Showing posts with label Syria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Syria. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Music on the Desert Road - A Sound Travelogue by Deben Bhattacharya

Music on the Desert Road
- A Sound Travelogue by Deben Bhattacharya
Angel Records - 35515 - P.1958

Map of the travelled road...

Side A

A1 Turkey - Automobile on mountain Road - Central Anatolian Dance
A2 Turkey - Mevludin Nebevi (Religious chant)
A3 Syria - Rasd (Dervish song)
A4 Syria - Bedouin Song and Dance
A5 Jordan - Bedouin Coffee Grinding
A6 Iraq - Kesame-Meru (Kurdish ballad)
A7 Iran - Baba Karam (Love song)

Side B

B1 Iran - Rhythm of a Train (Drums)
B2 Iran - Humayun (Traditional melody)
B3 Afghanistan - Atan Dance Music
B4 Pakistan - Neemakai (Wedding folk song)
B5 India - Zila from Varanasi (Benares)
B6 India - Temple Bells and drums of a Bengali Kali Temple - Bhajan (Hindu devotional song, sung in Hindi)

Here is another record with some early recordings by Deben Bhattacharya that bears a close resemblance to the previous one I posted. Except this one takes us back again to India. I don't mind, that is where I want to be anyhow! It comes with an eight page full size leaflet to compensate for the totally uninformative black backside of the sleeve!

Some of the photos in it are great!

Tabl player

Nay player

Rababa player
Seems to be the very same picture as on the LP posted right before!

Santor player

Another picture of the young field recorder himself at work.

Cumbus player

Especially impressive do I find the photo of the Bedouin coffee percussionist...

The track of coffee grinding rhythm on the previous record is however more impressive than this one! The the last track with the bhajan also got me captured!

Hope you enjoy both the coffee and the rest of the music!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Music from the Middle East - Recordings by Deben Bhattacharya

Music from the Middle East - Recordings by Deben Bhattacharya
Argo Records - ZRG 532 - P.1967

Side A

A1a Syria - Mawal 2'40
A1b Syria - Andalusi Muwashashah 9'43
A2 Syria - Water-seller in Damascus Market 1'21
A3 Syria - Flute-seller in Damasqus Market 1'36
A4 Syria - Derwish prayer music in maqam Segah 6'15

Side B

B1 Bedouine Camp Syrian Desert - Coffee grinding beats 2'37
B2 Bedouine Camp Syrian Desert - Ballad Bedouine 3'35
B3 Iraq - Ehlelawi 3'29
B4 Iraq - Tabl 2'41
B5 Palestine - Bedouine Love Song 3'08
B6 Palestine - Dabkeh al-a Dala'ona 2'58
B7 Palestine - Arabic Romance in maqam Seeka 4'37

Joudad Halibie,qanun, A1a, A1b
Mohammad Jabban, Ud, A1a, A1b
Hazim, rabab, B2
Al-Haj Hashim Mohammad Al-Rejab, santur, B3
Shu'aib Ibrahim, joza, B3
Abdul-Karim Al-Azawi, tabl, B3, B4
Audi Said Hattas, rebaba, vocal, B5
Shelim Awwad, Mijwiz, B6
Yousif Naif, vocal, B6
Sebag Yehuda, B7

It is time for some more Deben Bhattacharya, My friends have left India on their way back and they will soon be clooser to this music than the Carnatic. The classical indian music will stay a long time in their ears and it am sure it will never leave either them nor this blog. We shall come back to India soon enough but now lets here some Arabic music along the middle eastern countries. Time for some strong coffee with the Bedouins of Jordania and Iraq! This Coffe Grinding beat is even better than the one coming on the next Deben in the Desert ....
As always, I hope you enjoy!


Don't you just feel uncomfortable when they chop off the head of the musicians !!!


Dancing Derwishes



Water vendor in the market of Damascus

Smell the coffee Arvind and Costis ;-)

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Syrian Maqams - Recorded by Deben Bhattacharya

The Syrian Maqams - The Living Tradition
Recorded and Produced by Deben Bhattacharya
Argo - ZFB 58 - P.1972

Side A

A1 Bashraf Sama'i Taatiyus
A2 Taqsim on Nay
A3 Taqsim on Violine
A4 Ajam on Buzuk

Side B

B1 Hijaz
B2 Rasd
B3 Taqsim on 'Ud

A1,A3, B1-B3 Recorded in Damascus 1955
A2,A4 Recorded in Damascus 1960

Named Musicians:

Badruddin Halibie, ney A2
Joudad Halibie, qanun A1
Muhammad Jabban, ud A1,B3
Muhammed Abdul Karim, buzuk A4

Sunday, June 20, 2010

EMI Pathé - Arabesques 3 - Selim Kusur - Nay - Updated Post!

This LP has been generously supplied by a good friend in music and the original post has been updated.

Link to original post is here.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

EMI Pathé - Arabesques 5 - Omar Naqishbendi - Luth traditionnel en Syrie -Thèmes damascènes

Omar Naqishbendi - Luth traditionnel en Syrie - Thèmes damascènes - Arabesques 5
EMI Pathé - 2C 066-95.161 - P.1974

Side A

A01 Rast 6'50
A02 Sikah-Huzam 5'30
A03 Nahavand 8'00

Side B

B01 Saba-Husayni 7'10
B02 Sikah-'Iraq 6'10
B03 Hijaz-Nava 6'30

EMI Pathé - Arabesques 3 - Selim Kusur - Nay

Selim Kusur - Nay - Flute classique en Syrie - Arabesques 3
EMI Pathé - 2C 066-95.159 - P.1974

Side 1

01 Kurdi
02 Sikah

03 Hijaz - 5'30
04 Saba - 10'00

Selim Kusur, nay

This is fortunately no longer a place holder but the real thing as the LP has materialized, thanks to a good friend in music who follows this blog. He generously offered a copy and supplied the scans and although there are a few minor skips I think it is more than adequate.

[Unfortunately this is just a place holder in case the record reappears from its murky grave.
This comment is fortunately outdated :-) ]