What a Hot Mess! This show is going to be too hilarious not to watch. Ryan babe, set the DVR, we are watching this show! If you haven't seen or heard of it, here's your chance. The show premieres this fall, along with all our other show favorites.
Every one of you are the same, you watch a show, and you bitch about a contestant or celebrity who rubs you the wrong way, or you simply just don't like them. I know, I do it at work all the time. It's water-cooler fodder.
I'm not a hater, but I do hate the actions some of these folks portray on national television. On the other hand, I do have a few friends who hate. And they're haters through and through. They'll say it straight to your face, "I don't like her, I never have."

The show, hosted by Mario Lopez, deals with celebrities who confront the very people who talk shit about them. These fans, or people who have never seen their show are thrown for a loop when they're approached by the celebrity in person. In the two clips below, Snooki from the famous "Jersey Shore" cast, walks into a pool hall to confront her vicious H8R, “So I don’t understand why you’re calling me a drunken slob cuz that’s all you see of me..." At first, he had been ranting on the video that she was an Italian wannabe, and when she confronted him about it, he didn't have anything to say. But not this time, he sarcastically tells her, “Cuz you are a drunken slob.” In the second clip, a woman named Deena has been bitching about how Kim Kardashian displays her ass all over the place, "we don't get praise for this" as she puts her hands on her hips. "but all of the sudden we got this damn Kim K and now all these white bitches got azzz... it's f***ing up the game for me!" Kim confronts Deena at what seems to be her yoga class.

What a hot mess! This show is going to be the shit.
Watch Kim confront Deena after the jump...