Showing posts with label Barclay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barclay. Show all posts

Friday, May 7, 2010

L'Afghanistan - Musique de la Route Interdite du Nouristan

L'Afghanistan - Musique de la Route Interdite du Nouristan

Barclay - LP 920086 - P.1969
(Registre de Yves Sommavilla et François Denis 1968)

A1 Ruqs Kardan - Tulla et tambourines
A2 Naghma kharez hinneskhanna - damboura, rabab et tablas
A3 Chant dans le Nouristan

B1 Kandesh Kardan
B2 Danses Pachtouns de Chaga-Sarai
B3 Spinzar dasta - Chanteur avec delroba et tabla

This is another great record from the sixties one of my first 30 records actually, when I was just able to afford a few by myself! This one got a lot of playtime back then and still gets a spin now and then .

Please enjoy!