Showing posts with label Gypsies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gypsies. Show all posts

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Music from Hungary - Deben Bhattacharya rec. 1963-67

Music from Hungary - The Living Tradition
Recordings by Deben Bhattacharya
Argo Record Co. - ZFB 49 - P.1971

Side A

"Village Traditions"

A1 Csardas — slow and fast
a) Megérett a fakete cseresznye — The cherries are getting ripe
b) Szörkesztyü — The woolen gloves
A2 Song for Ring dance - Badogozzák a Pilisi templomot
A3 In the Green Wood - Zöld erdöben
A4 Pigherd's Dances
a) Pigherd's Dance
b) Esteledik a faluna — The evening comes to the village.
c) Hol lakik kend Báosi — Where does uncle live?
A5 Pigherd's Dances
a) Kanásztáne
b) Gyöngyömnek 100 forint ar ára — The price of my pearl is 100 florins
A6 Two Melodies on Bagpipes
a) Kukorica Csutája — Corn on the cob
b) Este virágzik a repee — In the evening the yellow blossom blooms
A7 Song of Szebeny
De sáros és porzik a szép Szebényi utea — How muddy; how dusty is the road to Szebén
A8 Love Songs from Ccárdas dance
a) Háromszinü sözre van a lovamnak — My horse has haor on its skin in three colours
b) Este késön koálltam a kiskapuba egy dül — Late in the evening I stood alone I stood alone at the small side-door.
A9 Wedding Song and Dance
— Máma tedd rá, holnap tedd rá — Mother how early must I leave you?
A10 Love Song
— Csütörtökön este… Thursday evening I was down at the end of the village.
A11 Fergsteges (Storm) — dance

Side B

"The Gypsies"

B1 Ciganytánc
— Two Cimbaloms
B2 Shepherd's Melody
— Juhászlegeny. Szegény. Juhászlegeny
B3 Gyors Csárdás — fast Csárdás
B4 The Rain
— Esik esö fuj a szél — The rain rains and the wind blows.
B5 Gyors Csardas — fast dance

"The Csango Hungarians"

B6 The Ballad of the Three Orphans
— Kaszálomba van egy nyirfa…
— In my grass field there is a birch three.
B7 Old Csardas
— Cicéles levélbül — Played on a pair of green pear leaves!
B8 Lullaby — Babaalitó
B9 Bride's song
— Készüjj Szep Leány Készujj
— Prepare yourself beautiful girl, prepare yourself.
B10 Kecsketanc — Goat dance,

Another installment in the "Deben goes to Eastern Europe" series. Next and last from Hungary for the time being, will be the Ocora. as always I hope you enjoy! Don't miss the tune played on green pear leaves B7!