Musik från Bulgarien - The World of Music Series.
Inspelningar av Deben Bhattacharya 1965
Expo Norr RIKS LPX 4 - P.1971 (Caprice CAP 1085 - rev, P.1978)
Side A
Bytradition — Village tradition
1 Skördevisa 2'15
2 Skördevisa 1'20
3 Recitativisk sång och tambûrá 1'45
4 Horo - brällopsdans 1'35
5 Koledàré - julsång 2'30
6 Herdesång och gaida 5'25
7 Herdesång 2'45
8 Kavál - herdeflöjt 2'30
Side B
Stadstradition — Citytradition
9 Horo - Instrumental dansmusik 2'05
10 Kärleksvisa 2'40
11 Bröllopsmusik - gaida 3'05
12 Bröllopsvisa 1'15
13 Daichovo horo - kavál 2'00
14 Sång till horodans 1'20
15 Gankino horo - gadûlka 2'07
16 Sedénka 2'10
17 Horo - tambûrá 1'25
18 Kärleksvisa 2'25
Here is another record with the recordings of East European folk music traditions from Deben Bhattacharyas taperecorder from 1965. He certainly was very productive and also quite successful at getting his recordings published. Again many of the other recordings made at this trip and in many instances by these very same artists, were also later represented on other labels. I am especially happy to point out the post today on Folkcatalogues blog of this Argo Record Co. Bulgarian record. There is lots to read there so don't forget to check it out!
Songs and Dances from Bulgaria - P.1968
This record I am posting here, was scheduled for a bit later in the week, but I thought it was a good thing to let this one jump the line to coincide with that one, since the recorded material is so closely related.
Georgi Blagolo Rutev with his gaida (Pirdop)