Howdy Mates. I was having a nice quiet morning home with mum. Everybuddy else was either at work or Uni so it was just us dogs and mum. Tyler and Jinx were staying while their mums worked. All good. See below, all relaxed and enjoying our wonderful Spring weather.
Tyler always likes to relax outside.
Rory loves his pillow, always near mum.
Jinx, always on the lookout for our sissy Penny.
Tyler and I, sitting next to mum.
All four of us relaxing.
Me, looking gorgeous hehe.
Hey, stop sniffing my bum.
More exciting news for us too.
Drum roll, please.
Here's mum and sissy.
Yep, she's having a baby in December.
We see beautiful mates.
We really do.
Take care everybuddy.
No worries, and LOVE, Stella, Rory, Tyler, and Jinx