“If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?” - RuPaul - - - - - - - - - - - “if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.” - John F. Kennedy - - - - - - - - - - - - “Imagine finding someone you love more than anything in the world, who you would risk your life for but couldn’t marry. And you couldn’t have that special day the way your friends do – you know, wear the ring on your finger and have it mean the same thing as everybody else. Just put yourself in that person’s shoes. It makes me feel sick to my stomach …. When I shared a picture of my tattoo on my Twitter page and said, ‘ALL LOVE is equal,’ a lot of people mocked me – they said, ‘What happened to you? You used to be a Christian girl!’ And I said, ‘Well, if you were a true Christian, you would have your facts straight. Christianity is about love.’ The debate resulted in a lot of threats and hate mail to people who agreed and disagreed with me. At one point I had to say, ‘Dude, everyone lay off.’ Can’t people have friendly debates about sensitive topics without it turning into unnecessary threats?” - Pop star Miley Cyrus on her marriage equality tattoo - - - - - - - - - - -
Showing posts with label Parody. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parody. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Game of Thrones Birthday Rap Battle [NSFW]

For Game of Thrones Fans only: This is the ultimate birthday rap battle in history.  LOL.  The following video is NOT SAFE FOR WERK!!!  Let me repeat that - the following video is NOT SAFE FOR WERK!  And there's spoilers if you haven't seen any of the episodes.

It's Max's 10th birthday party--there's cake, candy, balloons, a bouncy castle, and the characters from "Game of Thrones" with their medieval swagger on full display. Epic rap breakdowns from all of your favorite characters! Including Robert Baratheon, Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Joffrey, Khaleesi (played by Taryn Southern!), and more! Watch how a birthday party is supposed to be—Seven Kingdoms-style—in the most ultimate rap battle ever!
via Stage Five TV.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Iron Man 3 - How It Should Have Ended

So by now everyone should have seen Iron Man 3. If you haven't, don't watch the video - you won't get it.

Check out HISHEdotcom's hilarious take on how Iron Man 3 should have ended; From the same folks who brought you:
Jurassic park: How It Should Have Ended,  
Return Of The Jedi: How It Should Have Ended
Super Cafe - The Super Social Network,  
Super Cafe - Bat Phone
The Dark Knight Rises: How It Should Have Ended, and 
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - How It Should Have Ended.

Don't miss the special cameos by Superman, Batman and The Avengers. LOL.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Laugh of the Day: Game of Desks

This is for Game of Thrones fans only.  Well, I suppose anyone can watch it, but I doubt you'll get any of the quirky references.  

Last week, Jimmy Fallon teased his followers with sneak peeks of his parody to Game of Thrones, "Game of Desks" before releasing it on Friday.  It was quite humorous - you will not be disappointed.

Plus... don't miss the cameos by Seth Meyers and Jay Leno.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - How It Should Have Ended

On Sunday, Ryan and I finally got around to watching Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.  I know - don't ask. LOL.  In either case, the lovely folks at HISHEdotcom posted their latest video on Saturday, How Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Should Have Ended.  Check it out, it's pretty funny.  And continue watching after the credits.

You may also like: Jurassic park: How It Should Have Ended, Return Of The Jedi: How It Should Have Ended, Super Cafe - The Super Social Network, Super Cafe - Bat Phone and The Dark Knight Rises: How It Should Have Ended

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Guns don't kill people. Batman does.

LMAO.  Awww, and you thought Batman was good.  The folks over at College Humor never cease to make me laugh.  

Batman claims to only put people to sleep - he doesn't kill them.  Uh..yeah. Check it out.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Funday: RuPaulogize

It's time for some Sunday Funday realness!!!  I'll be posting two music videos that are absolutely hilarious and are sure to be a hit.  Be warned, both videos are NSFW and each will be posted separately.

The first video features our favorite drag queen superstars, Willam Belli and Sharon Needles.  Will this bring down Belli's previous video, "This Boy is a Bottom"?  I think it may very well do that - I can't stop playing it. 

You may remember Willam coining the term "RuPaulogize" in season 4 of Drag Race, so you knew a song was coming.  The video, which features Sharon Needles as RuPaul, parodies One Republic's, "Apologize".  You have to check it out - you'll be ROFLD (rolling on the floor dancing).


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Game of Thrones Wish-Fulfillment

We, Game of Thrones fans, wish things could have been a little more different.  Especially when they killed of our hero, Ned Stark!  Now we're all wishing for Joffrey's death, and a gruesome one at that.  Well, the folks over at College Humor have put together an excellent parody titled, Game of Thrones Wish-Fulfillment, which finds all of our wishes becoming a reality.  Check it out, it's pretty humorous.

Friday, March 29, 2013

The One That Turned You Gay

Who's in for a little humor this morning?  I saw this video a couple of years ago, but completely forgot to post it.  YouTube Vlogger Shane Dawson, did a parody of Katy Perry's, "The One That Got Away" and titled it, "The One That Turned You Gay".  The lyrics are pretty darn funny.

How was Aunt Hilda to know she would turn her nephew gay?  Lol.

Isn't This The Truth? The First Honest Cable Company

You know? As many times as Ryan and I have called the cable company over the past year, I'm starting to think that everything in this video is true.  Cable companies are all in cahoots together - just so they can make "pools of money".

Little do they know I'm getting a $50 credit on my monthly bill until 2060, LOL.  I love it.  In either case, watch this video, it's absolutely hilarious, and oh, so true.  NSFW - contains some vulgar language.  Not suitable for children under 18.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Zombie Story

You want proof The Walking Dead and Toy Story are very much alike? Then look no further, I found it!  LMAO.  

Written by John Wray and posted by redditor jimmylegs50, the following images are absolutely hilarious, but they truly fit.  You can see a few below and all forty after the jump.
Check out the rest after the jump...

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Did You Miss America's Best

If you haven't seen this show, don't worry, you haven't missed much. It pretty much sums up every talent show on earth.  

Ugly old Ted Dricks doesn't have any talent at all... Unless he happens to possess an incredible skill that no one with half a brain would think he was capable of.

Check out the following parody by The OnionIt's absolutely hilarious, and oh so true.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

What Happened After the "Ever-Afters" of Ariel, Jasmine, Belle and Pocahontas?

My Facebook is overrun by this viral video that was posted merely two days ago.  So in order to satisfy those who haven't seen it.  I've posted it on my blog.
So who needs YouTube when you got PAINT, right?  At least that's what the protagonist, Jon Cozart calls himself on YouTube.

If you want to know what happened to Ariel, Jasmine, Belle and Pocahontas after their "ever-afters", Jon will sing it to you in this cute parody of Disney animations.  Enjoy.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Gollum Sings Les Miserables

LMAO.  Ever wonder what it would sound like if Gollum from The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and The Hobbit were to sing, "I Dreamed A Dream" from the movie, Les Miserables?  Well, now's your chance to get the exclusive first look and listen.  

Thank you Geeks Are Sexy, for sharing this funny video.  Definitely made me laugh.

Monday, February 4, 2013

This Boy Is A Bottom (NSFW)

The following video was released a few days ago by drag superstar, Willam Belli and it's absolultely hilarious!  I loved it so much, I had to download it.  You may remember, Willam was eliminated for breaking the rules in Season 4 of RuPaul's Drag Race, where he went on to say he wasn't going to "RuPaulogize" for breaking the rules.

As with most videos by Belli, it is NSFW so make sure to have some headphones on or wait to play it at home.

The video parodies the song, "Girl is on Fire" by Alicia Keys.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

It's Not One Direction - It's Wrong Direction, LOL.

So tell me this...  Are political ads supposed to excite you into voting, or are they there to turn you off from the opposing candidate?
I don't know about you, but I think I prefer political ads like this one.  Courtesy of Buzzfeed & Facebook, the music video below is a parody to One Direction's "What Makes You Beautiful", featuring former Houston native, Colby Melvin, and starring alongside him, Quinn C. Jaxon, David Brackett, Brandon R. Brown and Jonathan Myers.  

Sure they're taking on Mitt Romney as they play around the pool, but it's the message that's important, right? LOL. Check it out, it's pretty funny, and hot too.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Winter Is Coming... A Game of Thrones Parody Tribute

If you have not seen the season finale of Game of Thrones, then I don't recommend watching this.  But if you have, then you can.  :-)

The Key of Awesome have created a parody using Maroon 5's Payphone as a tribute to Game of Thrones, whose second second season ended this past Sunday.  Sad, but true.

The video is NSFW, but humorous nonetheless.

Adam Levine is quitting Maroon 5 because he can't stop watching Game of Thrones!  Lol.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Just Sayn'

Just thought I'd bring a little humor to your day :-) 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Cyanide and Happiness: She's All That

The Muppet Hunger Games

If you haven't noticed - we haven't heard from Miss Piggy and the gang for quite some time.  Well.... that's because they're getting ready for the Games!  The Hunger Games that is.  LOL.

Actually, in order to promote its DVD/Blu-ray release of The Muppets, Disney has come up with a parody to the real Hunger Games movie, and it's really cute. You'll like it.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Captain Kathryn Janeway vs. The Cast of Frasier

I felt a little bit of nostalgia coming on, and had to post this video of Captain Kathryn Janeway from the television series, "Star Trek: Voyager".

The series aired from 1995-2001 on the UPN network which later changed it's name to the CW.  It was the networks longest airing series at the time and I watched every single episode.  Of all the Star Trek shows, this was by far, my favorite.  The Captain, while foolish in her decisions at times, was statuesque, brave and downright sexy.  We all loved her.  Well... most of my friends did anyway. LOL.

In either case, the cast from the sitcom, "Frasier" which aired from 1993-2004 were featured alongside Captain Janeway and her bridge during the Emmy Awards and it was absolutely hilarious.  Check it out.

I have organized my blogs with 3 days worth of postings, so if you wish to continue reading the days before that, and so forth and so forth, you can click the "Older Posts" button /\ /\ /\ right /\ up there.

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Hope you enjoy my daily posts, and hope to hear from you soon.

- Blade 7184 aka Peter