
Stella and Rory

Stella and Rory
Showing posts with label Walks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walks. Show all posts

Saturday, April 7, 2012


This is a special edit to wish our dear friend
 Jed (from Jed and Abby)

Jed's health hasn't been very good and he needs 
the POTP.  Get well soon mate.  We love ya heaps!
Love Stella and Rory

Howdy Everybuddy, wowza what a great Friday we have had.  It started when Mum and Dad told us they had four days off and didn't have to work.  Yay.  We were having the family over for a BBQ and that sounded good to us.  First though, we went for a walk.

Can I get out now Dad?

A great place for our two to be off lead.  Virtually no car traffic, we get to meet other walkers and their dogs sometimes,
and we can practice their recall.

I came back, can I have a treat?

When Stella gets far enough ahead she always stops and looks for us and I have always said "Good Waiting" and given her a treat when I reached her.  Now as soon as she stops and looks towards us, if I say Good Waiting she comes running back for a treat.  Its going to be funny at obedience when I call out Good Waiting instead of Come hehe.

Possibly Fox pee mail Rory.  I'm not sure.

Can you see me?

Funny bark on our Gum tree (Eucalyptus tree)

Dad called out that mum had a hole in her shorts.
She's glad he's still looking at her ar, er rear end after 32 years hehe.

Poor Mr Fox, we don't know how he died.

All finished.

The best was yet to come!!!!

What the bloomin heck?

Where is everyone and what the hell is that wonderful smell??

Oh yeah baby, I escaped and rolled in cow poo.
It was wonderful, it was fabulous, I bet you are all green with jelly.
It was fresh, soft, squishy and smelt divine.

Someone call the RSPCA.  Totally unfair!

Laura, I swear its the truth.  She was covered in it.

See ya everybuddy.  Have a good Easter.
No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Monday, November 7, 2011

Very Good Girl hehehe.

Hi Everybuddy, today I went on my first big walk with mum and dad.  I have been bossing poor little Rory around cause mum says I am getting hormonal (whatever that means).  I don't want to be a mean bean but its kinda fun.  

Anyhoo, Mum says I must 'burn off some energy' so I was allowed to go with them on the biggest walk I have ever been on.  It was a piece of cake.  Of course mum forgot the camera but believe me, I was fantastic.  Up hills, down dales and everywhere inbetween.  I had a ball.  

Here are some photos of yesterday when Tyler went with mum and dad.  He was allowed 'off lead' cause it was very cool weather.  Today when I went I had to be 'on lead' cause it was much warmer and mum and dad saw their first brown snake of the season.  He was a biggie too.  Made mum's heart go boom boom boom.
This tree fell down after we had a minor earthquake the other night.

Now I know I can go on 'the big walk' with mum and dad all the time.  Hurray.   When we came home I was the best dog ever.  Mum said I was a VERY GOOD GIRL.  I said, of course I was.  Aren't I always.

Here are a couple of photos just for fun.

Tyler  - 'The Joker'

Stella - 'The Rascal'

Rory - 'The Dreamer' 

We also went for a small walk with Rory to our local Deli for a coffee with mum, dad, Paul, Laura, her boyfriend Paul, and James.  We were VERY GOOD too.  Rory and I watched everyone walk by and had some pats.  Note Dad's trousers.  By the end of the coffee they had lots and lots of slobber hehehe. Good one Rory.

After that tiny little walk Rory was a tired boy.  Gosh it only took 10 minutes to get there.  I love my plonky brother.

 Rory is not allowed to sit on the couch so he thought he would see how  comfy the footrest was.

 Me looking fabulous. Check out my bendy legs.

So we have had a very good weekend which mum says is very good.  She says "Stella, its good to be good"  Blah blah blah.  Dear old mum, she doesn't know it, but me and Rory always want to please her, we just like to keep her on her toes with a little mischief here and there hehehe.  

Well that's it for now.  Bye.  No worries, and love, Stella and Rory