Showing posts with label guimbarde. Show all posts
Showing posts with label guimbarde. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Musiques du Cambodge des forêts - anthologie de la musique des peuples

Musiques du Cambodge des forêts
anthologie de la musique des peuples - LP AMP 2902 P. 1970?

Side A

A1 Solo de guimbarde 2'50
A2 Chant d'homme et feuille vibrante 2'40
A3 Chants alternes et guimbarde 4'30
A4 Solo de feuille d'arbre 0'50
A5 Aerophone a anche libre et chant 3'05
A6 Chœur de deux hommes 4'00
A7 Solo d'areophone a anche libre 1'55
A8 Polyphonie de deux guimbardes 1'15

Side B

B1 Voix de la possesee Kuy 1'30
B2 Musique des divinites Kuy 4'30
B3 Invocation au protecteur du fer 1'55
B4 Chant de la recherche dans la foret 4'15
B5 Voix de la possedee Cham 2'30
B6 Orchestre du sacrifice du buffle 2'30

This is a real treat, and it seems that this rather hard to find LP unfortunately is the last I can post from this label, at least for a while. I thought I had one or two more but I am unable to locate those right now.

Anyhow, this LP, together with the Madagascar one, that I posted earlier, are my favourite of all the LP's on this label, and it makes me very happy to share this one as I am already certain of some of the reactions by some followers of this blog. It has lots of the "being there" feeling and it is full ov "organic instruments" like playing on leafs etc. Just like I like it! Hope you enjoy, and don't forget to tell me if you find other titles on this label.

Note that track B1 & B2 should be played gapless it is one track on the LP but listed
as two on the label and back of sleeve.