Showing posts with label Rapa Nui. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rapa Nui. Show all posts

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Les Musiques d'Île de Paques - anthologie de la musique des peuples

Les Musiques d'Île de Paques - Rapa Noui
anthologie de la musique des peuples - LP AMP 2908 P. 1974?

Side A

A1 ka onga ira
A2 ka hia manou
A3 kaï kaï
A4 hanga rahi a akou
A5 i he Hotou Matoua
A6 hétaoua o taaou
A7 makoï naou opata
A8 Hérou Apatou
A9 Hiva kara réré

Side B

B1 ka vévéri ka ara (love dream)
B2 mahatou iti iti
B3 Anakéna
B4 ité mééna éki éra
B5 haka kio
B6 tomou téa
B7 Church Song, during the Sunday Mass at Honga Roa
B8 Canticle in honour of the Virgin of Rapa Noui

There is unfortunately very little music to be found from Easter Islands, I know only of one German CD (from the nineties, and most likely out of print).