“If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?” - RuPaul - - - - - - - - - - - “if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.” - John F. Kennedy - - - - - - - - - - - - “Imagine finding someone you love more than anything in the world, who you would risk your life for but couldn’t marry. And you couldn’t have that special day the way your friends do – you know, wear the ring on your finger and have it mean the same thing as everybody else. Just put yourself in that person’s shoes. It makes me feel sick to my stomach …. When I shared a picture of my tattoo on my Twitter page and said, ‘ALL LOVE is equal,’ a lot of people mocked me – they said, ‘What happened to you? You used to be a Christian girl!’ And I said, ‘Well, if you were a true Christian, you would have your facts straight. Christianity is about love.’ The debate resulted in a lot of threats and hate mail to people who agreed and disagreed with me. At one point I had to say, ‘Dude, everyone lay off.’ Can’t people have friendly debates about sensitive topics without it turning into unnecessary threats?” - Pop star Miley Cyrus on her marriage equality tattoo - - - - - - - - - - -
Showing posts with label Batman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Batman. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Evolution of Batman

A comprehensive and extensive chart of the Batman logo evolution, spanning over 72 years from 1940 - 2012 to map the transformation of a timeless hero.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Guns don't kill people. Batman does.

LMAO.  Awww, and you thought Batman was good.  The folks over at College Humor never cease to make me laugh.  

Batman claims to only put people to sleep - he doesn't kill them.  Uh..yeah. Check it out.

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises: How It Should Have Ended

In June I posted how The Avengers should have ended, and it was absolutely hilarious.  Well, now it's the Dark Knight's turn. LOL.
From the same fabulous guys who brought you Jurassic park: How It Should Have Ended, Return Of The Jedi: How It Should Have Ended, Super Cafe - The Super Social Network, and Super Cafe - Bat Phone, comes this hilarious re-telling of the blockbuster summer movie, The Dark Knight Rises: How It Should Have Ended

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Batman: Nightwing

If you're a comic book fan, or a Batman fan in general, You'll more than likely enjoy watching this short video.  While I'm not a huge fan of Batman, I have seen all the movies.  I'm more of a Superman / Wonder Woman kinda guy :-)

With only a few hundred bucks and not much time putting it together, I think Jeremy Le & Danny Shepherd did a decent job with Batman's sidekick, Nightwing (whos' kinda hot btw) LOL.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

What If You're Superheroes Were Hip?

If you're a superhero fan, you'll love these great images, but they're not only creative pieces of art, they are Hipster Superheroes!  Yep, these superheroes are hip and no one will tell them otherwise.  Hipster Superheroes are derived from the creative geniuses over at College Humor and I have also included a video down below.

You have a hip Iron Man, Professor Xavier, Spidey, Hulk, Aquaman, Batman, and yes, even a hip Wonder Woman.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Laugh of the Day: Super Cafe - Bat Phone

Absolutely hilarious!  The following video premiered last week, and I just barely got around to watching it.  Superman and Batman are back in this hilarious How It Should Have Ended production.
In today's video, the guys are back in the Super cafe, and this time Batman insists he doesn't need the new iPhone, he's got a sweet BAT PHONE, and no one is going to convince him otherwise.  This is a definite Must Watch!

If you don't remember my previous post, "Laugh of the Day: Super Cafe - The Super Social Network," you can view it here.  In the video, Superman and Batman had posted Facebook updates and Batman thought Superman's updates were "coming across as a little arrogant".  It was OMG hilarious.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Batman Logos

Who would've thought there were so many Batman logos?
Even Batman is saying WTF?!? LOL.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

It's Purely Animal - Issue No. 53 - BATDOG vs. SUPERCAT

Okay, I know it isn't Halloween yet - we're still 7 months away.  But I thought these pics were too cute not to share.  These are your quintessential Superhero pets!  Meet BATDOG and SUPERCAT.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Laugh of the Day: Super Cafe - The Super Social Network

You superhero fans are gonna love this.  I couldn't keep from laughing it was too funny.  This has to be my laugh of the day... for now at least ;-)
Superman and Batman are posting updates and Batman thinks Superman's updates "are coming across as a little arrogant"

This is a definite must watch, you absolutely have to see it if you're a Superman or Batman fan.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

To Troll A Predator... with... Batman

So what do you do when Chris Hansen is no longer around to film "To Catch A Predator"?  Watch Batman's version of it.  LMAO!
OMG, Ryan and I used to love watching this show.  The premise of the show, which aired on MSNBC, was to catch adults preying on underage youth usually around 13-15, through online chat rooms.  Do these still exist?  

In either case, a house would be used to draw these men to it, with the hope that they would meet the teenage kid they were chatting with to have sex.  The decoy, who was either a boy or girl (never really looked like a teenager), was used in the filming of this show.  After inviting them in they would leave to get some "lemonade" or "to change clothes",  and Chris Hansen would pop out and say, "I'm Chris Hansen, with Dateline NBC."

This would spook the predator, but they would rarely attempt to leave without saying a word to Hansen, but guess what?  They weren't going anywhere, the cops were waiting outside for them.  Some of these were preachers, teachers, and fathers with teenagers of their own.  And the things they would say, were "out of this world" ridiculous.

Well... Since Chris Hansen isn't around, Batman has come to the rescue.  Sounds kinda funny, right?  But this guy is actually helping you see a reality which happens way too often.

A man dressed as Batman has been creating fake online accounts and chatting with older men in order to lure them into meeting for sex.  When they show up at an unspecified location, he confronts them with his raspy "Batman" voice.  LOL. Hey whatever works, right?  Maybe this will make the predator think twice before he does it again.  Check out a hero at work...  The online messages are NSFW, it's rather descriptive.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Batman Live Arena Tour

We've watched the news, read the newspaper, checked our online sources, and the Spider-Man Broadway show in New York has been a disaster from the "get-go", but the UK's Batman Live Arena Tour may be a different story.  The show released a new trailer to their much-anticipated European tour, and it looks pretty darn awesome.  The critics are complaining already, but I truly see hope in this.  First, it's not a musical, and second it looks like something Cirque du Soleil would put together.  Who knows, maybe the tour will make it to the U.S.  
According to the BBC this massive on stage production cost millions, and promises a 100-foot stage "that will house scale models of Gotham City and a circus tent." The show also promises a Batmobile, martial arts and "gadgets."
Check out the trailer...

The first show for Batman Live, opens at the M.E.N. Arena on July 19, 2011. For more info go to www.batmanlive.com

Friday, February 18, 2011

Interesting Concepts - Wolverine?

I thought this was really cool and had to share.

Wolverine or 2 Batmans?

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Hope you enjoy my daily posts, and hope to hear from you soon.

- Blade 7184 aka Peter