  

We want to offer our sincere sympathy and LOVE to the families of Gracie Lynn and Pip.  
You will be sadly missed mates.  
Run fast, run free.

No worries, and love,
Stella and Rory

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Our Vet visit.

Howdy Everybuddy.  Yesterday we went to the Vets for our annual vaccinations.

We were as good as gold and mum and dad were proud of us.  I walked into the vets had a quick sniff and dropped down and relaxed on the floor.  Mum of course did not take her camera!  Hopeless I say, especially when I wanted proof of my goodness.  Stella was fabaroony too.

Then Dr Anna gave us the once over.  Well, she tried with me butt (and this is the important word) I kept my BUTT on the floor and would not stand up.  Hehehe, there was not a darn thing they could do.  I know what they do with their sneaky backend dealings.  My temperature was guessed to be normal.  

Poor Stellie on the otherhand, FORGOT to sit and she was caught with her pants down.   Let's just say she was not amused!  Butt, it was a good thing cause she has a little infection from her, er, well, anal glands, shhhh, don't tell her I told you.  She's taking antibiotics and will be fine, just fine.  Mates, do not worry at all cause this is a very minor thingy.  We had our needles.  No worries. 

Well that's all from me.  Oh, I had a weigh in too.  Mum is now calling me Rotund Rory.  I don't think it's funny.  88.8 kgs (195 lbs).  Stellie is a petite 17.4 kgs (38 lbs).  

Here's a photo from our walk today.  See ya mates.

No worries, and slobber
Rory and Stellie


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Rory sings on Sunday

No worries, and love, Stella and Rory 

 P.S.  An update on our cousin Tyler.  He is home now, tremors and shaking have stopped.  Phew.  He gets tired more easily butt that will pass in time.  He is still a cheeky buggar with a wag in his tail and given the opportunity (which he will NOT be getting) he would still eat compost!  Thanks mates.  X X

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tyler Update

Howdy Mates.  Thank you for all your good thoughts for our cousin Tyler.  He has been at the Vets, on a drip and having valium to stops his spasms and shaking.  He seems ok.  

The Vet said poisons like this can affect the liver and it can take days/weeks to be filtered out. When this happens Tyler can become ill and have symptoms again.  One day fine, the next sick.  We are confident he will be fine because he is a strong healthy young man (nearly four years old) and he is wondering what the heck all the fuss is about.

Our two sisters who live at Tyler's house wished they could have valium too!  Nah, not really, well maybe just a little, hehe.  

We will let you know more but we say THANK YOU cause we were pretty scared and it helped A LOT to know Blogville had his back.

The moral of this story is, keep your compost covered if you can, away from the dogs.  The Vet says compost is full of toxins and fungus and is a big no no for doggies.  Tyler, being a labrador, loves his food and in the few minutes before our sissy grabbed him from the neighbours, he must have had a good old feed.  Also the symptoms didn't appear until abour four hours after he had been there. 

 Our cousin Tyler, he's an individual!

Once again, thanks mates.  No worries (especially for Tyler) and LOVE (for all of you), Stella and Rory

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

POTP for Tyler please.

Howdy Mates

We need POTP for our cousin Tyler.  He got into the neighbour's yard and ate some of their compost and is now at the Vets with poisoning.  Please keep him in your thoughts.

No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Monday, November 26, 2012

Tongue Piercing? Ouchie, holy mother of dog!

Howdy Everybuddy.  What a day I had today.  Well actually the fun started Saturday night when my brother found a chewed up thumb tack on the lounge room floor.  Where it came from no one knows and it's a mystery.  Did it come in on someone's shoe?  We just don't know.  

I didn't tell mum but I had a good chew on it for a while until I felt a stabbing pain right in the middle of my tongue.  Home job tongue piercing?  Dont even think about it!   Warning tongue photo below (not mine thank dogness!)

 I didn't tell a soul about my painful encounter cause it darn well hurt and I was feeling stoopid.  Anyhoo, by Sunday morning my tongue was sore but I still didn't let mum know.  We went to School and I was a little turd star.  I think I forgot to tell everybuddy but I have passed into Grade 6 but Rory is still in Grade 5.  I've decided to stay in his class till he gets used to being on his own.  He loves me butt is a sooky guts and always wants to be near me.  He can't help it though.  He is my little brother.

 Anyhoo (again), on the way home Mum thought I seemed a little quiet butt it was a pretty hot day so she thought I was worn out.  I slept quite a bit but still ate and drank and didn't drool or pant.

Next day, (today, Monday) mum went Christmas shopping (again) but came home with nothing but had managed to stop for coffee and a muffin and chat with a friend for about 87 hours.   I was home, suffering I tell you, suffering!

Mum finally came home, sat down to have coffee, again, and I yawned in front of her.  Well that was it, she jumped up, grabbed the torch and nearly rammed it down my throat.  My dog she sure had a good old look.  I sat like a little turd angel while she had me in the head lock.  She called the family and said I had something stuck in my tongue.  Then she thought she would check Rory's tongue to see if it looked the same so he had the torch rammed down his throat while she felt around.  Nothing on him and after this he ran and hid under the dining room table.  Why oh why, didn't I think to do the same I will never know.

So after a quick phone call to the Vet I was tossed in the back of the car and off we went.  My friends, I was amazing.  I sat wriggling and squirming still as a statue while Miss Prue checked my tongue.  After a couple of minutes, yes she could see something.  She thought it might be a grass seed although she thought this would be highly unlikely.  So because I was so good she said I could stay on my own for a little while so she could have a good look. 

Well mates, you would be proud.  I lay there and didn't move a muscle the whole time.  I believe I looked similar to this except I wasn't at the footy and I wasn't on my sissy's lap!

Stella, you little ratbag, you were under an anaesthetic. 

Oh mum, you don't know, you weren't even there.  As I was saying, there I lay, calmly letting Miss Prue check out my tongue while I counted sheep in my head.  Next thing I know, mum is back and off we went home.  Apparently I had a cut/pierce on my tongue, an ulcer had started next to it and it was pretty raw.  I had an injection of antibiotics too.  My dog, I was so brave.  

Butt, after all this trauma, stress and shock, the worst was yet to come.  Mum will not feed me.  That's right mates.  She says I cannot eat until tomorrow!!   What!  Please, ring the RSPCA for me will ya?  I'm STARVING.  

Well I'm feeling pretty sleepy now so will go and have a snooze.  

I hope mum feeds me tomorrow zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

P.S.  From Rory.  Stella is fine now, just cross cause she isn't allowed to eat till the morning.  And by the way, I'm not a sooky guts.  Well, not all the time anyway!  

No worries, and slobber, Rory and Stella






Thursday, October 18, 2012

Blimey, the Vet Stole Our Blood

Blimey Charlie mates, we went to the Vets yesterday and she STOLE our blood.  It all started as a nice quiet Wednesday.

Mum decided she needed to go shopping.  Needed to mum?  Or just plain wanted to.  Hmmm.  We'll let the readers decide that one.    She said we needed dog food.  Well she totally forgot the dog food but she did come back with this:

 She said now we can have a cuppa and some toast for dinner every night and she'll never have to cook again.  The family told her "She's dreamin".  

Anyhoo, back to the story.  Mum was meeting us at the Vets cause she was running late.  She was waiting and waiting and then got a phone call from Dad.  HE WAS VERY CROSS!!!

Rory would not get in the car!  Now I thought it was hilarious.  I was sitting in the car, calling him, laughing at Dad and having a wonderful old time.  There was Dad, trying his best, but Rory would not get in.  He went and hid under the bushes.  Rory, not Dad!

Dad doesn't know why he wouldn't get in.  Usually Mum is with us so we reckon he was just being a total SOOKY LA LA.  I couldn't help it Stellie, I was a bit scared and wanted mum.  That's ok Rory, everyone knows you are a Mum's boy.  It was bloomin' funny though.  Hehehehe.  Well, I thought so but Dad had a different opinion.   Anyhoo, Dad got some treats and before he could say "Rory, get in that blxxxy car" he jumped in easy as, and off they went. 

We did get our seat belts put on!

So we got to the Vets for our yearly immunisation.  All is going well. We are both a bit nervous cause we haven't been for a while butt our Vet Anna is lovely and a very gentle person so we relax and we're "Good Dogs".  Anna gives us liver treats, then mum gives us some and before we knew what was happening we had been jabbed and didn't even know it.  

We are feeling happy.  Mum, Dad and Anna are jabbering away and then we hear "blood test" and wonder what the heck is going on.  Apparently since we changed our Dog School and are driving down to the big smoke, hehe, Adelaide, we are more at risk of Heart Worm.  Here in the Adelaide Hills it is extremely rare (colder weather maybe) and the Vet has not seen a case for years.  Anyhoo just to be on the safe side we had to be tested for Heart Worm.  I, being the smallest and most easily held bravest went first.

Mum held my head and told me how absolutely wonderful I was and Anna stole my blood.  She was so darn quick I didn't have time to even squeak.  Next it was Rory's turn.  He didn't get to go up on the table like me.  Don't know why.  Anyhoo, he just stood there with mum telling him he was wonderful too.  Before Rory could say, Muuuuuuuuuum, Anna was finished with him too.  Jeez she's fast.  

So last thing we had our weight checked on the scales.  I was a trim, taut and terrific 14.4 kgs (31.7 lbs) and Rory was a cool 74 kgs (163 lbs)We said see ya later mates and off we went home.

About an hour later we got a phone call to say everything was fine and next week we go back for a once a year injection to prevent heartwork.  Easy Peasy.  

Well, that's all for now folks.  
No worries, and love, Stella and Rory