Prestige de la musique extraeuropéenne. La Corée vol.1
ESP165528 Park Sang-Won · Le Kayagum - P.1979
Face A
1 Sangryungsan
2 Joongryungsan
3 Serryungsan
4 Karak-duli
5 Sanghyun-dodri
6 Hahyun-dodri
7 Yombul-dodri
8 Taryung
Kemyun-Dodri - Yangchung-Dodri
Face B
1 Jinyangjo
2 Joong-Mori
3 Joongjoong-Mori
4 Kut Kuri
5 Jajin-Mori
6 Hwi-Mori
Here is an LP that came to me as a revelation in the late seventies. I was very impressed with the keeping of time in the music, especially of the Sanjo compositions. I was listening at the same time to a small ensemble playing shaman music that I had found on a set of 8 K7's that had been presented by an Korean National institute to an institution here and that I had managed to borrow. I will try later to post all of those K7's as well as they contain great music but there is still musch editing to do before they will show up here. Anyhow I start with this one out of Korea as I have not been able to find any volume 2. At least for the moment that makes the publications of this subsection complete!
Park Sang-Won
[Born in Seoul in 1950, studied traditional classical music at the National Institute for Korean Classical Music. In 1978 he was invited to the USA and in 1979 he performed at a concert of Corean Classical Music in Carnegie Hall.]
I will present more records from this series by Disques Espérance, as it has a few real pearls in it, and I will publish my attempts at a discography of the series pompously named "Prestige de la musique extraeuropéenne" in as much detail as possible, at least as far as I have been able to reconstruct it by today. Any more information is most welcome. See my previous post for a first list of titles!