This is for Game of Thrones fans only. Well, I suppose anyone can watch it, but I doubt you'll get any of the quirky references.
Last week, Jimmy Fallon teased his followers with sneak peeks of his parody to Game of Thrones, "Game of Desks" before releasing it on Friday. It was quite humorous - you will not be disappointed.
Plus... don't miss the cameos by Seth Meyers and Jay Leno.
A few weeks ago Ryan and I were watching television when a commercial appears on the screen. It was Justin Bieber introducing us to his new perfume line. We just looked at each and said, "Oh dear LORD."
This week he appeared with Jimmy Fallon on his late night talk show, and this was the outcome...
As everyone knows by now, Oprah's last show, after 25 years on network television, ended on Wednesday, May 25th. And as heartbreaking as it was to millions of women and gays around the world, Jimmy Fallon had to humor her audience in the most comical of ways. By distinguishing the Pros & Cons of Oprah's last show.
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Hope you enjoy my daily posts, and hope to hear from you soon.
- Blade 7184 aka Peter